Agenda and minutes

Members' Training and Development Panel - Thursday 17 December 2009 2.30 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

Contact: Debbie Bacon (Ext, 2054)  Email:

No. Item


Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 22nd October, 2009 pdf icon PDF 78 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 22nd October 2009 were agreed as a correct record.


With regard to Minute No 29 (Leadership Academy – Community Safety Programme – Warwick – 2nd and 3rd December 2009), Councillor Currie had expressed an interest.  It was agreed that he would be informed of future Leadership Academy opportunities.


“A Day in the Life of a Councillor” DVD pdf icon PDF 50 KB


Cath Saltis presented the submitted report which sought members support for the creation of a short DVD which would be designed to promote greater understanding of the democratic process.  The DVD would be used as a borough wide resource to inform citizens of the work of elected members.


It would be a highly effective source of citizenship information in local schools and would broaden both adults and young people’s knowledge of local councillors’ work.  It was hoped that by understanding the role and responsibility more people would become involved in the democratic process and consider standing as a councillor.


It was envisaged that the DVD would run for approximately 20 minutes starting with a 2 minute introduction, followed by three 6 minute “Day in the Life” films about local councillors.


It was suggested that elected members be identified from the following groups within the Council to take part in the DVD:-


  • Opposition
  • Female
  • Younger Members
  • Black and Minority Ethnic


A key message that the DVD would convey was that local democracy was open to all and would show the routes to get involved in the democratic process.  This could be through surgeries, Area Assembly meetings, School Councils, Scrutiny meetings, being a school governor etc.


Filming would begin as early as possible in the New Year and a schedule of dates and times would be agreed with the selected members.  The work would need to be edited and completed by the end of February 2010.


Discussion and a question and answer session ensued and the following issues were covered:-


  • It was felt that there needed to be a reasonable number of members included in the DVD to ensure variety.  However the costs contained within the report were based on using only 3 members and therefore any increase in the numbers of members could result in an increase in cost.
  • It was noted that the DVD could appear on the Council Website, YouTube and the “Beacouncillor” website.
  • It was suggested that the DVD be used as part of new member induction.
  • If possible Parish Councillors and School Governors be approached to take part.
  • A suggestion was made that young people be involved in the making of the DVD and that they should undertake the interviews of Councillors.


Following this discussion it was suggested that 3 members be involved in developing the content of the DVD:-


  • Councillor Barry Dodson
  • Councillor Jane Austen
  • Councillor John Turner


Resolved:- (1) That the development of a “Day in the Life” DVD be supported and appropriate funding from the Member Development Budget be agreed.


(2) That it be agreed that the 3 members meet with officers early in the new year to progress work on the DVD Storyboard.


Media Training - Feedback


Cath Saltis gave an update on the Media Training which had taken place.  She confirmed that six elected members had been chosen to take part and had engaged well.  The training had involved interviews on the telephone and also on the street.  


It was suggested and agreed that Cath would produce a report for the next meeting of the panel based on the written feedback received from the Consultants.


ICOCO (Institute of Community Cohesion) - Progress


Cath Saltis gave an update on progress made in relation to ICOCO (Institute of Community Cohesion).


She confirmed that the proposal was currently being worked on.  Once this was agreed an invitation would be extended to all councillors including parish councillors for training.  A report would be presented to a future meeting with the proposed dates.


It was agreed that as much advanced notice as possible be given so as to give parish councillors every opportunity to attend.


Members' Induction Programme - Preparation


Sioned-Mair Richards gave an update in relation to the Members’ Induction Programme.  She outlined the topics for inclusion in future induction sessions and confirmed that it would be available on the Council’s intranet and all Councillors would be given access to it.


Sioned asked for volunteers to help with pulling the induction package together and the following members were nominated:-


  • Councillor Jane Austen
  • Councillor Paul Lakin
  • Councillor David Pickering
  • Councillor Peter Wootton
  • Councillor Reg Littleboy
  • Councillor Darren Hughes (or substitute)


Date and Time of Next Meeting - Thursday, 21st January, 2010 at 2.00 p.m in Bailey House.


Agreed:- That the next meeting of the Members’ Training and Development Panel take place on Thursday 21st January 2010 at 2.30 pm.