Agenda and minutes

Transportation Advisory Group - Wednesday 15 March 2017 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, ROTHERHAM. S60 2TH

Contact: Debbie Pons, Principal Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 23rd November, 2016 pdf icon PDF 43 KB


Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting of the Transport Liaison Group, held on 23rd November, 2016.


Agreed:- That the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as a correct record for signature by the Chairman.


Questions on Transport Issues


The Transport Liaison Group noted the details of various questions on transport matters and the responses to those questions, submitted by Councillors and members of the public, as listed below:-


1) bus services at Wath upon Dearne and Manvers;

2) bus service X1 at Maltby – quality of service;

3) bus service X1 at Maltby – service late at night;

4) Rotherham Passenger Transport Interchange – lighting;

5) Bus companies’ usage of single-decker and double-decker buses;

6) Rotherham Passenger Transport Interchange – defibrillator.


Agreed:- That the details of the questions and responses be noted.


South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive - Update


The Transport Liaison Group discussed the following issues:-


(a)  Minor changes have been made to the X1 and X78 services.


(b) The punctuality of some bus services is being affected by the various highway works around the Meadowhall retail centre, Sheffield (eg: flood defence works at the A6109 Meadowhall Road and also the construction of the IKEA store at the A6178 Sheffield Road). The delays may continue until July 2017, although much depends upon the progress of the highway works.


(c) The Powells Company is not currently a member of the Rotherham bus partnership.  This Company operated a ‘shopper’ service between Rotherham and Parkgate (to the Retail World shopping centre). The service is currently free of charge to passengers, although bus fares are to be introduced with effect from 1st May, 2017.


(d) Rotherham Passenger Transport Interchange – Repairs - Elected Members of Rotherham Borough Council continue to be provided with reports, on a regular basis, detailing the progress of the repair works within the Interchange. Members were also invited to visit the Interchange and view the works taking place. It was noted that the lighting was now operational, after completion of electrical repairs.


(e) Rotherham Passenger Transport Interchange – Future Refurbishment – the planned refurbishment works were scheduled to begin during 2018. Consequently, temporary bus stops and shelters would have to be situated on roads in and around the Rotherham town centre.


(f) Tram-Train construction works – Bridge Street (and part of College Road), Rotherham will be closed to motor vehicles during these construction works; access to the mutli-storey car park and to the Passenger Transport Interchange will be from the A630 Centenary Way and Greasbrough Road.


(g) Tennyson Road, Herringthorpe – a petition, signed by 90 local residents, had been submitted to the South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE), requesting the reinstatement of the 45 service for this area of Herringthorpe. It was noted that services numbered 11 and 12 were alternatives and the SYPTE also funded the Community Transport Service.


(h) details of the forthcoming bus service changes (April and May 2017) are appended to these minutes.


Agreed:- That the information be noted.


Bus Operators - Update


(1) First Group

(2) Stagecoach

(3) Rotherham Community Transport


(1) First Group


The Transport Liaison Group welcomed Mr. Alan Riggall to his first meeting.  Members were informed that the First Company had undertaken a customer satisfaction survey and the survey report would be available from 22nd March, 2017.


Emphasis was placed upon services being commercially viable. Reference was made to some roads being very narrow for bus use (eg: some roads in Whiston village).  It was noted that single-decker and double-decker buses were the same width.


It was noted that some ticket prices would change during April, 2017.  The price of the all-operator Travelmaster day ticket would remain unchanged, although the price of the weekly ticket would increase by fifty pence.  Some prices compared favourably with the price levels of the year 2005.


It was confirmed that the Midland Road bus depot in Masbrough, Rotherham had closed on 20th February, 2017.


(2) Stagecoach


Details of the forthcoming bus service changes (April and May 2017) are listed within the document appended to these minutes.


(3) Rotherham Community Transport


No report.


Agreed:- That the information be noted.


Railway Operators - Update


The Transport Liaison Group welcomed Mr. Richard Isaac to his first meeting.  Members were informed that Northern Rail/Arriva would be making significant investment in rolling stock during the next few years, at the beginning of the nine years’ franchise for rail services in the North East. Free wifi connections will be available on most trains. The ageing Pacer trains would be phased out by 2019.


There would also be investment in terms of modernising and improving the environment of railway stations (eg: refurbishment of waiting areas; new ticket machines and information displays).


Northern Rail was keen to improve its engagement with the community, especially with local authorities and with young people. Staff will receive customer awareness training.


Members expressed concern about the overcrowding on some trains.  It was noted that the provision of additional services (37% increase in passenger capacity) should reduce overcrowding and help to improve passenger safety on trains.


Agreed:- That the information be noted.


Robin Hood Doncaster-Sheffield Airport - Update pdf icon PDF 257 KB


Minutes of the meetings of the Robin Hood Airport Consultative Committee, both held on 12th January, 2017 : (i) an ordinary meeting; and (ii) the annual general meeting.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the minutes of the two most recent meetings of the Robin Hood Airport Consultative Committee, both held on 12th January, 2017 : (i) an ordinary meeting; and (ii) the annual general meeting.  The contents of these minutes were noted. Additionally, Members noted the information about the safety of drones.


RMBC Transportation Unit - Updates pdf icon PDF 31 KB


(1) Tourist, Temporary and Non-strategic Local Destination signing policies


The meeting received a presentation from the Assistant Engineer (Transport and Highway Design) about the strategy and rules for the provision of traffic signs on the public highway. Members were informed that signs were provided for:-


: Tourism;

: Non-strategic local destinations (eg: scout groups);




(2) Traffic Regulation Orders - procedure

Additional documents:


The Transport Liaison Group considered the following items:-


(1) Tourist, Temporary and Non-strategic Local Destination signing policies


The meeting received a presentation from the Assistant Engineer (Transport and Highway Design) about the strategy and rules for the provision of traffic signs on the public highway. Members were informed that signs were provided for:-


: Tourism;

: Non-strategic local destinations (eg: scout groups);

: Temporary Events and Housing.


Information was also provided about the role of the Highway Authority in respect of the enforcement of highway signs, including the removal of any illegal signs.


Members discussed the following issues:-


: removal of temporary signs after a temporary event, to prevent the street scene becoming cluttered; some posts are left in place in order that they may be re-used in the future;


: signs depicting the geographical area of the South Yorkshire Forest;


: safety (speed) cameras – as well as the camera, equipment is also installed and used for data collection and traffic monitoring;


: signs on the A631 should indicate the destination of Maltby;  the difference between advance and local direction signs;


: temporary signs erected on fencing within industrial estates (which are governed by Planning legislation relating to advertising);


: signs for specific locations and events (eg: Ravenfield Ponds);


: signs on the motorway network are the responsibility of the Highways Agency;


: the costs charged for the provision and installation of temporary signs (including maintenance and removal);


: ensuring that signs remain clean and well-maintained; the responsibility of landowners to remove foliage, shrubs, etc., which may obscure signs.


(2) Traffic Regulation Orders - Procedure


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Senior Traffic Engineer(Transport and Highway Design) providing an explanation of the procedure for the making of Traffic Regulation Orders.


Members discussed the following issues:-


: parking on residential streets, especially near to schools; school “keep clear” parking signs are the product of legal orders;


: consultation with Parish Councils;


: delivery of information to local residents affected by Traffic Regulation Order proposals;


: Waverley new development – discussions with the developer about the adoption of highways in that area by the Borough Council as Highway Authority.


Agreed:- That the report be received and its contents noted.


Any other business


The following matters were discussed:-


(1) Bus Services for the rural south area of the Rotherham Borough


Discussion took place on the need for continuing public debate about the provision of bus services for the rural south area of the Rotherham Borough.  It was noted that the Borough Council Area Assemblies were currently the subject of organisational review.  However, it was suggested that it may be possible to have a debate about bus services at a joint meeting of two or more of the Area Assemblies for the electoral Wards of the Rotherham Borough affected by the rural bus services.


(2) Roundabout at B6533 Poplar Way, Catcliffe


The Transport Liaison Group noted that traffic signals would begin operating at this roundabout during Easter 2017.  The signals would affect the three public roads from the roundabout, with the roads to the retail stores having “Give Way” signs.


Date and time of the next meeting


·           Wednesday 28th June, 2017 (2.00pm start)

·           Wednesday 27th September, 2017 (2.00pm start)


Agreed:- (1) That the next meeting of the RMBC Transport Liaison Group be held at the Town Hall, Rotherham on Wednesday, 28th June, 2017, commencing at 2.00 p.m.


(2) That the next following meeting of the RMBC Transport Liaison Group take place on Wednesday 27th September, 2017.