Agenda and minutes

Council Meeting - Wednesday 9 December 2009 2.15 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham

Contact: Lewis South, Democratic Services Manager  Ext. 2050 Email:

No. Item


Presentation of Awards


The Mayor was pleased to present two awards to:-


·              Streetpride who won the “Most Improved Performer In Street Lighting” Award at the Association of Public Services Excellence National Annual Performance Network awards in Blackpool.


·              The quarterly winner of the Employee Suggestion Scheme – Caroline Langley from Financial Services, whose two suggestions were that posters be placed in male and female toilets highlighting the importance of checking for prostate cancer or breast cancer and for a closure e-mail or telephone call to be received when a repair had been completed.


Congratulations were offered to all those involved in these achievements.




The Chief Executive submitted apologies for absence from Councillors Clarke, Gamble, J. Hamilton, Hodgkiss, License, Mannion, Rushforth, Sharman, Sharp, Sims and Turner.


Questions from the Public


A member of the public referred to Health and Safety legislation guidelines stating linen /clothing soiled by double incontinence, blood, urine, faeces must not be stored, but sluiced immediately, then washed using industrial soap/detergents and asked could the Council confirm how they intend to comply with limited home visits/simple facilities in vulnerable peoples homes to combat MRSA and E-coli?


Councillor Doyle welcomed the opportunity to focus on the health and safety of customers and the staff caring for them.  Under the old system there were two collections of dirty linen each week, which may have resulted in storage of some dirty linen for up to four days.


However, under the new system individual assessments of need were undertaken and those people who were incontinent were referred to the Continence Service whereby they received additional assistance to ensure the dignity of the individual concerned was maintained.


In addition, care would be provided on a needs basis, which could be daily.  All staff would be fully trained in dealing with MRSA and using domestic washing methods and powders for combating such diseases.  All vulnerable people would be receiving a far better service on a needs basis.


In a supplementary question, the member of the public asked if the Council had been acting illegally in the past in the storage of dirty linen under health and safety legislation?  With the removal of the in-house laundry service this would mean care assistants would be sent into people’s houses and be expected to sluice soiled garments and the member of the public asked if this was a safety environment for staff or if they or their customers were being placed at risk not just from MRSA?


Councillor Doyle disagreed with the supplementary question and reiterated the need to engage customers and ensure that, where necessary, they were referred to the Continence Service to prevent the problems they were encountering becoming an issue for care staff.  This was indeed a far better service that the previous twice weekly collection.


Standards Committee


Resolved:- (1)  That the reports and minutes of the meeting of the Standards Committee (Section B) (pages 15B to 21B) be adopted.


(2)  That this Council’s best wishes be sent to Councillor Clarke.


Mover:- Councillor Austen                              Seconder:- Councillor Hughes


Cabinet Minutes


Rawmarsh Customer Service Centre (Minute No. C123) (Page 96C)


Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act, 2007 – Executive Arrangements (Minute No. C136) (Pages 102C and 103C)



Resolved:- That the reports and minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet (Section C) (pages 94C to 108C) be adopted.


Mover:- Councillor Stone                                Seconder:- Councillor Smith


Delegated Powers Meetings


Children and Young People – Pages 38D to 50D (Section D)


Community Development and Engagement – Pages 17E to 23E (Section E)


Cultural Services and Sport – Pages 18F to 22F (Section F)


Economic Development, Planning and Transportation – Pages 68G to 82G (Section G)


Health and Social Care – Pages 49H to 63H (Section H)


Housing and Neighbourhoods – Pages 44J to 55J (Section J)


Resources – Pages 14K to 21K (Section K)


Streetpride– Pages 12L to 15L (Section L)


Economic Development, Planning and Transportation and Streetpride – Pages 21M to 30M (Section M)





Resolved:- That the reports and minutes of the meetings of the Delegated Powers to Cabinet Members as listed below be adopted:-


·              Children and Young People – Pages 38D to 50D (Section D)


·              Community Development and Engagement – Pages 17E to 23E (Section E)


·              Cultural Services and Sport – Pages 18F to 22F (Section F)


·              Economic Development, Planning and Transportation – Pages 68G to 82G (Section G)


·              Health and Social Care – Pages 49H to 63H (Section H)


·              Housing and Neighbourhoods – Pages 44J to 55J (Section J)


·              Resources – Pages 14K to 21K (Section K)


·              Streetpride– Pages 12L to 15L (Section L)


·              Economic Development, Planning and Transportation and Streetpride – Pages 21M to 30M (Section M)


Mover:- Councillor Stone                                Seconder:- Councillor Smith


Licensing Board


Resolved:- That the reports and minutes of the meetings of the Licensing Board (Section Q) (pages 13Q to 16Q) be adopted.


Mover:- Councillor Wootton                           Seconder:- Councillor F. Wright


Planning Board


Resolved:- That the reports and minutes of the meetings of the Planning Board (Section T) (pages 88T to 97T) be adopted.


Mover:- Councillor Pickering                           Seconder:- Councillor Dodson


Leader and Deputy Leader


Resolved:- That the reports and minutes of the meetings of the Leader and Deputy Leader (Section U) (pages 8U) be adopted.


Mover:- Councillor Stone                                Seconder:- Councillor Smith




(1)  Councillor Gilding asked why had the Rotherham Music Service had its funding cut by £55,000? 


Councillor S. Wright explained that Children and Young People’s Services were facing a significant budget deficit. This meant that all departments within the Directorate have had to examine their budgets to determine where, if any, savings could be made.


(2)  Councillor Fenoughty asked were there any proposals for Council Tax rises due to the financial mess that we were in?


The Leader explained that the budget discussions were only just coming to a conclusion, but pointed out that any increases above 3% would be capped by the Government.  Rotherham would do everything in its power to ensure Council Tax was kept down.


(3)  Councillor Cutts referred to Hellaby’s application for Parish Status which commenced in December, 2005 with the Community Plan being completed within eleven months.  In 2007 a public survey was undertaken and in 2008 they were asked to delay until the new boundaries alterations were considered.  He asked when could the Council now conclude to establish this new Parish at Hellaby?


Councillor Hussain reported that an invitation was given to Members for an update on the Parish Boundary Review which took place on 13th November, 2009.


Councillor Hussain reported that consultation was taking place until 18th December on the draft recommendations under the parish review, including the recommendation for a new parish of Hellaby.  The Council would in the new year determine its final recommendations after considering the consultation responses and, after consulting the Electoral Commission, would make an order to give effect to the changes.  The final recommendations, including the creation of any new parishes, should be determined fairly early in the new year.  However, elections to any such parishes would almost certainly be held in May, 2011, along with elections to existing parishes.


(4)  Councillor Kaye referred to the recent successful inspection and asked to what did the Cabinet Member attribute the success?


Councillor Doyle attributed the success of Adult Services to strong political and managerial leadership following the restructuring.  This leadership had led to a clear set of priorities, totally focused on service users.  This leadership developed and supported a professional and committed workforce passionate about supporting vulnerable people and this leadership had been prepared to make tough decisions which have ultimately led to improved satisfaction and quality of life for residents.


Indications were given on how better use of the resources available had allowed the Council to deliver more for less and achieve an excellent rating and these included:-


·              Investigating an additional 275 safeguarding referrals during the year and training 2,000 staff to make people safer and feel safer.

·              Social workers undertaking an additional 1,297 pieces of activity compared to the previous year meaning that we are able to change care packages as and when people’s lives change.

·              We have reduced the average length of stay in ‘intermediate care’ services from 55 days to 35 days meaning that people are going home quicker  ...  view the full minutes text for item 72.




Councillor Gilding asked what was the average percentage of time spent actually on patrol by Police Officers in South Yorkshire?’


Councillor Littleboy reported that just being on patrol was not something that happened these days.  Officers would generally be tasked with one or more specific duties. Nevertheless these tasks would be performed in view of the public on the streets of Rotherham and South Yorkshire. A typical constable would spend some 65% of his or her time visible to the public, the remaining time being spent on tasks such as interviewing suspects or taking their statements. For a Police Community Support Officer the figure would be about 73% and it was rising.


Scrutiny Update


Councillor Whelbourn, Chairman of the Performance and Scrutiny Overview Committee, reported on recent Scrutiny activity and confirmed that each of the five Scrutiny Panels were undertaking or starting reviews, these included:-


·              Children and Young People’s Services – Request from the Youth Cabinet to look into how personal, social, health and economic education was provided.  A successful meeting was held on Tuesday with some Head Teachers and it was hoped to report early in the new year.


·              Sustainable Communities – Starting a review into neighbourhood management and how partners could work together.


·              Regeneration – Completing a review on physical education in schools and to embark on a review on the image of Rotherham and perception indicators.


·              Democratic Renewal – Looking into how devolved budgets worked and learning from best practice elsewhere.


·              Adult Services and Health – Continuing the review into breastfeeding and about to undertake some work on dementia and care standards.


In addition, three Scrutiny Reviews had been presented to Cabinet, positively received and decisions received, namely, Choice Based Lettings, Void Turnarounds and Debt Recovery.  These reports have now been submitted to the respective Scrutiny Panels for monitoring.


The Performance and Scrutiny Overview Committee also recently invited representatives from the utility companies to a meeting about floods with a view to improving joint working.  This was part of the ongoing programme to keep a watching brief on flood management issues.


A presentation had also been received on the sustainability of post offices and as a result the local Members of Parliament were informed of concerns about payments of pension and winter fuel allowance payments in large denomination notes.


Resolved:-  That the update on the work of scrutiny be noted.





Councillor Stone referred to the request for Councillor Falvey to change Scrutiny Panels from Sustainable Communities to Children and Young People’s Services.


Resolved:-  That Councillor Falvey be appointed as a member of the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Panel.


Mover:-  Councillor Stone                               Seconder:-  Councillor Smith