Agenda and minutes

The Former Tourism Panel - Thursday 15 January 2009 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

Contact: Janet Cromack, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Introductions/Apologies for Absence


The Chairman welcomed those present and introductions were made.  Special reference was made to the attendance of Richard Jones, Chief Executive Officer, Yorkshire South Tourism.


The Chairman explained that Councillors Doyle, McNeely and Whelbourn had been invited as they would be representing the Council at the Sub-Regional Scrutiny review of Tourism delivery by the partnership organisation Yorkshire South Tourism.


Apologies for absence were received from:-


Councillor Austen


Councillor Littleboy


Councillor Walker


Bernard Jones

South Yorkshire Transport Museum

Julie Williamson

Dearne Valley College

Julie Roberts

Town Centre Manager





Minutes of the previous meeting held on 5th November, 2008


Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting held on 5th November, 2008.


Agreed:  That the minutes be approved as a correct record.


Matters Arising


There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.


Update from Industry Representatives


The following items were reported:-


(1)     Resignation of Keith Ayling, Chesterfield Canal Partnership


Agreed:  That the Tourism Manager report arrangements for the filling of this industry representative position to the next meeting of the Tourism Panel.


(2)     Training


Matthew Beck, Chief Executive MAGNA, reported on his meeting with Richard Jones in November 2008, together with training representatives.


Also a meeting was proposed with another organisation and some of the tourism operators across the sub-region.


The issue to date had been that the industry had been responsible for paying wages whilst staff underwent training.  However, wage compensation was now being made available (details of which Matthew agreed to circulate to other Panel members).


Yorkshire South would take the lead on training across the sub-region.


Training could be provided for a variety of needs e.g. health and safety, food hygiene, supervision, leadership skills etc.


(3)     VisitYork


Matthew reported on York’s offer of day passes for tourism for 1, 2 or 3 days.  He reported that from 1st April York would launch a 6 day pass.


Matthew explained how the scheme operated, the costs to the attractions and what benefits they received from the scheme e.g. advertising and commission.


He also explained that it was proposed that by 1st April 2010 this would be developed into a Yorkshire Tourism pass.  Currently York was the most prominent city in the North with 8 out of town attractions included.


Matthew advised that expressions of interest from other attractions (although not hotels at the moment) would be submitted by the end of January.


The passes would be sold through VisitBritain and through the Tourist Information Centres.


(4)     Work-based learning training


Joanne Edley, Tourism Manager, on behalf of Julie Williamson reported that the Government was putting in money into work-based learning training.  This would even partly fund non-accredited, tailor-made courses (short or long).  This was good news at training needs could now be met at little, or no, cost to the employer.


Members were reminded that in many instances NVQ’s were still available free of charge. These ranged from Customer Service, Business Administration, Leadership etc to Activity Management.


Any interested member should contact Kaye Williams for advice and training needs analysis;


Kaye’s contact details:-  ( 01709 513333



Reference was made to what options Yorkshire South and Magna had to offer free training.  It was also pointed out that Dearne Valley College had already provided training for Clifton Park Museum for volunteers and staff who conducted guided tours.


Business Link also offered a range of workshops and information had been sent to the industry.


Reference was made to the availability of information and assistance in putting together packages which seemed to be available to household in Europe but not in Britain.


Rotherham Tourism Forum


Joanne Edley, Tourism Manager, reported that the next meeting of the Tourism Forum was to be a joint meeting with Barnsley.


The meeting had been arranged for Tuesday, 27th January, 2009 commencing at 4 p.m. at Cannon Hall, Cawthorne, Barnsley.


Reference was made to the new Barnsley Rotherham Joint Chamber and to Yorkshire wide Business Link.  It was proposed that the joint Forum meeting would be used to explain the changes of these two organisations and how these would affect the industry.


The general feeling of the Panel was that these changes had not been particularly helpful.


Richard Jones explained the reasons for the new arrangements and the processes and decision making which had been undertaken.


Agreed:-  That local views be sought about how the changes had affected the industry and a progress report be submitted to a future meeting of the Tourism Panel.


Access Guide for Visitors

Joanne Edley, Tourism Manager, to report.


Consideration was given to a covering report and accompanying copy of Rotherham’s Access Guide for Visitors.


The Tourism Manager reported that this document was first produced in 2006 and had now been reviewed with every entry’s information being checked by either an Access Officer, or a volunteer, to ensure that the listings were accurate.


She explained that it was not intended to provide printed copies of the Guide.  Instead the information contained within the Guide was available on the Internet as a pdf document and copies of specific entries could be provided on request.  This also allowed the document to be updated easily.


A press release would be prepared to announce the availability of the Guide.


The Tourism Manager would be following up any establishment that had not returned and updated its entry details.


Web site

Joanne Edley, Tourism Manager, and Jayne Oates, Tourism Assistant, to report.


Joanne Edley, Tourism Manager and Jayne Oates, Tourism Assistant, gave a presentation of the website which had been re-designed to enble users to access information with a minimum number of mouse clicks (3).


However, it was reported that currently there were problems with the “stitch-in” link to the Yorkshire South and Destination Management ICT system. 


There were concerns that input of data had to be done at the headquarters of Yorkshire South in Sheffield, and that the Council’s ICT team had concerns about the branding.


Richard Jones confirmed that a meeting had been arranged for 15th January, 2009 with New Visions and the Yorkshire Tourist Board to discuss these issues.


Serviced Accommodation needs study and profile of the Borough's facilities for the future

Joanne Edley, Tourism Manager and Ryan Shepherd, Senior Planner. to report, together with Richard Jones, Chief Executive Officer, Yorkshire South Tourism.


Ryan Shepherd, Senior Planner, spoke to the submitted report explaining that this study had been undertaken by consultants on behalf of Yorkshire South Tourism.  The findings of the study had then been adjusted to correct some errors and to bring the study into line with the Borough’s boundary.  The report would be used to inform tourism work and also planning work related to the Local Development Framework.  The document would also be used when considering planning applications.


It was explained that the study had shown there was no further need for budget accommodation over the next 5 years, but that further 3* and above accommodation was need.  The study also suggested that Rotherham could support the development of a further 80 beds.


Reference was also made to findings of the Study in respect of the Town Centre Renaissance aspirations, in that although there were plans for 2 hotels in the next 5 years this may not happen due to the economic downturn.


The study also suggested that a camping site could be supported in the north of the Borough, and a caravan and camping site at Rother Valley Country Park (possibly related to the development of the YES project).


The study had been subject to review by the Sheffield Hallam Centre for Hospitality Research which confirmed that the findings were robust.  Therefore the document had been made available on the Councils’ website as part of the LDF background documents and was being used in development control.


Joanne Edley, Tourism Manager, provided members of the Panel with a copy of an article on this topic which had been published by the Yorkshire Post on 15th January, 2009.


Members of the Panel raised the following issues:-


-                      likelihood of 2 new hotels and a caravan and camping site at Rother Valley Country Park

-                      progress of the YES project

-                      identification of a gypsy site to be included in the Local Development Framework

-                      town centre hotel accommodation

-                      the need to assess the rural areas of the Borough in a different way


Agreed:  That the contents of the report be noted.


Yorkshire South Tourism Update

Richard Jones, Chief Executive Officer, to report.


Richard Jones, Chief Executive Officer, Yorkshire South Tourism, reported that the current operating contract from Yorkshire Forward would end in March 2009 when new arrangements would be put in place.


In 2009 Yorkshire South Tourism would be supporting:-


-                      Rother Valley Triathlon

-                      Safe at Last – music event

-                      Rat Race – this would involve a variety of events between Sheffield and Rotherham using the canal network.  This event was also held in cities such as Edinburgh and Melbourne and would receive TV coverage on Channel 4, Setanta and Sky Sports.

-                      Rotherham Arts Festival

-                      Launch of the Ambassador programme in conjunction with Dearne Valley College

-                      Business activity – a meeting with the President of the Joint Chamber was anticipated


Richard reported on the future of Yorkshire South Tourism, the restructuring of the support systems for tourism businesses, to make it more efficient and to provide more money for front line services and improve the results.


He also reported that there would be increased funding for tourism support from £6m to £10m per year for the next 3 years as from 1st April, 2009.  Assurance had also been given to cover office costs and staffing.


Richard outlined YST’s budget proposals which would be considered by its Board on 23rd January, 2009.


He explained he would be focussing on:-


-                      Business tourism

-                      Linking business tourism with major events across Yorkshire

-                      Gateway projects and continued working with the Robin Hood Doncaster Sheffield airport to improve services in and out of the region

-                      Extending the availability of the Yorkshire Pass


A questions and answers session ensued covering the following:-


-                      Increased commitment from Yorkshire Forward

-                      Security of funding with the ending of Objective 1 programme

-                      Allocation of funding

-                      Information on the availability of European funding for attractions and for supporting innovation

-                      Work of the International Links Group

-                      Difficulties faced by public sector when bidding for funding



Agreed:  That, on behalf of the Tourism Panel, the Scrutiny Adviser would contact a member of the Council’s External Funding Team to obtain information about funding for tourism available through Europe and with a view to writing to the Euro MP expressing concern about the lack of information on European funding for tourism related activities provided to Local Authorities if this was the case.


Any Other Business


The following issues were raised:-


(i)                 Special Bulletin from the National Tourism Summit


Joanne Edley, Tourism Manager, reported that a response from the Tourism Service was needed by 19th January, 2009.  Members of the Panel were asked to let Joanne have any issues they wish to comment on for inclusion in the response.


(ii)               Changes within Yorkshire


Joanne Edley, Tourism Manager, reported receipt of an email and copy letter from the Chair of the Yorkshire Tourist Board relating to the changes within the Yorkshire region.


(iii)             Questionnaire from the Yorkshire Tourist Board


It was explained this related to what Yorkshire had to offer and opportunities for the future.


Joanne would reply to this by the end of the day


(iv)              Best Wishes


Joanne referred to Councillor Sheila Walker and Bernard Jones and Members of the Panel wished them both a speedy recovery.


Date, Time and Venue for the next meeting

To confirm:  Monday, 2nd February, 2008 at 2.00 p.m. at the Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.


Agreed:  That the next meeting of the Tourism Panel take place on MONDAY, 16TH MARCH, 2009 at 2 p.m. at the Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.