Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, ROTHERHAM. S60 2TH
Contact: Richard Bellamy (Ext 22058)
No. | Item |
Welcome and introductions. |
Apologies for absence. |
Minutes and matters arising from the previous meeting held on 10th October, 2013. PDF 45 KB |
Matters arising from previous minutes. |
Community Cohesion. |
Determinations. |
Collective Worship (Final Version sent to print)/Collective Worship Launch. |
Updates on REwards applications. PDF 124 KB
· Background information and nomination form attached. Additional documents: |
Date and time of next meeting: -
· Monday 16th June, 2014, to start at 4.00 p.m. at the New York Stadium, to be followed by the REwards presentation ceremony. (Was Monday 30th June, please update your diary). |