Agenda and minutes

The Former Members Sustainable Development Advisory Group (expired October, 2010) (See Sustainability Partnership) - Friday 30 October 2009 10.30 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH

No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 31st July, 2009 pdf icon PDF 134 KB


Agreed:  That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 31st July, 2009, be accepted as a correct record.


Any matters arising from the previous minutes


There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.


Presentation - "Carbon Reduction Commitment - Energy Efficiency Scheme" pdf icon PDF 390 KB

David Rhodes, Corporate Environmental Manager.


David Rhodes, Corporate Environmental Manager, gave a presentation in respect of the Carbon Reduction Commitment (Energy Efficiency Scheme) which was a mandatory carbon trading scheme covering approximately 5,000 public and private sector organisations.  The aim of the scheme, which was to commence in April 2010, was a European Union and national commitment to reduce carbon emissions.


The presentation covered in detail:-


-                      operation of the scheme

-                      requirements and timeline for years 1, 2 and 3

-                      The Carbon Trading Equation; including sealed bid auction;  capping;  supply and demand; carbon trading gamesmanship

-                      performance league table;  bonuses and penalties?

-                      reimbursement payment

-                      risks

-                      next steps


Members raised the following issues which were answered and clarified by the Corporate Environmental Manager:-


-                      Was the Council checking why it would not achieve target in Year 1?

-                      What position were other local authorities in?

-                      Was there any lee way in the scheme for former industrial areas or areas that were mostly countryside?

-                      responsibility for schools and leisure centres

-                      inclusion of Government departments

-                      complexity of the scheme

-                      energy generation schemes – grants e.g. for installation of photovoltaic panels


Agreed:-  That the officer be thanked for the information, if complex, presentation.


Environmental Management Systems report pdf icon PDF 72 KB

David Rhodes, Corporate Environmental Manager, to report.


David Rhodes, Corporate Environmental Manager, presented the submitted report and highlighted the following:-


-                      efforts to meet the 2% reduction target for NI 185

-                      EMAS – awaiting certification sign-off

-                      Display Energy Certificates:-  noting current situation, together with budget and resourcing issues

-                      NI 185 and NI 194:- noting improved data collection arrangements now in place

-                      Carbon Reduction Commitment – Energy Efficiency Scheme:  noting progress of the Council’s preparation for involvement in this scheme, as detailed in the previous presentation


Written answers were also provided to the Group’s previous questions in respect of:-


(i)                 Are there any solar streetlights in Rotherham?


It was reported that there were 6 solar powered street lights in the Borough in locations where there were no YEDL services and where the pay back period for the capital cost of purchase and installation was considered to be acceptable


(ii)               and Why do utility companies leave road markings in situ and could they not use graffiti wipes to clean paint off?


It was reported that mostly the markings were water based and temporary.  On the rare occasions when marking had become permanent surface replacement had been enforced.


Agreed:  That the contents of the report be noted.


Local Action 21 Update pdf icon PDF 89 KB

David Wilde, Local Agenda 21 Community Worker, to report.


David Wilde, Local Agenda 21 Community Worker, spoke to the submitted report highlighting the following:-


-                      continuation of Specific Education for Sustainable Development projects

-                      more informal awareness raising sessions

-                      on going support to projects in relation to climate change and biodiversity

-                      continuation of Green Check work with schools with funding from LABGI

-                      approval of Green Check by Dearne Valley Eco-Vision Core Group

-                      National recognition by DCSF of work on Sustainable Schools

-                      Eco foot printing with schools and community groups

-                      success of Global Footprints Trail at Herringthorpe and Wath CofE schools, and commencement at Coleridge

-                      meeting with Building Schools for the Future and Extended Services re:  response to Carbon Management Strategy

-                      good attendance at Sustainable Schools INSET day


Further work included:-


·        progress implementation of audits/action plans at EMAS/Green Check schools and enlist further new schools

·        continued ESD activity as part of the DCSF Sustainable Schools initiative, including ongoing representation at Yorkshire and Humber Sustainable Schools Co-ordination Group (7 Dec)

·        progress closer working with Children and Young People’s Services, e.g. by Green Check/Sustainable Schools presentation to Headteachers

·        progress potential for Social Cohesion work in the context of LA21 (and Sustainable Schools)

·        Green Check presentation to Sustainability Partnership on 11 Nov

·        REF meeting on 8 Dec to include Eco-Vision presentation


Members present raised the following issues which were answered by the officer:-


-                      availability of WREN funding/use of Landfill Tax credit

-                      introduction of the sustainability ethos into schools

-                      extending into communities and linking with other initiatives e.g. Grow Your Own and healthy eating

-                      the need to spread good practice across the whole Council


Resolved:- That the officer be thanked for his informative update.


Presentation - HCA Single Conversation. (copy attached) pdf icon PDF 448 KB

Gordon Smith, Quality and Design Co-ordinator.


Gordon Smith, Quality and Design Co-ordinator, gave a presentation in respect of the Homes and Communities Agency’s “Single Conversation”.  It was explained that this was a new agency bringing together many regeneration funding pots, aimed at closer working and alignment between the Homes and Communities Agency and the RDA Yorkshire Forward.


The role of the HCA would be to be the key player in delivering housing and regeneration projects throughout the country.


The key methodology for deciding the allocation of this funding was to be the Single Conversation with local authorities.


The presentation further covered:-


-                      how the Single Conservation will take place

-                      the timetable:  noting Rotherham proposed to start the process January 2010

-                      2011/14 Local Investment Agreement

-                      uncertainties of future funding

-                      HCA regional profiles

-                      the Council’s HMR/RHB/Growth and NAHP Track Record 2008/11 totalling £49.7m with another £7.5m commitments going forward

-                      developing Rotherham’s 2011-2014 programme

-                      What are our spatial priorities?

-                      What should be our priorities?

-                      next steps


Members present raised the following issues:-


-                      the need for closer consultation with Planning Services

-                      role of Elected Members

-                      Council’s previous track record e.g. Canklow

-                      empowering local communities

-                      Evaluation of schemes by consulting the residents

-                      criteria imposed on residential development and whether in the future these will be imposed on non-residential development

-                      NI 187 – Fuel Poverty:  had there been any comments from the Utility companies?

-                      possible future initiative to encourage householders to install energy efficiency measures


Agreed: (1)   That the officer be thanked for the informative presentation.


(2)  That Paul Maplethorpe, Affordable Warmth & Sustainable Energy Co-ordinator, be invited to the next meeting to update the Group on future proposals to encourage householders to install energy efficiency measures.


Policy Update. (copy attached) pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Emma Bridge, Policy Officer.


Emma Bridge, Policy Officer, distributed a report and gave a verbal update in respect key issues from Government and what was happening in the region and sub-region, highlighting the following:-


(i)                 Lofty Ambitions:-  the role of councils in reducing domestic CO2 emissions


It was pointed out that some Councils say that the multiplicity of funding streams has created ‘confusion for householders and duplication of effort’ when energy suppliers, and others, approach the same households with competing offers.


It was also pointed out that Lofty Ambitions brands the Government’s £2.7 billion a year winter fuel payments as a missed opportunity to both help keep people warm and to reduce CO2, and did not target fuel poverty.


(ii)               Procurement in Energy:  a member’s guide


Noting that smarter procurement and better risk management could save Councils up to £140m each year.


(iii)             economic value in nature


Reference to a major report published by Natural England showing that investment in the natural environment is critical to long term economic prosperity, and that natural services provide a highly cost effective solution to growing problems like flood and coastal defence, carbon emissions and the preservation of soil, water and air quality.


(iv)              CO2 Emissions Results Released


Noting the latest breakdown of information for NI 186 (per capita reduction in CO2 emissions in the Local Authority area).


(v)  Sub-regional development of the South Yorkshire Climate Change Leadership Academy


Noting that the 1st event was scheduled for December 2009 and would focus on NI 185 (reducing CO2 emissions from local authority operations)


(v)                South Yorkshire joint working projects through the South Yorkshire  Climate Change Network:-  noting:-


  • South Yorkshire Climate Change Schools Co-ordinator
  • Building capacity and awareness around climate change in the voluntary and community sector
  • Sub-regional Local Climate Change Impacts Profile (a requirement of NI 188 Adapting to Climate Change)


(vi)              Draft Environment and Climate Change Strategy


Noting that consultation had ended and responses were currently being assessed.  The final document would be taken to Corporate Management Team, the Cabinet and the Local Strategic Partnership.


(vii)            Work of the Sustainability Partnership in funding the following 5 projects:-


  • roll out of Green Check
  • provision of 4 aquaponics/wormery units to 4 secondary schools, who would then partner with a primary school to facilitate learning – linked to the ABLE project and the Dearne Eco Vision
  • 3 biodiversity projects, including pond restoration at the Muddies in Maltby


Members present commented on:-


-                      Greater London having the least CO2 emissions per person at 6 million tonnes in 2007 (but noting that the ecological footprint for the South East was high)

-                      involvement in the ABLE Project

-                      how to address deprivation without increasing CO2 emissions

-                      inclusion of Parish Councils in work to develop capacity and awareness with voluntary and community sector, and the South Yorkshire Parish Councils organisation


Date, time and venue for next meeting

FRIDAY, 8TH JANUARY, 2010 @ 10.30 a.m. – Bailey House (room to be confirmed)


Agreed:  that the next meeting of this Group be held on FRIDAY, 8TH JANUARY, 2010 at 10.30 a.m. in Bailey House (room to be confirmed)