Agenda and minutes

Council Meeting - Wednesday 10 October 2007 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham

Contact: Lewis South, Democratic Services Manager  Ext. 2050 Email:

No. Item




Resolved:-  That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 25th July, 2007, be approved for signature by the Mayor.


Mover:-  Councillor Stone                               Seconder:-  Councillor Sharman




The Leader was pleased to congratulate Ravenfield and Harthill Parish Councils in their success in the Yorkshire in Bloom Competition, which qualified Ravenfield in next year’s Britain in Bloom Competition.


Congratulations were also offered to James Toseland who regained the World Superbike crown at Magny-Cours.


The Leader also offered his thanks for all those who were involved in the organisation and participation in the best and well attended Rotherham Show during September, 2007.


Resolved:-  That the congratulations of the Council be forwarded to Ravenfield and Harthill Parish Councils, James Toseland and all people involved in the Rotherham Show.


Mover:-  Councillor Stone                               Seconder:-  Councillor Sharman




(1)  The Chief Executive submitted the following petitions:-


·              From  17 residents of Marshall Grove, Wath upon Dearne regarding anti-social behaviour.


·              From 21 residents in the Rotherham area requesting improvements to the Broom Valley Club Room.


·              From 3,140 residents of Bramley requesting changes to the One Way Traffic System.


·              From 61 residents of the Worrygoose Lane area of Rotherham objecting to illegal parking of vehicles in the area.


·              From 53 residents of Knollbeck Crescent, Brampton regarding anti-social behaviour.


·              From 53 residents of West Bawtry Road requesting a 40 m.p.h. safety camera.


·              from 28 signatories regarding the area around Harrop Garden Flatts


Resolved:-  (1)  That the petitions be referred to the appropriate Cabinet Member for consideration, apart from the petition regarding Ulley Reservoir which would be considered as part of a report later on the agenda.


Mover:-  Councillor Stone                               Seconder:-  Councillor Sharman


(2)  The Chief Executive submitted apologies for absence from Councillors Doyle, Foden, Havenhand, Johnston, Pickering, Robinson, Sangster, Slade and Walker.




Resolved:- That the reports and minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet (Section B) (pages 33B to 67B) be adopted.


Mover:- Councillor Stone                                Seconder:- Councillor Sharman




Resolved:-  That the reports and minutes of the meeting of the Standards Committee (Section C) (pages 6C to 8C) be adopted.


Mover:-  Councillor Hodgkiss                          Seconder:-  Councillor Clarke




(1)   Councillor Cutts claimed it was now some three or four years since he first brought to the notice of this Chamber the inappropriate handling of public money within the public conveniences at All Saints’ Square.  Since that date he had reported to this Chamber the replacement of two tills, but the system of handling cash had not improved.  He asked could he be advised of the current position and any future intended developments?


Councillor Smith explained the provision of a washroom facility in All Saints’ Square provided a valuable public service.  The management cost of running the service was kept to a minimum to reflect the modest income generated.


The system in place for accounting for twenty pence’s was in-line with the advice from Audit regarding income collection.  Activity levels were monitored and reconciled with the income collected. Any unusual activity would be investigated.  From a management perspective this was a cost effective system of accountability.


(2)  Councillor Cutts asked now there were only five weeks to the Remembrance Day Ceremony in All Saints’ Square, as a mark of respect would the flagpole be resurrected.  If this proved difficult, could he be given permission to supply and erect a flagpole?  If this was not acceptable as an alternative could a temporary flagpole be utilised?


Councillor Smith reported that as far as he was aware there were no plans to erect a permanent flag pole in All Saints' Square. He would follow up the question regarding resurrecting a flagpole that had previously  existed, however, this was not something that was organised by ourselves and if it was within the Church grounds it would need following up with our contacts there.


It was worth noting that any activities linked to Remembrance Day in the town centre were usually organised by the Royal British Legion and as such it would be important to find out what plans were already underway, in particular with regards to the installation of any flagpoles. We were supportive of a temporary flagpole being erected, but would ask that any plans were passed by ourselves as we needed to ensure (as with any activity in the Square) that all health and safety considerations were addressed.  If a permanent pole was to be installed there were other colleagues who would need to have input into the discussions regarding location and safety etc.


(3)  Councillor Cutts having failed to obtain information through ‘Scrutiny’ now asked this Chamber for a detailed cash flow chart of the cash received from the donation/offering plate at the Crematorium?


Councillor Ellis explained that following the Scrutiny Panel meeting on 20th September, 2007 and at Councillor Cutts’ request, the Director of Neighbourhood Services was responding to Councillor Cutts directly detailing the information he required.


Having spoken to the Director today, the Cabinet Member confirmed the letter had been sent on the 4th October, 2007.  However, the delay in receiving it could be due to the current postal strike.  A copy was,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 33.


Annual Scrutiny Report 2006/07 and Scrutiny Plan 2007/08


Councillor Stonebridge presented the 2006/07 Annual Report and the 2007/08 Scrutiny Plan.


Resolved:- That the Scrutiny Report for 2006/07 be received and the Scrutiny Plan for 2007/08 be supported.


Mover:- Councillor Stonebridge                      Seconder:- Councillor Whelbourn

(The Mayor authorised consideration of the following item in order to determine the options for the future of Ulley Reservoir)


Ulley Reservoir


The Leader introduced a report by the Director of Streetpride which provided details of recent events at Ulley Reservoir and outlined the options for the future of the reservoir in both the short and long term.


There were essentially two principal courses of action open to the Council.  The reservoir may be retained (rehabilitated) or removed or reduced to a level whereby it was no longer subject to the provisions of the Reservoirs Act (discontinued). 


Consideration was given to a petition containing over 4,000 signatories requesting restoration of the Ulley Reservoir and CountryPark.


Resolved:-  (1)  That in the short term, the reservoir be maintained in its current state (drawn down with pumping support).


(2)  That a site investigation be commissioned, at a cost estimated to be £35,000, to give some clarity to the cost of rehabilitation.


(3)  That the pumps that were currently on site and on hire be purchased at a cost of £156,720 funded from the Council’s capital programme.


(4)  That the implementation of Option 1 – rehabilitation of the reservoir be approved.


Mover:-  Councillor Stone                               Seconder:-  Councillor Sharman