Agenda and minutes

Council Meeting - Wednesday 8 October 2008 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham

Contact: Lewis South, Democratic Services Manager  Ext. 2050 Email:

No. Item




The Mayor was pleased to present two Awards to:-


·              Sports Development Team who won the Sports England Athletics Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Local Authority Partnership Award for the “Most Supportive Management Team, offering club, coach and athlete the best environment to develop talent”. 


·              Strategic HR Team who were successful in winning the Association of Public Service Excellence (APSE) Award for Best Employee and Equality Initiative.




The Leader was pleased to announce that the Greystones Community Action Group had won the Queen’s Award for services to the community.


The Leader also paid tribute to Old Ravenfield who again was successful in the Britain in Bloom competition.




Resolved:-  That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 23rd July, 2008 be approved for signature by the Mayor.


Mover:-  Councillor Stone                               Seconder:-  Councillor Sharman




(1)  The Chief Executive submitted the following petitions:- 


·              From forty one residents of Howard Road, Bramley regarding anti-social behaviour.

·              From fifty nine residents of Kimberworth, Rotherham opposing the Church Street development at Kimberworth.

·              From one hundred and thirty nine residents of Rotherham opposing the increase in Parking Permit fees.

·              From forty four residents of Bramley regarding the soiling on Bramley Grange Crescent, Bramley, Rotherham.


Resolved:-  That the petitions be referred to the appropriate Cabinet Member for consideration.


Mover:-  Councillor Stone                               Seconder:-  Councillor Sharman


(2)  The Chief Executive submitted apologies for absence from Councillors Austen, Barron, Foden, N. Hamilton, Hussain, Johnston, Mannion, Turner, Walker and Wyatt.




Resolved:-  That the reports and minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet (Section B) (pages 40B to 65B) be adopted.


Mover:-  Councillor Stone                               Seconder:- Councillor Sharman

(without B58)

                                                                        Councillor Smith (Minute B58)


(Councillors Goulty and Sharman declared a prejudicial interest in Minute No. B58 (Community Stadium) being season ticket holders and left the room during the discussion)


Standards Committee


Resolved:-  That the reports, minutes and recommendations of the meeting of the Standards Committee (Section C) (pages 6C to 9C) be adopted.


Mover:-  Councillor Slade                                Seconder:-  Councillor Hodgkiss


Annual Scrutiny Report 2007/08 AND SCRUTINY PLAN 2008/09


Councillor Whelbourn presented the 2007/08 Annual Scrutiny Report and 2008/09 Scrutiny Plan.


Resolved:-  That the Annual Scrutiny Report for 2007/08 be received and the Scrutiny Plan for 2008/09 be supported.


Mover:-  Councillor Whelbourn                       Seconder:-  Councillor McNeely




(1)  Councillor Parker asked had the Chief Executive or any Member of the Council been approached by Central Government to organise trials to charge for bin collections and had the Council been offered incentives to run such trials?


Councillor R. S. Russell confirmed the Council had not been approached directly by Central Government to organise trials to charge for bin collections.


(2)   Councillor Fenoughty asked what was the reasoning behind the fact that grass cutting in the Borough was, on average, only once in every three weeks when common sense could clearly see this was inadequate?


Councillor R. S. Russell reported that the budget for Grounds Maintenance provided sufficient resource to cut urban grass verges and open space across the whole borough on a three weekly cycle.  In general, three weekly cutting produced a reasonably controlled standard at most times of the season.  However, this summer had been exceptionally poor and in particular August was one of the wettest on record.  As such, unfortunately, a number of days’ grass cutting have been lost to inclement weather and grass growth had been high resulting in sometimes unsatisfactory standards of grass.


Whilst a three weekly cycle was the cutting frequency of most grass, there was a range of other frequencies for different land uses.  For example, bowling greens were cut three times per week, cricket outfields once per week, soccer pitches in early season twice per week, certain park areas once per week and rural verges once per year.


(3)   Councillor Fenoughty asked would there be any possibility that the Council could offer financial support for the future of ‘Dial-A-Ride’, a service which many of our elderly people valued greatly for their quality of life?


Councillor Kirk explained that while it was recognised that Dial-A-Ride was a valuable service, it was one of many services that were provided for the wider population within Rotherham. Access to transport was one of the elements that could assist people to remain independent and was part of the range of services that should be considered within the wider partnership of agencies within Rotherham. There were no plans at present to invest in this service by the Council.


At a recent meeting of the Rother Valley South Area Assembly a discussion had taken place to seek funding to support Dial-A-Ride services from the Coalfield Communities Campaign and hopefully this would be successful.


(4)   Councillor Hughes asked how many adults were currently living in Rotherham with autism and had the Council implemented the DASS guidance and appointed a named individual or team with responsibility for autism?


Councillor Kirk reported there were 96 individuals with a diagnosis of autism, who also had a learning disability known to and supported by the Joint Learning Disability Service in Rotherham. The figures were not available for the number of people who had autism, but who did not have a learning disability.


The Council had implemented the DASS advice and reported in the SAS submission this year, that the team  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41.



Last Month a survey was conducted by Councillor D. Hughes, Woodsetts Parish Council, Woodsetts Neighbourhood Watch and Community representatives from Rotherham 2010. The purpose of this survey was to attain the average figure to enable the use of the Calculation PV2 as used by RMBC to calculate if a pedestrian crossing on a given road was required. The survey was conducted on Worksop Road, Woodsetts.


After conducting the traffic survey and applying the average figures to the PV2 formula it was found that, using this formula, a pedestrian crossing was required. Having already served this Council with a petition of over 700 signatures requesting a crossing, we therefore propose on the basis of these findings that this Council, as soon as can be possibly arranged, install a zebra crossing across Worksop Road, Woodsetts close to the crossroads with Dinnington Road, Lindrick Road and Gildingwells Road in accordance with this Council’s own calculation and the wishes of nearly half the village population who signed the petition.


Proposer: Councillor Darren HughesSeconder: Councillor Michael Clarke


Moved by Councillor Huges and seconded by Councillor Clarke:-


“Last Month a survey was conducted by Councillor D. Hughes, Woodsetts Parish Council, Woodsetts Neighbourhood Watch and Community representatives from Rotherham 2010. The purpose of this survey was to attain the average figure to enable the use of the Calculation PV2 as used by RMBC to calculate if a pedestrian crossing on a given road was required. The survey was conducted on Worksop Road, Woodsetts.


After conducting the traffic survey and applying the average figures to the PV2 formula it was found that, using this formula, a pedestrian crossing was required. Having already served this Council with a petition of over 700 signatures requesting a crossing, we therefore propose on the basis of these findings that this Council, as soon as can be possibly arranged, install a zebra crossing across Worksop Road, Woodsetts close to the crossroads with Dinnington Road, Lindrick Road and Gildingwells Road in accordance with this Council’s own calculation and the wishes of nearly half the village population who signed the petition.”


An amendment to the motion was made moved by Councillor St. John and seconded by Councillor Whysall.


“Last Month a survey was conducted by Councillor D. Hughes, Woodsetts Parish Council, Woodsetts Neighbourhood Watch and Community representatives from Rotherham 2010. The purpose of this survey was to ascertain the average figure to enable the use of the Calculation PV2 as used by RMBC to calculate if a pedestrian crossing on a given road was required. The survey was conducted on Worksop Road, Woodsetts.


After conducting the traffic survey and applying the average figures to the PV2 formula it was found that, using this formula, a pedestrian crossing was required. Having already served this Council with a petition of over 700 signatures requesting a crossing, we therefore propose that Councillor D. Hughes submits his figures to the relevant Directorate, that a professional survey of pedestrian and vehicle movements be made; with the results of this and previous surveys then given to local Ward Councillors and the Rother Valley South Area Assembly.”


The amendment to the motion was put and carried and was adopted by the Council.


(Councillors Blair, Clarke, Cutts, Donaldson, Fenoughty, Gilding, Hughes, Parker, Sharp and Slade voted against the amendment)


Election of a Councillor pdf icon PDF 26 KB


The Returning Officer reported that the person, indicated below, had been elected a Member of the Council at the election held on 28th August, 2008.







No. 20


Tina Charisse Dowdall


Christopher McMahon


Donald Bruce Ross


Jonathan Ralph Round


Steven Scutt



(Elected)  871








Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be received.


(2)  That Councillor McMahon be appointed to the Planning Board and the Adult Services Health and Regeneration Scrutiny Panels.


Mover:-  Councillor Stone                               Seconder:-  Councillor Sharman




Councillor Stone presented a report by the Assistant Chief Executive, Legal and Democratic Services, relating to the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel as to the filling of vacancies on the Standards Committee.


Resolved:-  That Dr. G. Musson and Ms. J. Porter be appointed as Independent Members of the Standards Committee and Mr. M. Andrew be re-appointed for terms of four years.


Mover:-  Councillor Stone                               Seconder:-  Councillor Sharman