Agenda and minutes

Council Meeting - Wednesday 23 July 2008 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham

Contact: Lewis South, Democratic Services Manager  Ext. 2050 Email:

No. Item




The Mayor was pleased to present the following three Awards:-


·              To the Rotherham Sports Development Team for achieving QUEST and ISO 9001.


·              To the Strategic Human Resources Services for achieving the Best E-Learning Programme of the Year and Rehabilitation Initiative of the Year Award


·              To the RBT Team for the National Customer Service Centre Award.




Councillor Stone paid tribute to Alan Swann, Assistant Chief Executive – Human Resources, who would be retiring shortly, and thanked him for his dedication to the work of the Council for the past 35 years. He also welcomed Phil Howe, the new Assistant Chief Executive – Human Resources.




Councillor Stone referred to Minute No. A14 of the meeting held on 4th June, 2008 in relation to Dr. Sonia Sharp leaving the Council for a post with Sheffield City Council.  He confirmed that her position had now been filled and that Joyce Thacker was the new Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services.




Resolved:- That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 4th June, 2008 be approved for signature by the Mayor.


Mover:- Councillor Stone                                Seconder:- Councillor Sharman




(1)  The Chief Executive submitted the following petitions:-


  • From 137 residents of Wath upon Dearne objecting to a rehousing situation on Christchurch Road, Wath upon Dearne.
  • From 45  residents of Scholes requesting  5 a-side football provision at Monks Close, Scholes.
  • From 44 residents of Beeversleigh, Rotherham requesting reinstatement of a full-time caretaker.
  • From a number of residents of Herringthorpe objecting to the proposed development of part of the Leisure Centre and the Allotments.
  • From 148 residents of North Anston objecting to the proposal of a Youth Shelter in GreenlandsPark, North Anston.


Resolved:- That the petitions be referred to the appropriate Cabinet Members for consideration


(2)  The Chief Executive announced that he had received a letter of resignation from the Council from Councillor Billington.


Councillor Stone wished to place on record his thanks to Councillor Billington for the work she had done during her time on the Council.


Mover:- Councillor Stone                                Seconder:- Councillor Sharman


(3)  The Chief Executive submitted apologies for absence from Councillors Gilding, Havenhand, Hodgkiss, Johnston, Rushforth, Sangster, F. Wright, S. Wright.


(4)  Councillor Stone asked that best wishes for a speedy recovery be sent to Councillor Gilding following his recent operation.




Resolved:-  That the reports and minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet (Section B) (pages 1B to 39B) be adopted.


Mover:-  Councillor Stone                               Seconder:-  Councillor Sharman




Resolved:- That the reports, minutes and recommendations of the meeting of the Standards Committee (Section C) (pages 1C to 5C) be adopted.


Mover:- Councillor Austen                              Seconder:- Councillor Clarke




(1) Councillor Clarke stated that, in Sitwell Ward the Council were still putting “traffic humps” which people did not want.  He asked why was the Council doing this (eg. Spinneyfield Road, off Broom Lane)?


Councillor Smith reported that during consultations for the road humps on Spinneyfield 60% of the residents who responded were in favour of the scheme.  Of those residents that objected approximately half were not necessarily concerned about the introduction of road humps on Spinneyfield, but did express concern about traffic diverting away from Spinneyfield onto nearby roads and asked for these to be traffic calmed as well.  These figures showed that the majority of residents that responded were in favour of the road humps.


Road humps represented one of the most successful and cost effective methods available to reduce vehicle speeds and the number and severity of road accidents.  As such they were a valuable tool in helping to achieve casualty reduction targets.  Alternative traffic calming methods were available, but these were often less effective, have cost disadvantages or were unsuitable for the particular location.


(2) Councillor Clarke asked whether the Council supported the Labour Minister’s decision to give the green light to the scrapping of Green Belt Rules?


Councillor Smith reported that current Government Policy on Green Belts was given in Planning Policy Guidance 2 (PPG2).  The PPG outlined the history and extent of Green Belts and explained their purpose.  It described how Green Belts were designated and their land safeguarded.  Green Belt land-use objectives were outlined and the presumption against inappropriate development was set out.


The Council had a statutory duty to prepare a development plan, taking account of national and regional policy.  The extent of the Rotherham Green Belt would be subject to localised review as part of preparing a revised development plan (the Local Development Framework).  This review would be subject to full consultation with Members, the public and all interested parties.


(3) Councillor Clarke asked what the actual revenue gained to the National Treasury was from Green Taxes?


Councillor Sharman reported that the Government currently levied a number of taxes and duties aimed to improve our environment.


The most up-to-date statistic published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) indicated that the total revenue received by the Government in 2006 from environmental taxation was £35.4 billion.


(4) Councillor Fenoughty asked why supplementary questions and answers were not included in the minutes?


Councillor Stone explained that it was not normal practice throughout Local Government for supplementary questions and answers to be minuted.  It was not the practice of most local authorities to minute the actual questions and answers and they were generally regarded as matters of discussion rather than decisions that needed recording.


(5) This question was withdrawn.


(6) Councillor Sharp referred to the Planning Board’s recent decision to grant a previously declined application for a Gypsy Camp at Wales Bar and asked whether the Council would be publishing details of other potential sites in the Borough  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.



Additional documents:


Councillor Stone introduced the Review of Financial Regulations report which provided details of a number of proposed amendments and the addition of a further ‘guidance note’.


Resolved:- That the proposed amendments to the Financial Regulations be noted and agreed.


Mover:- Councillor Stone                                Seconder:- Councillor Smith



Additional documents:


Councillor Stone introduced the Audit Committee Annual Report for 2007/08.


Resolved:- That the report be received.


Mover:- Councillor Stone                                Seconder:- Councillor Smith



Bramley Traffic Scheme


That this Council looks upon the recent discovery that the traffic order for the road scheme at Bramley is incorrect.


It should be looked upon not just as an embarrassment to the Council, which it is, but should be looked at as an opportunity to right the wrong done to the village of Bramley by the imposition of this scheme and we propose that this Council reverse the scheme to the way it was before this scheme was introduced in accordance with the wishes of the electorate of Bramley.


Proposer: Councillor M. Parker          Seconder: Councillor A. Mannion


Moved by Councillor Parker and seconded by Councillor Mannion.


“That this Council looks upon the recent discovery that the traffic order for the road scheme at Bramley is incorrect.


It should be looked upon not just as an embarrassment to the Council, which it is, but should be looked at as an opportunity to right the wrong done to the village of Bramley by the imposition of this scheme and we propose that this Council reverse the scheme to the wishes of the electorate of Bramley.”


Amendment to the motion moved by Councillor Thirwall and seconded by Councillor Slade.


“That this Council acknowledges the recent discovery that the traffic order for the road scheme at Bramley is incorrect and accordingly resolve to carry out further consultation in the community in order to determine the wishes of the community prior to revising the Traffic Regulation Order.”


The amendment to the motion was put and LOST.


The motion was put to the vote and LOST.


Appointment of Chairman to the Wentworth Valley (Maltby, Hellaby, Wickersley) Area Assembly


Consideration was given to the Appointment of a new Chairman to the Wentworth Valley (Maltby, Hellaby, Wickersley) Area Assembly.


Councillor Stone moved that Councillor Rushforth replace Councillor Thirlwall as the Chairman. However, in the absence of Councillor Sharman who was to second this, the item of business was withdrawn.