Agenda and minutes

The Former Tourism Panel - Monday 1 June 2009 2.00 p.m.

Venue: The Courtyard, Clifton Park Museum, Clifton Lane, Rotherham. S65 2AA

Contact: Janet Cromack, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from:-


Councillor R. Littleboy


Councillor I. St. John


Stuart Reaney

Chesterfield Canal Partnership Trust

Julie Roberts

Town Centre and Markets Manager

Julie Williamson

Dearne Valley College



Minutes of the previous meeting of the Tourism Panel held on 16th March, 2009 pdf icon PDF 159 KB


Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting of the Tourism Panel held on 16th March, 2009.


Agreed:-  That the minutes be approved as a correct record.


Any matters arising from the previous meeting


There were no issues to raise from the previous minutes.


Rother Valley Country Park Developments and the YES project

Steve Lewis, Oak Holdings.


The Panel was informed that, unfortunately due to having to meet visitors from abroad, Stephen Lewis, from Oak Holdings plc, was unable to attend the meeting to speak about developments at the country park and about the YES project.


However, it was hoped that Stephen would be able to attend a future meeting.


The Chairman reported that the first meeting of the joint steering group (Council and Oak Holdings) had taken place.


Rotherham Golf Club - Major Event - August 2009 - World Qualifier Tournament


Joanne Edley, Tourism Manager, reported that a world qualifying tournament was being held at Rotherham Golf Club and that golfers from Rotherham would be taking part.  The Tourism Manager was working with the organisers in conjunction with the Events and Promotions team to encourage more spectators and to assist them to arrange relevant services and facilities for visitors to the golf course.


Chesterfield Canal - Inland Waterways Event


Joanne Edley, Tourism Manager, on behalf of Stuart Reaney reported on the Chesterfield Canal Festival – Kiveton Park Spring Bank Holiday weekend as follows:-


“The Chesterfield Canal Trust supported by the Inland Waterways Association and the Chesterfield Canal Partnership hosted a festival adjacent to the Chesterfield Canal at Kiveton Park over the Spring Bank Holiday Weekend.


The opening ceremony took place on Saturday, 23rd May and there were around 60 official guests including the Mayor of Rotherham and a number of parish councillors representing the parishes in Rotherham which were near to the canal.


Over the weekend the weather was perfect and it is estimated that the festival attracted around 10,000 visitors.  This was a very credible performance.


We had a lot of publicity in local papers as well as a spot on Radio Sheffield and there is no doubt that the festival has raised the profile of the canal restoration project throughout the region.


There was the usual collection of trade stalls, exhibitors, children’s entertainment as well as boat trips on the canal and fishing competitions.  The beer tent proved extremely popular.


Because of its success we are now seriously looking at holding another festival on the canal at Worksop in July next year so watch this space!


On behalf of the Chesterfield Canal Partnership, I would like to thank Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council for the help they gave us in the run-up to the event, and in particular I would like to thank Joanne Edley and the Rotherham tourism team for helping to promote the festival and for supporting us by having a promotional stand over the weekend.”


Yorkshire South Tourism and Yorkshire Tourist Board

Joanne Edley, Tourism Manager, to report.


Joanne Edley, Tourism Manager, reported that a meeting had taken place to discuss the Council’s partnership with the YTB. 


Also a meeting had taken place with YST regarding the partnership and Service Level Agreement.  The SLA had now been drafted and would be ready to be agreed shortly.


Matters to raise by Industry Representatives


There were no issues raised by the Industry representatives.


Any Other Business


The following issues were reported:-


(i)         Councillor Boyes thanked Marie Hayes and the Events and Promotions Team for helping a voluntary group to host a recent large event.


(ii)  Joanne Edley, Tourism Manager, distributed copies of the 10th Rotherham Walking Festival leaflet, which was to be held from 29th June to 5th July, 2009.  7,500 leaflets had been produced;  advertisements had been placed in Walk and in Country Walking Magazines;  press releases had been sent out.  Also 3,000 had been distributed to those on the mailing list.


It was confirmed that Walk No. 19 – RSPB Old Moor to Gypsy Marsh was already fully booked.


Date, Time and Venue for the next meeting

To confirm:  Monday, 13TH July, 2009, at 2.00 p.m. at the Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.


Agreed:-  That the next meeting of the Tourism Panel be held on MONDAY, 13TH JULY, 2009 at 2 p.m. at the Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.


Tour and explanation of the developments at Clifton Park

Please wear sensible footwear and ideal clothing for walking for outside for approx.  30 minutes.


The meeting was followed by a walkabout lead by Alistair Farr, Clifton Park Manager.  The Panel viewed on-going works in the following areas:-


  • Garden building and walled garden
  • Waterplay area
  • Play and amusements area
  • bandstand
  • Cenotaph and memorial garden
  • Rock garden