Agenda and minutes

Rotherham Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) - Tuesday 9 February 2021 4.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, ROTHERHAM. S60 2TH

Contact: Katherine Harclerode, Governance Adviser 

No. Item


Declarations of interest

To receive declarations of interest from any Members with respect to an item of business.


There were no declarations of interest.


Exclusion of press and public

To determine whether any items on the agenda require the exclusion of members of the public or press.


There were no matters of business for which it was deemed necessary to exclude members of the public or press.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To review and approve the minutes of the previous meetings held on 15 October 2019.


The minutes from the last quorate meeting on 15 October 2019 were approved as a true and accurate record of the proceedings.


Commissioning of agreed syllabus


Consideration was given to a presentation from a representative of RE Today regarding the necessary updates to Rotherham’s 2016 Religious Education agreed syllabus. It had been determined that the existing syllabus is of high quality, and only detailed updates are needed on specific topics. Strong continuity would be maintained. The cost of these updates was quoted under £4750 plus VAT. These updates would satisfy the requirement for a refreshed syllabus for 2021 to 2026. It was noted that a future update might update the 32 units in the scheme of work.


A draft would be available for review two weeks prior to a June meeting of SACRE. As the materials are written, they will be sent by email to the chair of the working group to be circulated to the rest of the group for review. A chair of the working group was identified, who would liaise with Lat regarding any feedback from the working group.


In discussion, Members requested additional information regarding the current provision of RE for students with special needs. The response identified where this information would be added in the updated syllabus, providing a significant update in the support for teaching of special needs pupils. The Chair also noted that wonderful work is being done by teachers of students with SEN.


Members further requested assurances that specific topics of current interest in the media might be addressed in the updates. The response provided assurances that questions of racial and climate justice would also be included in the updates in explicit and direct ways beyond what is presently included in the syllabus around considerations of what is good and right versus what is wrong and evil. Further updated resources and other relevant curriculum work were also discussed.


Hosting the agreed syllabus content via the CPD platform and JMAT was also discussed.


Officers confirmed that a budget of £5000 per annum had been allocated to support the necessary reciprocal work. The funding for these updates would fall within 2020-21 financial year.




1.    That the agreed syllabus review and updates be commissioned.

2.    That the Chair undertake to arrange for the hosting of the agreed syllabus.

3.    That the Agreed Syllabus Conference working group meet to review and discuss the draft updates prior to the next meeting of SACRE.







RE Subject Leaders' Meeting

To receive an update regarding the recent Religious Education Subject Leaders’ meeting.


Consideration was given to an update on the recent Subject Leaders’ Meeting. It was noted that the meeting was well-attended, and examined the place of RE in the curriculum. The meeting included a discussion on the teaching of RE within other subjects. The next meeting was scheduled for 24 February, where interested potential members would be invited to join SACRE and feed into the work on the revised syllabus.


Urgent business

To determine any items which the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency.


The Chair confirmed there were no urgent matters of business requiring a decision at the meeting.