Agenda and minutes

The Former Tourism Panel - Monday 14 July 2008 2.30 p.m.

Venue: Winthrop Park - Nature Therapy Community Park, Second Lane, Wickersley, ROTHERHAM. S66 1EE

Contact: Janet Cromack, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Guided Tour of Winthrop Park, Second Lane, Wickersley


Before the meeting began, members of the Tourism Panel undertook a guided tour of Winthrop Park, which had been developed during the past three years as a nature therapy community park.


Appointment of Chairman and Vice-Chairman


The appointment of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman for the 2008/2009 Municipal Year was deferred until the next meeting. It was agreed that Councillor Sheila Walker should chair this meeting.


(Councillor Sheila Walker in the Chair)


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 2nd June, 2008 pdf icon PDF 165 KB


Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting of the Tourism Panel held on 2nd June, 2008.


Agreed:- That the minutes be agreed as a correct record.


Matters Arising


Item 10(i) Promotions to potential European Visitors


This matter was being revisited.


Items raised by Industry Representatives


Discussion took place on the following items:-


(a) There was an increased number of visitors to the MAGNA Centre, as well as more events taking place there.


(b) Hoteliers seemed to be having a difficult time at the moment.


(c) It was anticipated that the Rotherham College of Arts and Technology would relocate some of its activities to the MAGNA Centre.


(d) There should be more championing of the successes of local industry (eg: steel work for the new roof of the Wimbledon tennis stadium and the London Assembly building).


Yorkshire South Tourism - Guest Speaker - Richard Jones


The Tourism Panel welcomed Richard Jones, Chief Executive Officer of the Yorkshire South Tourism organisation, who spoke about the following issues:-


- in order to improve investment in Yorkshire’s tourist economy, Yorkshire Forward would provide £5 millions to £10 millions during the three years’ period 2009-2012 (to be spent on, for example, development of local product offer; business support; sports and other events marketing); there was better recognition of local authority spending on tourism initiatives; there would be one-for-one match funding of local authority


- Yorkshire Forward was inviting bids for proposed tourism schemes by 8th September 2008;


- Sheffield Hallam University was undertaking studies to determine the size of South Yorkshire’s visitor economy, including the definition of a ‘day visitor’; 40% of the visitor economy was due to business tourism;


- European Objective 1 funding was available for tourism schemes and proposals, with bids from Area Tourism Partnerships to be submitted before 31st December 2008; the funding allocated would have to be spent by 31st March 2009;


- in terms of local identity, the Panel noted the limited use of the ‘Yorkshire Flag’.


Richard Jones was thanked for his contribution to the meeting.


Yorkshire Tourism Authority and Yorkshire Tourism Operators' Group - meetngs papers on Proposed Review of Tourism in Yorkshire - update pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Joanne Edley, Tourism Manager, and Matthew Beck, MAGNA, to report.

Additional documents:


The Tourism Panel considered papers which included details of the revised principles and governance of the Yorkshire Tourism Network. It was noted that a Councillor would have to be nominated as Rotherham’s representative on the Yorkshire Tourism Network.


The Tourism Operators’ Group would cease, at the YTB AGM in November.


Rotherham Walking Festival - Update

Michelle Mellor, Assistant Tourism Officer, to report.


This year’s Rotherham Walking festival had taken place from 30th June to 13th July, 2008. There had been approximately 1,000 participants. The sum of £280 had been raised to be donated to this year’s Mayor’s Charity. There had been a suggestion that the festival ought to end with a barn dance, although a source of funding would need to be identified.


A full report about the festival would be submitted to the next meeting of the Tourism Panel.


Town Centre Events

Dawn Campbell, Events and Promotions Officer, to report.


The Tourism Panel noted the success of the following events:-


-                      Festival Market:-

This year’s Festival Market took place at the end of May and comprised of the monthly farmer’s market followed immediately a three day Continental market.  A new element to this years event included a ‘phone in’ competition in conjunction with Rother FM to win a four day Continental Break courtesy of Marriott Travel who are based within Rotherham Town Centre;


-                      Big Screen:-

As part of the wider national Big Screen Summer Programme, Rotherham screened the Royal Opera House’s performance of Romeo and Juliet, live from Convent Garden, London on the afternoon of Sunday 1st June 2008;


-                      Community Events:-

The Events team have so far this year worked with the local Pentecost Church to host a Pentecost Celebration event which included a large stage, music and dance throughout the day.  In addition Rotherham Open Minds Theatre Company have delivered their Colour Dome event.


-                      Ministry of Food:-

Jamie Oliver’s Ministry of Food, located in a shop Unit in All Saints Square are getting involved in the Town Centre Events programme including China Now and Rotherham by the Sea.


Mention was also made of forthcoming events:-


-                      ‘China Now’ event on 19th July, 2008;


-                      Yorkshire Day on the 1st August - sale of Yorkshire produce at the Tourist Information Centre;


-                      Last Night of the Proms to be shown on the Rotherham Big Screen on 13th September 2008.


-                      The ‘Love Music Hate Racism’ event would shortly (delete “shortly”) take place at the MAGNA Centre on 6th September, 2008. The Tourism Panel agreed that every effort should be made to streamline the events taking place in the Rotherham Town Centre, within Clifton Park and at the MAGNA Centre.


Steelos Project

LizzyAlageswaran, Principal Officer – Community Arts, and Matthew Beck, Magna, to report.


(Councillor Boyes declared a personal interest in this item being a personal friend of the project co-ordinator.)


Lizzy Alageswaran, Principal Officer, Community Arts, reported on the work of the Community Arts Service which included:-


-                      community arts events

-                      the development of Rotherham as a cultural destination

-                      developing a new cultural centre as part of the Rotherham Renaissance initiative

-                      enlargement of the sculpture in the park, held event at Clifton Park

-                      development of a sculpture symposium

-                      a funding bid for a performance of a Shakespeare play in Clifton Park

-                      introduction of a Rotherham Film Festival.


Lizzy also presented a paper entitled “Steelos – Rotherham Musical”, about the development of a Musical, to be performed at the MAGNA Centre late in 2009. A number of applications for funding were being prepared for the project.


Any Other Business




The Tourism Panel was informed that the MAGNA Centre had been shortlisted in 2 categories for the YTB White Rose Awards 2008. These awards were for Large Visitor Attractions and for John Heaps Award for Outstanding Customer Service.


(2) Winthrop Park – Nature Therapy Community Park, Wickersley


The Tourism Panel was informed that Winthrop Park had been awarded a National Community and Heritage Award and had been shortlisted for a National …….. Award, the next ceremony would be taking place in London on 9th September, 2008.


Date, Time and Venue of the next meeting

Monday, 15th September, 2008 at 2.00 p.m. at the Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.


Agreed:- That the next meeting of the Tourism Panel take place on Monday, 15th September, 2008, commencing at 2.00 p.m., at the Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.