Venue: Rockingham Professional Development Centre
Contact: Angela Kemp , Governance Adviser
No. | Item |
Welcome and Introductions
Welcome by the Vice Chair and introductions by all Forum Members present. |
Apologies for Absence
To receive apologies for absence from any Forum Member who are unable to attend the meeting.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Forum Members in respect of items listed on the agenda and to confirm the nature of those interests and whether they intend to leave the meeting for the consideration of the item.
Appointment of Chair |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 138 KB
To receive and approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on 13th September, 2024. |
Matters Arising from Previous Minutes
To consider and report on any matters arising from the previous minutes. |
Membership and Constitution of the Rotherham Schools Forum (Standing Item) To consider and approve the amendments/updates to the membership of the Rotherham Schools Forum.
Based on the School Sector Breakdown to remove:-
· Kirstey Peart representing Primary School Headteachers (Maintained) who has stepped down from the Forum leaving a vacancy.
Schools Forum Review Feedback Assistant Director of Education and Inclusion to report.
Recommendation:To receive and note the update.
SEND Sufficiency Update Transformation Lead, Commissioning, Performance and Quality to report
The Members of Schools Forum receive and note the update.
Dedicated School Grant (DSG) and Schools Budgets 2024-25 - Latest Position PDF 197 KB Head of Finance (CYPS) and Principal Finance Officer (CYPS) to report.
1. That Schools Forum note the latest published DSG funding for schools for the 2024/25 financial year.
2. That Schools Forum note the financial positions of Rotherham’s maintained schools and the identified financial risks against the schools DSG budgets for the year.
School Funding Formula Consultation Outcome (Part A) PDF 327 KB Head of Finance (CYPS) and Principal Finance Officer (CYPS) to report.
That Members of Schools Forum note the contents of this report.
Head of Finance (CYPS) and Principal Finance Officer (CYPS) to report.
Recommendations: 1. That the Schools Forum note the outcome(s) of the recent consultation with schools on the proposal for a block funding transfer to the high needs budget.
2. That the Schools Forum approve the council’s proposal to transfer 0.5% of the schools block funding in 2025/26 to the high needs budget to address ongoing cost pressures.
Additional documents: |
Early Years and Wraparound Expansion Update PDF 148 KB Head of Service, Early Years and Childcare to report.
That Schools Forum note and approve the content of the report.
Schools Forum Forward Plan PDF 123 KB To consider the attached Forward Plan of agenda items and receive any updates.
Any Other Urgent Business To receive any other items of urgent business. |