Agenda and draft minutes

The Former School Organisation Committee - Thursday 1 December 2005 3.00 p.m.


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Malcolm Robertson, Ann Winfield, Kabir Hussain, Ted Kelsey, Barry Sampson, David Smart, Joan Troy, Jackie Scott, Councillor Havenhand, Mr. Sulleman and Frank McDermott.


Appointment of Chairman


Resolved:- That Irene Hartley be appointed Chair of this meeting.


Introductions and Welcome


Introductions were made and Shabana Ahmed and Margaret Smith were welcomed to their first meeting of the School Organisation Committee.


Declarations of Interest


Margaret Smith declared a personal interest.  Margaret knew the Chair of Governors of the JuniorSchool in a professional capacity.


Irene Hartley declared a personal interest due to her role as Personal Assistant to the Local Government of Parliament (the objectors had written to local MP’s).


Tom Minett, Democratic Services Officer, advised both members with respect to the regulations on declarations of interest.


Proposal to Amalgamate Swinton Fitzwilliam Junior and Infant schools and objections received relating to the proposal


Tom Minett, Democratic Services Officer, advised the meeting of the procedure to be followed in respect of determining this proposal.


The Committee was advised to consider the following three issues as part of the decision-making procedure, prior to consideration of the proposal, and prior to inviting the press and public into the meeting.


1.                  Did the Committee wish the meeting to be open to the public and press?


Resolved:-  That the meeting be open to the public and press.


2.                  How many speakers on behalf of the objectors did the Committee consider to be a suitable number to speak to the objections?


Resolved:-  That the two representatives, one from the Infant school and one from the Junior school be allowed to present information on behalf of their particular school.


3.                  Did the Committee feel it was necessary to arrange a site visit?


At this point recent photographs of the schools’ sites, showing a comparison of the proximity of both schools were shown.


The photographs put into context the slope between, and different levels of, the two schools, in response to one of the complaints raised by the objectors.


At this point members  (3 objectors) of the public and press were invited into the meeting and informed of the decision by the School Organisation Committee to visit both schools prior to further consideration of the proposal.  The objectors confirmed their agreement to this decision.


Resolved:-  That, despite the photographs circulated, a site visit be arranged for Thursday, 15th December at 10.00 a.m.  That this visit include a visit to an amalgamated school of similar circumstances and layout.