Agenda and minutes

Rotherham Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) - Thursday 23 March 2023 4.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, ROTHERHAM. S60 2TH and Microsoft Teams

Contact: Katherine Harclerode, Governance Advisor 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interest from any members with respect to an item of business


There were no declarations of interest.


Exclusion of Press and Public

To determine whether any items on the agenda require the exclusion of members of the public or press


There were no matters of business for which it was deemed necessary to exclude members of the public or press.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To review and approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on (insert date) as a true and accurate record of the proceedings


The minutes from the last meeting on 8 December 2022 were approved as a true and accurate record of the proceedings.


New Member Nominations

To consider and approve new member nominations.


The Chair invited nominations for new members.


Mr. I. Shah was nominated.




1)    That the nomination of Mr. I. Shah be approved.


Rotherham SACRE Development Plan

To discuss renewal of the Development Plan for Rotherham SACRE.



Consideration was given to renewal of the Development Plan. Progress updates were received in respect of each of the priority areas for action within the Development Plan.


Feedback on the conference indicated that it had been well attended. The intention to continue the collaboration with Learn Sheffield and ROSIS into the next year was affirmed.


In regard to rollout of the Agreed Syllabus and training, the feedback had been positive. A programme discussion with primary schools had begun, particularly with teachers who were at the conference. The option of forming a working party with the primary schools was discussed. It was felt that it would be beneficial to have the working group to receive consultant support in producing a progression document.


A discussion of available funding ensued. The School Improvement Service Manager of Children’s and Young People’s Services confirmed the availability of approximately £1000 of remaining funds from this year, with new funds available from April. Therefore, there were sufficient funds to commission the consultant support for the working group.


Members proceeded to discuss the commissioning of a suitable consultant who would be available, willing, and capable to work with the primary schools as part of the working group. It was unanimously felt that Lat Blaylock was best placed to undertake this work, having provided excellent advice in the past, and as he is a respected expert in Religious Education. 


In discussion, members requested assurances that Lat would continue to be a resource in the future as his work schedule and availability could change. Assurances were provided that Lat has expressed his intention to continue to work with SACRE organisations with which he has strong established ties, such as Rotherham’s. Vanessa noted that Lat’s availability would be confirmed, and his advice would be sought around succession planning as appropriate.


Regarding the production of powerpoint resources by Tony and Tricia, it was felt that these should align aesthetically. The members creating these would agree a format to achieve congruency across all the presentation documents. Tricia requested that Tony and David send their resources to her.



Regarding determinations, Fiona would provide a list of non-academies to Hannah for contact. Tricia would then carry out the determinations.


Regarding growing the SACRE membership, it was noted that a new member had been added at the meeting. Further links with Doncaster and Sheffield SACREs were being developed further via Vanessa’s contacts.


Regarding the REwards ceremony, it was desired to host the ceremony alongside the Subject Teachers’ meeting. Progress around the three strands of theological thinking for assessment, in collaboration with teachers and Subject Leaders, would be published to Forge. This resource pool was being compiled, which would be ongoing into next year. Alison agreed to promote this work in JMAT. Paperwork would be circulated.




1.    That the Development Plan be renewed for the 2023/24 academic year.


2.    That Lat Blaylock be commissioned to support the working group with teachers, including those who attended the conference, in the production of a progression document.



To discuss the day course offered on 12 July, 2023, in Doncaster for teachers of SEND across the Region.


Consideration was given to development opportunities for teachers of SEND in Religious Education. At the teacher meeting, there had been a request for SEND training. Details of the course opportunity were described and were being advertised through Forge. Further events and drama resources were noted, including a list of speakers who can go into schools. These speakers had been commended by Lat, who was felt to understand the unique limitations and respect the boundaries within this speaking role.




1)    That the range of available resources be noted.



REwards Ceremony

To receive an update on plans for the next REwards Ceremony.


Consideration was given to progress with plans for the REwards Ceremony. The John Smith room had been booked at the Town Hall, and the attendance of the Mayor had been sought. Several nominations had been received. Alison agreed to promote the event through JMAT, and paperwork would be circulated.




1)    That the event plans be noted and promoted through JMAT, and that the paperwork be circulated.



Urgent Business

To determine any items which the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency


There were no urgent items requiring a decision at the meeting.


Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next hybrid meeting of the Rotherham Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education will be held on 29 June 2023, commencing at 4pm in Rotherham Town Hall.




1)    The next meeting of the Rotherham Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education was scheduled for 22 June 2023, commencing at 4.00pm at Rotherham Town Hall.