Agenda and minutes

Council Meeting - Wednesday 22 April 2009 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham

Contact: Lewis South, Democratic Services Manager  Ext. 2050 Email:

No. Item


Council Meeting


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 4th March, 2009 be approved for signature by the Mayor.


Mover:-  Councillor Stone                               Seconder:-  Councillor Sharman


Councillor Thirlwall questioned whether decisions under delegated powers should be contained within the white council Minute Book.


The Mayor reported that a review of Standing Orders was taking place and this matter would be considered.




(1) The Chief Executive submitted the following petitions:-


·              From three hundred and thirty four residents of Rotherham objecting to dogs being allowed into the Rotherham Crematorium Grounds.


·              From two hundred and seven children of Thorpe Hesley, Rotherham requesting a BMX Track possibly on Barnsley Road, Thorpe Hesley.


·              From eighteen residents requesting new PVCu doors on Fitwilliam Street, Swinton.


·              From thirty-three residents requesting gates at the back road of Ellis Street and Duncan Street, Rotherham.


·              From three hundred and ninety residents of Rotherham objecting to the proposed increase in charges for Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Vehicle Licences.


Resolved:- That the petitions be referred to the appropriate Directorates for consideration.


Mover:- Councillor Stone                    Seconder:-   Councillor Sharman


(2) The Chief Executive submitted apologies for absence from Councillors Cutts, Gosling, N. Hamilton, Lakin, Mannion, Parker, Rushforth, Sangster, Sharp, Sims, St. John, and F. Wright.


Annual Audit and Inspection Letter pdf icon PDF 87 KB

- Presented by the District Auditor

Additional documents:


The Leader introduced the Comprehensive Area Assessment Lead, John Casey from the Audit Commission.


John Casey presented the Annual Audit Letter which provided an overall summary of the Audit Commission’s assessment of the Council.  It recognised the Council’s service improvements and arrangements to support continuous improvement and highlighted areas where further action was required. 


John Casey gave a presentation outlining the main points of the Annual Audit and Inspection Letter, which drew specific attention to:-


·              CPA 2008.

·              CPA Direction of Travel.

·              CPA Service Scores – Four Year View.

·              Service Scores.

·              Use of Resources.

·              Use of Resources – New 2009 Assessment.

·              Housing Market Renewal.

·              Looking Ahead.

·              Looking Ahead – Comprehensive Area Assessment.


Members asked a range of questions which John Casey responded to.


Resolved:-  (1)  That John Casey be thanked for the work he has been doing and the Council look forward to working with him in the future.


(2)  That the Audit Commission’s Annual Audit and Inspection letter 2007/2008 be received.


(3)  That the areas for future action be noted.


Mover: Councillor Stone                                 Seconder: Councillor Sharman


Cabinet Minutes


Resolved:- That the reports and minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet (Section B) (pages 168B to 195B) be adopted.


The Leader reported that Mike Cuff, Chief Executive, would be retiring from the Council in August, 2009.


Mover:- Councillor Stone                                Seconder:- Councillor Sharman


Standards Committee


Resolved:- That the reports and minutes of the meeting of the Standards Committee (Section C) (pages 24C to 25C) be adopted.


Mover:- Councillor Hodgkiss                           Seconder:- Councillor Clarke


Questions to Cabinet Members and Chairmen


(1)   Councillor Donaldson  reported that a Conservative Government were proposing to freeze council tax, paid for by reducing unnecessary Government spending on consultants and advertising and asked why Rotherham could not do the same? 


The Deputy Leader explained that a report following a Scrutiny review into the use of Consultants was presented to, and endorsed by, the Performance and Scrutiny Overview Committee on 13th March, 2009.


The review recognised that there were a range of circumstances where it might be necessary to engage the services of an external consultant.  These included:-


·              To provide specialist expertise which could not be provided in-house.

·              To bring in additional resources to supplement a team.

·              To develop the Authority’s own capacity when there was a gap in skills, expertise or human resource capacity.

·              To provide independent support in problematic or challenging areas.


Whilst recognising the need to use consultants in the circumstances described above, in setting its 2009/10 Budget the Council set a challenging target of reducing consultancy spend by £250,000 per annum. This saving had already helped to keep the Council Tax increase down to its lowest level in over a decade.


With regard to advertising spend, in September 2008 the Council and its partners issued the first edition of the new monthly newspaper ‘Rotherham News’. In addition to keeping residents informed of the work of the Council and its Partners across the borough, the newspaper also provided the medium for placing Council advertisements and statutory notices at a reduced cost to that charged in other previously used publications.


The Council remained committed to driving down costs and increasing value for money for its residents.        


(2)   Councillor Donaldson asked how many houses were standing empty in the borough (Council housing stock)? 


Councillor Akhtar reported that as at the end of March, 2009, 390 Council-owned homes stood empty in the borough.


(3)   Councillor Donaldson asked how many people were currently on the Council waiting list for a house/property in the borough? 


Councillor Akhtar reported that as at 31st March, 2009 there were 18,260 people registered on the Council's Housing Register.


(4)   Councillor Donaldson asked if the Cabinet Member could tell her what the Council spent the rent on that was collected from community centres in the borough some of which have been open since the early 1970's - an example community centre being The Lings in Bramley? 


Councillor Akhtar reported that the Council owned a number of community buildings and any rent received was used to assist with the upkeep, running costs and maintenance of the centres. Where the centres were attached to sheltered housing schemes, such as The Lings in Bramely, any rental income was received from tenants or non-residents contributing to activities at the scheme and again this money was used towards the running costs of the schemes.


(5)   Councillor Fenoughty asked how many immigrants were living in social housing in Rotherham? 


Councillor Akhtar explained that the term "immigrant" was a very varied descriptor of any person or  ...  view the full minutes text for item 76.


Health Authority Screening

“That this Council urge the Health Authority to institute, as a matter of urgency, a prostate screening programme”.


Mover: Councillor Turner                                Seconder: Councillor Stone


Moved by Councillor Turner and seconded by Councillor Stone:-


"That this Council urge the Health Authority to institute, as a matter of urgency, a prostate screening programme."


The motion was put and carried and was adopted by the Council.


Social Care

“That this Council resolves to eliminate ‘institutional abuse’ within the Social Care Sector and that all people receive the same standard of care regardless of age or ability to pay.”


Mover: Councillor Parker                                Seconder: Councillor Cutts


This motion was withdrawn.