Agenda and minutes

Rotherham Schools' Forum - Tuesday 10 July 2018 8.30 a.m.

Venue: Kimberworth Place S61 1HE

Contact: Richard Bellamy 01709 8222058 

No. Item


Mr. M. Chambers


The Chair informed everyone that this was the last meeting of the Rotherham Schools’ Forum to be attended by Mr. M. Chambers, who had been promoted to a position with another Local Authority.


The Rotherham Schools’ Forum thanked Mr. Chambers for his excellent services and wished him well with his future career.


Learning Community and Stakeholder Representatives


confirmation and/or nomination/election


The list of membership of the Rotherham Schools’ Forum was circulated and a number of amendments were made.


Agreed:- That there shall be continual review of and discussion about membership to ensure that the balance of academy and non-academy schools represented on the Rotherham Schools’ Forum accurately reflects the balance of the sectors in the Rotherham Borough area.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 27th April, 2018 pdf icon PDF 83 KB


Agreed:- That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Rotherham Schools Forum, held on 27th April, 2018, be approved as a correct record.


High Needs Funding - Update


Further to Minute No. 73 of the meeting of the Rotherham Schools’ Forum held on 27th April, 2018, discussion took place on the Funding for High Needs, which had recently been the subject of detailed debate by the High Needs Sub-Group and at a meeting with representatives of the Government Department for Education.


It was noted that the current deficit of the High Needs Block, accrued during the current and the last financial years was approximately £10 millions, which would be carried forward to the 2019/2020 financial year. The Rotherham Schools’ Forum duly noted the financial arrangements for this budget carry-forward.


Reference was also made to the Council’s approval of the proposals to increase Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) capacity of provision across the Borough area by 138 places by 2021 (Minute No. 110 of the meeting of the Cabinet and Commissioners held on 19th February, 2018 refers). The Phase 1 projects were on schedule for completion by March, 2019.


The Schools’ Forum agreed that the forthcoming submission to the Government Department for Education (DfE), in respect of the transfer of funding from the Schools Block to the High Needs Block in the 2019/202, should be the subject of a timely consultation exercise during 2018, prior to approval of the submission by the Schools’ Forum at a meeting to be held during January, 2019.  It was apparent that the DfE would require the submission of the Local Authority’s future plans for sufficiency, a recovery plan and also the outcome of the consultation process.  The proposals for 2019/2020 would not need to include the alternative options of transferring varying amounts of money to the High Needs Block, a method which had been undertaken for the current financial year.


Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) - Primary Schools Outreach Consultation


Consideration was given to a report of the RMBC Head of Service for Inclusion containing a proposal for a revised model for the use of funding currently within the Dedicated Schools Grant to the Primary Aspire Pupil Referral Unit. The report stated that the funding would be utilised by the Aspire leadership to create outreach staff who would offer a range of support to children, families and school leaders.


The Rotherham Schools’ Forum noted the contents of the report and members were asked to inform the Head of Service for Inclusion of any comments they may wish to make about the report’s contents by Friday, 20th July, 2018.


Schools' Budget Allocation Figures 2018/2019


Further to Minute No. 74 of the meeting of the Rotherham Schools’ Forum held on 27th April, 2018, consideration was given to a report, presented by the Principal Finance Officer, detailing the Schools Block budget allocation figures in respect of each individual school for the current, 2018/19 financial year.


The Schools’ Forum that the operational responsibility for the funding formula will remain with local authorities and schools’ forums for the 2019/2020 financial year, but possibly pass to Central Government in April, 2020 through the National Funding Formula.


There is to be consultation with all schools during the Autumn Term 2018, prior to submission (during January 2019) of the proposed 2019/2020 budgets to the Department for Education.


Agreed:- That the report be received and its contents noted.


Schools Forum Forward Plan (Work Programme)


For discussion:-


Relevance of the Schools’ Forum

Remit of the Schools’ Forum


Constitution of the Schools’ Forum

Communications - between members of the Schools’ Forum and also with academies and schools

Connectivity - amongst members of the Schools’ Forum and also with academies and schools and with the Local Authority


The positions of Chair and Vice-Chair of the Rotherham Schools’ Forum for the 2018/19 academic year (to be decided at the first meeting in the Autumn term 2018)


Discussion took place on the following matters:-


Relevance of the Schools’ Forum

Remit of the Schools’ Forum


Constitution of the Schools’ Forum

Communications - between members of the Schools’ Forum and also with academies and schools

Connectivity - amongst members of the Schools’ Forum and also with academies and schools and with the Local Authority


It was acknowledged that the model of representation from the Learning Communities had possibly become out-dated and that there should be further consideration of ensuring appropriate representation from schools and academies (primary and secondary) and from special schools. This piece of work will be led by Mrs. D. Ball and will take place early in the Autumn term 2018. There was a commitment from the Schools’ Forum to re-constitute with an amended representation early in 2019 (following a review, recommendations and consultation in Autumn 2018).


It was also accepted that the stakeholder representation on the Schools’ Forum should continue.


Reference was also made to Minute No. 145 of the meeting of the Council’s Cabinet and Commissioners held on 21st May, 2018, concerning the proposals for the future enablement of School Improvement in Rotherham and proposals to bring together key strategic partners to create a Rotherham Strategic Education Partnership Board to set and oversee Rotherham Education priorities and avoid duplication.


It was agreed:-


(1) That the Rotherham Schools’ Forum shall endeavour to be as representative as possible of all schools and academies throughout the Borough area and shall consider further the representation from schools and academies at a future meeting during the early months of 2019;  and


(2) That the positions of Chair and Vice-Chair of the Rotherham Schools’ Forum for the 2018/19 academic year shall be discussed further at the Forum’s first meeting during the Autumn term 2018.


Date of Next Meeting


To determine dates of meetings of the Rotherham Schools’ Forum for the 2018/2019 academic year


Agreed:- (1) That the next meeting of the Rotherham Schools’ Forum take place on Friday 28th September, 2018, at the Rockingham Professional Development Centre, commencing at 8.30 a.m.


(2) That the next following meetings of the Rotherham Schools’ Forum shall take place at the Rockingham Professional Development Centre, commencing at 8.30 a.m., on the dates shown :-


Friday, 23rd November, 2018

Friday, 18th January, 2019

Friday, 5th April, 2019

Friday, 21st June, 2019