Venue: Magna, Sheffield Road, Templeborough, Rotherham. S60 1FD
Contact: Governance Unit The webcast can be viewed at
No. | Item |
To elect a Mayor and Chair of the Council for the 2021-22 municipal year.
One nomination has been received:- Councillor Jenny Andrews
“That Councillor Jenny Andrews be elected Chair of the Rotherham Borough Council for the ensuing municipal year and that (s)he be entitled to the style of Mayor by virtue of Section 245(1) of the Local Government Act 1972.”
Proposer – Councillor Roche Seconder – Councillor Pitchley
Minutes: Councillor Keenan took the Chair for this item.
To elect a Mayor and Chair of the Council for the 2021-22 Municipal Year.
Two nominations had been received: -
“That Councillor Jenny Andrews be elected Chairman of the Rotherham Borough Council for the ensuing Municipal Year and that she be entitled to the style of Mayor by virtue of Section 245(1) of the Local Government Act 1972.”
Proposer:– Councillor Roche Seconder:– Councillor Pitchley
“That Councillor Ian Jones be elected Chairman of the Rotherham Borough Council for the ensuing Municipal Year and that he be entitled to the style of Mayor by virtue of Section 245(1) of the Local Government Act 1972.”
Proposer:– Councillor Elliott Seconder:– Councillor Barley
On being put to the vote the motion to elect Councillor Jones as Chairman of the Rotherham Borough Council for the ensuing Municipal Year and that he be entitled to the style of Mayor by virtue of Section 245(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 was declared as lost.
On being put to the vote the motion to elect Councillor Andrews as Chairman of the Rotherham Borough Council for the ensuing Municipal Year and that she be entitled to the style of Mayor by virtue of Section 245(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 was declared as won.
Councillor Sylvester asked for his vote against the motion to elect Councillor Andrews as Chairman of the Rotherham Borough Council for the ensuing Municipal Year to be recorded.
Councillor Andrews thereupon made and subscribed the statutory declaration of acceptance of office.
Resolved: - That Councillor Jenny Andrews be elected Chairman of the Rotherham Borough Council for the ensuing Municipal Year and that she be entitled to the style of Mayor by virtue of Section 245(1) of the Local Government Act 1972.
(Councillor Andrews assumed the Chair) |
To consider any announcements by the Mayor in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 3(2)(ii).
Minutes: The Mayor welcomed everyone to the first meeting of Council of the new Municipal Year and to the first meeting of Council to be held at Magna.
The Mayor congratulated and welcomed all the newly Elected Members to their first Council meeting and noted how she was looking forward to working with them over the coming year.
The Mayor referred to the following Mayoral Engagements:
· Conveying the Freedom of the Borough on Dame Julie Kenny at an Extraordinary Council meeting on 19th March.
· Attending the opening the Hope Fields Memorial Garden.
· Attending a memorial service with the Mayoress for HRH The Duke of Edinburgh at Sheffield Cathedral.
· Opening a new craft beer shop in Maltby.
The Mayor thanked the Mayoress and the Deputy Mayor for their support over the last year. |
To elect a Deputy Mayor and Vice-Chair of the Council for the 2021-22 Municipal Year.
Minutes: To elect a Deputy Mayor and Vice-Chair of the Council for the 2021-22 Municipal Year.
Two nominations had been received: -
“That Councillor Tajamal Khan be elected Vice-Chairman of the Rotherham Borough Council for the ensuing Municipal Year and that he be entitled to the style of Deputy Mayor by virtue of Section 245(1) of the Local Government Act 1972.”
Proposer:– Councillor Cooksey Seconder:- Councillor Beck
“That Councillor Tracey Wilson be elected Vice-Chairman of the Rotherham Borough Council for the ensuing Municipal Year and that she be entitled to the style of Deputy Mayor by virtue of Section 245(1) of the Local Government Act 1972.”
Proposer:– Councillor Barley Seconder:– Councillor Elliott
On being put to the vote the motion to elect Councillor Wilson as Vice-Chairman of the Rotherham Borough Council for the ensuing Municipal Year and that she be entitled to the style of Deputy Mayor by virtue of Section 245(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 was declared as lost.
On being put to the vote the motion to elect Councillor Khan as Vice-Chairman of the Rotherham Borough Council for the ensuing Municipal Year and that he be entitled to the style of Deputy Mayor by virtue of Section 245(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 was declared as won.
Councillor Khan thereupon made and subscribed the statutory declaration of acceptance of office.
Resolved: - That Councillor Tajamal Khan be elected Vice-Chairman of the Rotherham Borough Council for the ensuing Municipal Year and that he be entitled to the style of Deputy Mayor by virtue of Section 245(1) of the Local Government Act 1972. |
To note the appointment of the Mayor’s Cadets for the 2021-22 municipal year. Minutes: The Mayor advised that the appointment of the Mayor’s Cadets would be confirmed at the next meeting of Council on 21st July, 2021. |
To receive the apologies of any Member who is unable to attend the meeting. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Austin and Barker. |
To invite Councillors to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or personal interests they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting, to confirm the nature of those interests and whether they intend to leave the meeting for the consideration of the item. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Any communication received by the Mayor or Chief Executive which relates to a recommendation of the Cabinet or a committee which was received after the relevant meeting. Minutes: There were no communications. |
To receive the record of proceedings of the ordinary meeting of the Council held on 3rd, reconvened meeting on 10th March and extraordinary Council meeting held on 19th March, 2021, and to approve the accuracy thereof. Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Jones requested that the Minutes of the meeting held on 10th March, 2021 be checked as he had withdrawn the questions that he had submitted for Cabinet Members in advance of the meeting.
Resolved: - That the minutes of the meetings of Council held on 3rd, 10th and 19th March, 2021, be approved for signature by the Mayor.
Mover: - Councillor Read Seconder: - Councillor Allen |
Should it be necessary, in the opinion of the Mayor, to consider excluding the press and public from the meeting in relation to any items of urgent business on the grounds that private information is likely to be divulged.
There are no such items at the time of preparing this agenda. Minutes: There were no items that required the exclusion of the press or public. |
To elect a Leader of the Council, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007. Minutes: Resolved: -
That in accordance with the requirements detailed in the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007, that Councillor Chris Read be appointed as Executive Leader of the Council for the period 2021–24.
Mover: - Councillor Allen Seconder: - Councillor Griffin |
To receive a statement from the Leader of the Council in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 9. Minutes: In welcoming everyone to the meeting the Leader thanked colleagues for their support as the new municipal term began.
The Leader congratulated the Mayor on her re-appointment, and to Councillor Khan on his appointment as Deputy Mayor. The Leader also congratulated all the new Members of the Council from all parties and parts of the Borough who were taking their seats for the first time.
The Leader noted that for the second election in a row, the majority of Councillors elected were new into role and welcomed their enthusiasm and commitment stating than anyone who stood for election put their head above the parapet, and that in an age where politicians were often reviled and open to abuse, it was important to him that everyone started by respecting the commitment to public service and the personal sacrifices that people had made and would continue to make as everyone sought the best for the people that they represented.
The Leader advised that the presence of so many new Members should also serve as a reminder that it was essential not to simply accept the old way of doing things, and that everyone must always be on the right side of change. The Leader stated that all Elected Members must also continue to uphold high standards and be on the side of doing things the right way. The Leader continued that he hoped and believed that change would be one of the discussions that lay ahead for all present through the next few months.
The Leader advised that competitive elections were a good thing, and that whilst he may have liked the recent elections to be a little more favourable to his side and a little less favourable to the Members opposite, no one should lose sight of that fact that everyone was only present at the meeting because the public had chosen and that everyone must continue to earn their trust. The Leader advised that he welcomed a difference of opinion and stated that a healthy debate was a good thing noting that he looked forward to working constructively with those on all sides of the Chamber.
The Leader stated that the Labour Group had been elected on a clear mandate and had heard a lot what the pubic said at the last election. The Leader stated that the administration would set out in more detail than ever before their plan to Build a Better Borough and noted that it was their responsibility to implement that plan as they had promised.
The Leader continued that this would mean that the administration would continue to pursue jobs and expanding economic opportunities for residents, provide more Council homes and affordable housing, continue to invest in and reform Social Care provision to meet the needs and aspirations of service users as well as renewing their commitment to ensure no-one was left behind because at a time when people were being driven apart, by poverty, by rising hate crime, by an economy that fails too ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
To note the minutes of the Cabinet Meeting held on 22nd March, 2021 Minutes: Resolved: -
That the reports, recommendations and minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 22nd March, 2021, be received.
Mover:- Councillor Read Seconder: - Councillor Allen |
To consider the results of the persons elected as Members of the Council at the election held on 6th May, 2021. Additional documents: Minutes: The Returning Officer submitted a report that detailed the results of the Borough Council Elections that had been held on Thursday, 6th May, 2021.
In moving the report Councillor Alam noted his thanks to the Returning Officer, the Elections Team and all of staff who had ensured the smooth running of the election process. In seconding the report Councillor Allen noted how she was looking forward to working with both new and returning Members in her role leading on member development.
Resolved: - That the report be noted.
Mover:- Councillor Alam Seconder:- Councillor Allen |
To note the outcome of the Referendum and adopt the Dinnington St John’s Neighbourhood Plan.
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report that had been submitted seeking approval for the Dinnington St John’s Neighbourhood Development Plan to be adopted as part of the Statutory Development Plan for Rotherham Borough after the proposed plan had been supported in a referendum held on Thursday, 6th May, 2021.
It was noted that the Localism Act (2011) allowed for local communities to prepare plans and strategies for development in their area called Neighbourhood Plans that had given parish councils and local communities the power to write their own plans and to take more control of planning policy for their areas.
Resolved: -
1) That the outcome of the Dinnington St. John’s Neighbourhood Plan Referendum, as set out at paragraph 1.5 of the officer’s report be noted.
2) That the Dinnington St John’s Neighbourhood Development Plan be adopted as part of the Statutory Development Plan for Rotherham Borough.
Mover:- Councillor Allen Seconder:- Councillor Lelliott |
To report on the establishment of political groups, the political balance of the Council and the entitlement of each group to seats on the authority’s committees. Minutes: Consideration was given to a report that detailed the membership of Political Groups on the Council, political balance and the entitlement to seats on, and the proposed appointments to Committees, Boards and Panels.
It was noted that Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 placed a duty on local authorities to set out the principles to be followed when allocating seats to political groups and for these principles to be followed when determining such allocation following formal notification of the establishment of political groups in operation on the Council. It was noted further that there was a requirement on local authorities to annually review the entitlement of the political groups to seats on the committees of the council.
The report stated that the allocation of seats must follow 2 principles:
a) Balance must be achieved across the total number of available seats on Committees; and
b) Balance must be achieved on each individual Committee or body where seats are available.
The report stated that there were presently 4 political groups in operation on the Council – the Labour Group (majority), Conservative Group (opposition), Liberal Democrat (LibDem) Group and Rotherham Democratic Party (RDP) Group – with one non-aligned Councillor (members who are not in a political group).
It was noted further that there were 149 seats available on Committees, Boards and Panels, and under the calculation the Labour Group was entitled to 82 seats, the opposition Group 51 seats, the LibDem Group 7 seats, the RDP Group 7 seats. Two seats had been allocated to the one non-aligned Councillor.
Councillor Sylvester requested that his vote against the recommendation on the appointment of Members to Committees, Boards and Panels, and the appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs be recorded.
Resolved: -
1) That the operation of 4 political groups on the Council and the detail of their designated Leaders, as detailed below be noted:
a. Labour Group – Councillor Chris Read (Leader of the Majority Group)
b. Conservative Group – Councillor Emily Barley (Leader of the Majority Opposition Group)
c. Liberal Democrat Group – Councillor Adam Carter (Group Leader)
d. Rotherham Democratic Party Group – Councillor Rob Elliott (Group Leader)
2) That the entitlement of seats of the membership of the political groups, as detailed in the officer’s report be approved, and that such entitlements be reflected in Council’s appointments of Members to Committees.
3) That the Leader’s appointments to Cabinet, as detailed below be noted.
Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Working – Councillor Allen
Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health – Councillor Roche
Cabinet Member for Children and Young People – Councillor Cusworth
Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Community Safety and Finance – Councillor Alam
Cabinet Member for Housing – Councillor Brookes
Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy – Councillor Lelliott
Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion – Councillor Sheppard
Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment – Councillor Beck
4) That the appointment of Members to Committees, Boards and Panels, and the appointment of ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |
To receive and consider reports, minutes and recommendations of the Audit Committee.
To confirm the minutes as a true record. Minutes: In moving the minutes Councillor Wyatt noted his thanks to former Councillors Cowles, Vjestica and Walsh for their work on the Audit Committee and welcomed the new Members who had been appointed to the Committee.
Resolved: - That the reports, recommendations and minutes of the meeting of the Audit Committee held on 16th March, 2021, be adopted.
Mover:- Councillor Wyatt Seconder:- Councillor Allen |
To receive and consider reports, minutes and recommendations of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
To confirm the minutes as a true record. Minutes: In moving the minutes Councillor Roche noted his thanks to former Councillors Mallinder and Watson for their work on the Health and Wellbeing Board and welcomed the new Members who had been appointed to the Board.
Resolved: - That the reports, recommendations and minutes of the meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board held on 10th March, 2021, be adopted.
Mover:- Councillor Roche Seconder:- Councillor Cusworth |
To receive and consider reports, minutes and recommendations of the Planning Board.
To confirm the minutes as a true record. Additional documents:
Minutes: In moving the minutes Councillor Sheppard noted his thanks to past members of the Board, former Vice-Chair, former Councillor Williams and officers for their support. Councillor Sheppard also noted his thanks to the members of the public who had attended Planning Board meetings and engaged in the planning process.
Resolved: - That the reports, recommendations and minutes of the meetings of the Planning Board held on 25th February, 18th March and 8th and 29th April, 2021, be adopted.
Mover:- Councillor Sheppard Seconder:- Councillor Atkin |
To receive and consider reports, minutes and recommendations of the Licensing Board Sub-Committee and Licensing Sub-Committee.
To confirm the minutes as a true record. Additional documents:
Minutes: In moving the minutes Councillor Ellis thanked the former Vice-Chair, former Councillor Beaumont and former Members of Licensing for their work and welcomed the new Members who had been appointed to Licensing.
Resolved: - That the reports, recommendations and minutes of the meetings of the Licensing Board Sub-Committee held on 2nd2 February, 8th (am and pm), 17th March and 12th April 2021, and of the Licensing Sub-Committee of 11th March, 2021 be adopted.
Mover:- Councillor Ellis Seconder:- Councillor McNeely |
To put questions, if any, to the designated Members on the discharge of functions of the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel, South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority, Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield Combined Authority and South Yorkshire Pensions Authority, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11(5). Minutes: (1) Councillor Miro asked what was the size of the Council’s pension fund?
Councillor Atkin explained it was good news and the South Yorkshire Pension Fund at 31st March ,2021 was valued at £9.71bn. Rotherham Council’s share of the Fund was approximately 14%, therefore, the Borough Council’s share of assets at 31st March 2021 would be about £1.38bn.
In a supplementary question Councillor Miro asked if any part of the fund had been from fossil fuels to assist with the effort to kick back the climate change crisis.
Councillor Atkin confirmed the Authority had been working on this for a while and had passed a motion to endeavour to be carbon neutral by 2030.
The fund made a return of 19.5% in 2020/21 and was estimated to be more than 100% funded at the whole fund level at the end of March.
South Yorkshire Pensions had a position statement in respect of Responsible investment (RI).
RI was the practice of incorporating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues into the investment decision making process.
South Yorkshire Pensions Authority had for many years adopted a pro-active stance in relation to addressing ESG issues and the approach was set out in a number of different policy documents.
As the process of pooling the investments through the Border to Coast Pensions Partnership progresses, the Authority also worked with the 11 other funds in the partnership to a common responsible investment policy.
Talking to companies in which the Authority invested about issues of concern was another crucial activity that formed part of a responsible investment approach and this was done by both through working with Border to Coast who reported on this activity and also through the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum.
One of the biggest challenges faced by society was Climate Change and the impact of global warming. For the Authority as an investor this created risks that some companies invested in have a business model which was unsustainable in the long term while it also created opportunities in terms of new things to invest in. Given the significance of these issues the Authority have developed specific policies in this area. |
To put questions, if any, to Cabinet Members and Committee Chairpersons (or their representatives) under Council Procedure Rules 11(1) and 11(3). Minutes: (1) Councillor Hoddinott welcomed the good investment in libraries, including in her local one in Wickersley and asked the Cabinet Member to update her on the renovations taking place and when the library would reopen?
Councillor Sheppardconfirmed the modernisation programme at Wickersley Library and Neighbourhood Hub was near completion and the site would be reopening to the public on Tuesday, 1st June, 2021. The modernisation had included a refresh of the library to improve its visual appearance and revitalise the interior in the form of:-
- redecorated walls and new carpets/vinyl flooring. - new furniture including a reception counter and mobile shelving. - improved ICT area including new public PC’s, self-service unit and sections for people to use their own devices. - a new study space. - a new café area. - a refreshed meeting room with new furniture.
This was, of course, just one part of the multi-million pound plan to invest in every library in the Borough, which had already secured a new library in Brinsworth and should see new facilities in Swinton and Thurcroft, as well as the new town centre library.
(2) Councillor A. Carter asked as the Council had declared a climate emergency, what was the policy and process regarding planting more trees on highways land?
Councillor Lelliottexplained the Council did not have a specific policy on planting more trees on highways land. Individual sites were assessed on their merits. The Council had committed some funding to match a number of partner organisations, with a view to planting more than 12,000 new trees. These would be planted in a range of urban settings including on highways land, housing developments and urban parks.
In a supplementary Councillor Carter asked why with the Council’s plan for more trees and achieved this in the last financial year, it found it often hard to get agreement from Highways. He asked would the Cabinet Member agree to undertake a review of the policies on highways in particular help tackle climate urgency, plant more trees on highways land and make the process much swifter.
Councillor Lelliott confirmed the Tree Management Protocols and Guidance set out the Council’s approach to the management of its own tree stock
As part of the Council’s budget setting process an investment of £350,000 over the next 2 financial years was approved. The Service was currently developing a proactive planting strategy and working to identify appropriate and available land to support the delivery of this.
(3) Councillor Sylvester asked could the Cabinet Member please give their opinion on Rothercard as a tool to aid social inclusion for deprived neighbourhoods?
Councillor Sheppard explained for those may not know, Rothercard was a discounted scheme offered to people in the Borough who fell into one of the following categories:-
· Young people aged 16 to 19 years in full-time education. · Looked after children/young people. · Anyone aged over 60. · Refugees/asylum seekers dependent on asylum seeker support payments. · Adults on a low income.
The scheme offered ... view the full minutes text for item 21. |
Any other public items which the Mayor determines are urgent. Minutes: There were no urgent items. |