Agenda and draft minutes

The Former School Organisation Committee - Wednesday 11 January 2006 3.15 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Ted Kelsey, Malcolm Robertson, Ann Winfield and Councillors Austen and Havenhand.


Appointment of Chairman


Resolved:-  That Irene Hartley be appointed Chair of this meeting.


Welcome and Introductions


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made.


To consider the proposal to amalgamate Swinton Fitzwilliam Junior and Infant Schools and objections received relating to the proposal.


Consideration was given to the content of a report of the Manager, School Organisation Planning and Development, regarding a proposal to ‘amalgamate’ Swinton Fitzwilliam Infant and SwintonFitzwilliam JuniorSchools with effect from 1st September, 2006.


In order to do this both Schools will be closed and a new Fitzwilliam Primary school, with an age range of 3-11 years, will be opened.  The new Primary school will accommodate the same number of pupils as are currently accommodated within the two schools.


The school would have 350 places (R-Y6) with a Nursery unit of up to 52 places (26 FTE).  (This is the combined numbers of the current two schools).  The new school would have an admission number of 50.


The principal objectives of amalgamation are:-


i)                     to provide a continuous primary entitlement across the key stages; and


ii)                   to provide a unified management structure with a single school ethos which will be more efficient and make more effective use of resources.


Considerations for amalgamation are described in the School Organisation Plan in Section 4, ‘LEA Policies and Principles’.  These are where:-


(1)               It is possible to accommodate all of the children on one site, thereby removing surplus places (if applicable).


(2)               The admission limit is already no more than 60, or can be reduced to no more than 60, by the associated removal of surplus places.


(3)               Both Key Stages are on the same site.


(4)               There is a vacancy for one or both head teacher posts (and possibly deputy head teachers also) as a result of retirement or resignation.


The criteria for amalgamation has been met.


In considering the proposal, members had regard to the following:-


-                      statutory consultation process;

-                      details of the objections/concerns raised by parents/community/staff, together with the LEA’s responses to those concerns;

-                      the relevant statutory guidance;

-                      the timetable for the proposal;

-                      the Statutory Guidance to be followed in deciding upon the issue;  the procedures to be followed,

-                      the specific issues to be considered in respect of the proposal as set out in the papers submitted (including advantages and disadvantages);

-                      the submissions made by various parties – i.e. LEA, School Governing Bodies, Access Officer and letters from parents/community/staff;

-                      the content of the School Organisation Plan,

-                      the letters of objections to the proposal.


At the conclusion of the LEA’s presentation to the meeting, the following questions were raised-


Member of SOC – Regarding the decision on whether to have one or two staffrooms, did this mean one school having an enlarged staff room or both, and if so, how soon would that be done?


Response from LEA – Mr. G. Sinclair, Acting Head of Service, Resources and Access explained that one school would have one enlarged staff room.  There may be areas in both buildings where staff could make a drink, for example.  In terms of when the staffroom would be available, ideally it would be ready from 1st September, 2006.


Member of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 40.