Agenda and minutes

Council Meeting - Wednesday 4 February 2009 2.15 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham

Contact: Lewis South, Democratic Services Manager  Ext. 2050 Email:

No. Item


Minute's Silence


The Mayor referred to the recent death of former Councillor Alice Booth and the tragic accident resulting in the death of sixteen year old Francesca Anobile.  A minute’s silence was held as a mark of respect.




The Mayor was pleased to present the Quarterly Employee Suggestion Scheme Winners Awards to Justin Sargison from Neighbourhoods and Adult Services and Hayley Connolly from RBT Connect Ltd. who had put forward their ideas to improve the services provided for their Directorates.


The Mayor was also pleased to offer congratulations on the recent birth of twins to Councillor McNeely’s daughter on the 28th January, 2009.




(1) The Chief Executive submitted the following petitions:-


·             From twenty-five residents of Stag Willow Close, Rotherham regarding care and support at home.

·             From eight residents of Swinburne Place, Herringthorpe regarding the pavements not being gritted in icy conditions.

·             From twenty-five residents of Longfellow Drive, Herringthorpe regarding fencing erected around the bungalow on Longfellow Drive, Herringthorpe.


Resolved:- That the petitions be referred to the appropriate Cabinet Member for consideration.


Mover:- Councillor Stone                    Seconder:-   Councillor Sharman


(2) The Chief Executive submitted apologies for absence from Councillors Burton, Cutts, Gosling, N. Hamilton, Hussain, Johnston, Lakin, Rushforth, P. A. Russell, Sharp, Sims, Walker and Whysall.




A member of the public asked if two hour free parking and chevroned systems in Rotherham centre would attract new shoppers and encourage small businesses to our town and asked would the Council support this?


Councillor Smith reported that the Council had already given consideration to free parking in the town centre.  There were significant financial implications to the proposal for free parking which could not be accommodated within existing revenue budgets, but this would be looked at further in the next municipal year.


In a supplementary question, the member of the public pointed out that there was a need for free parking in the town centre to enable it to prosper whilst encouraging businesses and shoppers into the town.  However, would the Council not consider and support two hour free parking or a chevroned system?


Councillor Smith explained that the Council could face potential anti-competition claims from other car parking owners and it could prove more difficult to attract investment into the town if there was little prospect of a return on their investment.


Businesses had been offered support in a scheme where they recompensed parking charges incurred, but there had been no interest.




Resolved:- That the reports and minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet (Section B) (pages 103B to 144B) be adopted.


Mover:- Councillor Stone                                Seconder:- Councillor Sharman


(Councillor Stone declared a prejudicial interest in Minute No. B128 (Magna Trust) on the grounds that he was a Member of the Board and left the room whilst discussion took place)


(Councillors Akhtar, Ali, Dodson, Falvey, Jack, Kirk, Nightingale, Pickering, G. A. Russell, R. S. Russell, Sharman, Smith, Stone, Whelbourn, S. Wright and Wyatt declared personal interests in Minute No. B164 (Housing Rents) on the grounds of being, knowing or being related to a Council House tenant)




Resolved:- That the reports and minutes of the meeting of the Standards Committee (Section C) (pages 15C to 19C) be adopted, subject to the following clerical amendment:-


“That the reference to Aston-cum Aughton Parish Hall Trust in Minute Nos. 31 and 35 on Pages 15C and 17C respectively should read Aston-cum-Aughton Parish Hall Management Committee.”


Mover:- Councillor Hodgkiss                           Seconder:- Councillor Clarke




(1)   Councillor Fenoughty asked why, in the current economic climate, was this Council not seriously considering free parking in the town centre?  This would not only show the Council to be understanding of the financial situation many families found themselves, but it would boost business, culture and employment in our town.


Councillor Smith replied that the Council had given consideration to “free” car parking in the Town Centre both on street and in the public off street car parks which the Council controlled, but this may lead to an increase of parking by local workers.


In order to allow effective enforcement and prevent spaces being occupied all day “commuter type” parking, it would be necessary to make only a short time element “free”; say the first two hours, with the remainder time periods as currently charged.


There were significant financial considerations with such a proposal, which could not be accommodated within existing revenue budgets.


It should be born in mind that not all parking in the Town Centre was under Council control and the Council could face potential “anti-competition” claims from third parties and find it more difficult to attract investment into the town if others were asked to fund car parking with little prospect of a return from their investment.


Finally, in an attempt to attract more people in to the town we have offered businesses our willingness to be involved in and administer a scheme where by they could recompense parking charges incurred either on street or Council off street car parks but to date, there had been no interest.


(2)  Councillor Fenoughty asked what financial provisions have this Council made regarding ground maintenance after October, 2009?


Councillor R. S. Russell explained the existing five year Grounds Maintenance contract with Ringway Infrastructure Services terminated in nine months time on 31st October, 2009 though there were provisions within the contract to extend by up to a further two years.


The Council was currently giving Grounds Maintenance funding serious consideration in determining the budget for 2009/10.  There was a desire for investment to improve grass cutting frequency, but clearly this had to be balanced against other pressing and competing priorities.


The options for delivery of the Grounds Maintenance service from 1st November, 2009 were currently being appraised in detail and a proposal report was scheduled to come to joint Cabinet Members meeting (i.e. meeting of Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Development Services and Cabinet Member for Streetpride) in March.  Costs would clearly have a significant bearing on the preferred option chosen and at this stage it was anticipated that costs would be contained within the Grounds Maintenance allocation for 2009/10.


(3)  Councillor Mannion asked when would the improvements on the A631 West Bawtry Road, from Whiston crossroads to the Hilton Hotel roundabout, be completed?


Councillor Smith reported the scheme was substantially completed on 19th December, 2008, when the new dual carriageway became fully operational.  Some minor items remained to be finished.


Works to the traffic signal controllers  ...  view the full minutes text for item 61.


Mayors for Peace


To consider the adoption of the following motion :-


“This Council acknowledges the current danger of nuclear weapons proliferation and recognises the achievement of Mayors for Peace in co-ordinating more than 2635 towns and cities in 134 countries to promote the total abolition of nuclear weapons and pursue lasting peace in the world


This Council pledges its support for, and undertakes to join the other local authorities in England and Wales who are members of International Mayors for Peace”.


Proposer : Councillor Wyatt                                 Seconder: Councillor Wootton



Moved by Councillor Wyatt and seconded by Councillor Wootton:-


"This Council acknowledges the current danger of nuclear weapons proliferation and recognises the achievement of Mayors for Peace in co-ordinating more than 2635 towns and cities in 134 countries to promote the total abolition of nuclear weapons and pursue lasting peace in the world.


This Council pledges its support for and undertakes to join the other local authorities in England and Wales who are members of International Mayors for Peace."


The motion was put and carried and was adopted by the Council.