Agenda and minutes

Council Meeting - Wednesday 4 June 2008 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham

Contact: Lewis South, Democratic Services Manager  Ext. 2050 Email:

No. Item


Minute's Silence - Mrs. Carol Barron


The Mayor referred to the sudden death of Mrs. Carol Barron, wife of Kevin Barron, M.P., and mother of Councillor Amy Rushforth.


Members of the Council stood in silence as a token of their respect.


Presentation of Award


The Mayor was pleased to present the Local Government Chronicle Local Government Award to the Children and Young People’s Services Management Team.


Dr. Sonia Sharp


Councillor S. Wright paid tribute to Dr. Sonia Sharp, Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services, who was to take up a similar post in Sheffield.


Resolved:-  That the Council’s best wishes for the future be conveyed to Dr. Sonia Sharp.


Good News


The Leader was pleased to announce the Breathing Space Project won two "Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors Pro Yorkshire Awards" on the 23rd May, 2008 – one for Project of the Year, which was the overall prize and one for Design and Innovation.


The Leader paid tribute to Councillor Clarke, ex-Leader of the Opposition, who had been replaced by Councillor Gilding.


Annual Council Minutes


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 16th May, 2008 be approved for signature by the Mayor.


Mover:-  Councillor Stone                               Seconder:-  Councillor Sharman




(1)  The Chief Executive submitted the following petition:-


·              From 2,382 residents collected by Unison opposing the privatisation of 65% of the Home Care Service.


Resolved:- That the petitions be referred to the appropriate Cabinet Member for consideration.


Mover:-  Councillor Stone                               Seconder:-  Councillor Sharman


(2)  The Chief Executive submitted apologies for absence from Councillors Burton, Currie, Donaldson, Falvey, J. Hamilton, Havenhand, Hodgkiss, Kaye, Nightingale, Rushforth, Sharp, Slade and Walker.


Standards Committee


Resolved:-  That the reports, minutes and recommendations of the meeting of the Standards Committee (Section C) (pages 25C to 26C) be adopted.


Mover:-  Councillor Clarke                              Seconder:-  Councillor Austen




(1) Councillor Cutts asked, with the town’s gold and jewels on display in a public area, with attendants on the entrance and a signing in procedure, what circumstances arose to require a new high quality security system within the Town Hall, other than political security? Were there other buildings within the Council’s jurisdiction that were undergoing similar circumstances and what was the total cost of this project?  


Councillor Smith reported that following a full security review at the Town Hall, it was identified that the building, Members and staff were vulnerable in terms of the access doors leading to the various Members’ rooms, Leader’s office, committee rooms, general staff rooms and the W.C. facilities being left unlocked or unmanned.  The current alarm system was only set when the building was not occupied and the only CCTV camera in the building just covered the reception area.  All other Council buildings have controlled public access.   The cost of the works was in the region of £21,267.00 and included all the costs of the installation of the access control system, CCTV cameras and associated works.  The capital investment required had been approved by Regeneration and Asset Board on the 6th December, 2007


(2)   Councillor Cutts asked were the Members to receive more detailed information, by way of a seminar on the new Standards Board for England regulations and would it include members of the public who have been frustrated in the past? 


Councillor Sharman explained that with effect from 8th May, 2008 the Council’s Standards Committee had assumed responsibility for carrying out initial assessments of allegations that Members have failed to comply with the Code of Conduct.  Reports on the new functions have been made to the Standards Committee and the Committee had made recommendations as to the arrangements for the assessment of allegations, which have been approved by the Council.


The Standards Committee would consider any new allegations, but not those which have previously been rejected by the Standards Board for England. 


The Assistant Chief Executive, Legal and Democratic Services, would be asked to present a seminar on the new arrangements as soon as possible.


(3)   Councillor Cutts asked would the new refreshed and updated Rotherham Community Strategy take account of the protection of the ‘Hellaby Community Hall’ from its present intended demolition? 


Councillor Sharman explained that Rotherham’s refreshed Community Strategy was a high level strategic document that outlined the priority issues and actions that partners would take forward.  It did not look in detail at specific projects or schemes and so did not make reference to Hellaby Community Hall.


(4)   Councillor Cutts referred to the Council having spent £15,000 and worked for a year on the development of an Elderly Group in support of the Council’s Strategy for the Elderly as prescribed by the Government, and known locally as the Rotherham Senior Citizens Network. He asked why this had been suspended without consultation and if and when it was intended to reinstate this group? 


Councillor Kirk explained that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19.


Community Strategy/Corporate Plan/Local Area Agreement


Councillor Stone presented a report by the Chief Executive introducing the refreshed Rotherham Community Strategy and RMBC Corporate Plan 2005-2011 that had been updated to cover the period 2008-2011. Incorporated within the Strategy and the Plan were the sixteen mandatory education and early years targets for 2008-09 and the ‘up-to-35’ indicators and targets that would form the basis of the 2008-2011 Local Area Agreement subject to final negotiations with Government Office for Yorkshire and Humber and partners.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Community Strategy and Corporate Plan 2005-2011 be approved.


(2)  That the list of indicators and targets that will form the basis of the 2008/2011 Local Area Agreement (subject to final negotiations and agreement with Government Office for Yorkshire and Humber and partners) be approved.


(3)  That the responsibility be delegated to the Council’s Cabinet for agreeing any final variations to the targets and outcomes indicators for Rotherham’s Local Area Agreement 2008-2011.


Mover:-  Councillor Stone                               Seconder:-  Councillor Sharman


Membership Arrangements 2008/09


The Democratic Services Manager submitted revised proposals for 2008/09.


Resolved:- That the following arrangements be approved:-


·              Cabinet Member for Children and Young People's Services Adviser - Councillor Tweed.

·              Licensing Board - Councillor Barron instead of Councillor Sims.

·              Regeneration Scrutiny Panel - add Councillor Doyle.

·              Performance and Scrutiny Overview Committee - Councillor Gilding instead of Councillor Clarke.