Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, ROTHERHAM. S60 2TH
Contact: Debbie Pons, Principal Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 17th January, 2018 Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting of the Transportation Advisory Board, held on 17th January, 2018.
Agreed:- That the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as a correct record for signature by the Chairman. |
Rotherham Passenger Transport Interchange - Update Minutes: The Transportation Advisory Board welcomed Mr. B. Gilligan (South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive) who reported on the refurbishment of the Rotherham Passenger Transport Interchange and the temporary use of part of the Forge Island site within the Rotherham town centre as a bus station. Members were informed that:-
: The contract for the refurbishment of the Rotherham Passenger Transport Interchange is scheduled to last for 40 weeks, with the refurbished Interchange ready for use by the end of March, 2019; currently, works are progressing on schedule;
: There is careful management of the budget for the whole contract (some £13 millions) because the budget includes the refurbishment scheme as well as the temporary use of the Forge Island site and the temporary bus stops at Corporation Street;
: The temporary bus station at the Forge Island site involves the buses having to drive into the stops (there are 12 bays) and reverse out; within South Yorkshire, the Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield bus stations are all drive-through stations, with no vehicle reversing manoeuvres necessary, although the bus station at Barnsley does require buses to reverse sometimes; some bus driver training has therefore been necessary in respect of the use of the Forge Island site (as First buses do not travel into the Interchange at Barnsley);
: Staff of the South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive are on site to advise passengers and pedestrians about safe movement within the temporary bus station at Forge Island; appropriate advisory signs are also in place;
: There has been the slight realignment of barriers near to the entrance/exit of the Forge Island site, providing more room for vehicle manoeuvres;
: There has been an increase in trade for some of the shops at Corporation Street as a consequence of the temporary siting of the bus stops there;
: There has been no reduction in bus service frequency as a consequence of these temporary arrangements for the bus station within the Rotherham town centre;
: The Forge Island, to date, has not suffered from any acts of trespass.
Members of the Transportation Advisory Board thanked the officers of the South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive for the good progress being made to date with the contract works. Some concerns were expressed about:-
(i) the possible difficulties for pedestrians and vehicles which may eventually arise during severe inclement weather in the Winter; and
(ii) that there might be a need to provide temporary lighting for the pedestrian footbridge linking the Forge Island site with Corporation Street.
Agreed:- That the information about the refurbishment of the Rotherham Passenger Transport Interchange and the temporary use of part of the Forge Island site as a bus station be noted. |
South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive - Update Minutes: The Transportation Advisory Board received information about the following matters:-
(i) There will be a review of services as a consequence of the heavy snowfall which occurred during March 2018; some bus service disruption had occurred principally because of cars being parked and abandoned in the snow;
(ii) Service X78 no longer travels via Pitt Street, Kimberworth between Rotherham and Meadowhall) and the journey times are now five minutes shorter; however, it is the intention that a bus service should eventually be provided along Pitt Street;
(iii) Service 66 between Rotherham, Thorpe Hesley, Chapeltown and High Green – there was now a single service for this route ????????
(iv) Improvements to Service 19 (between Rotherham and Worksop), with the route passing Saint Bernard’s Catholic High School;
(v) Improvements to the Stagecoach Services around the Dinnington and Thurcroft areas, with four journeys per day to the Rotherham hospital;
(vi) An alteration to the route of the X1 service has been implemented because of difficulties of access via Westgate, Rotherham; the alteration of the route will not affect the service timetable;
(vii) Minor changes to some service timetables will occur during June and July 2018 and Elected Members will be informed in due course.
Agreed:- That the information be noted. |
Bus Operators - Update
(1) First Group (2) Stagecoach (3) Rotherham Community Transport Minutes: The representative of First Buses expressed satisfaction with the temporary arrangements for the bus station with the Rotherham town centre. There were no representatives of the other bus companies present at this meeting. |
Railway Operators - Update Minutes: It was noted that the theft of rail signal equipment, which had happened during the night, had resulted in the closure of the Rotherham Central railway station on Wednesday, 16th May, 2018. |
Doncaster Sheffield Airport - Update
Doncaster Sheffield Airport Masterplan - Public Consultation (pages 7 and 8)
Minutes of the meetings of the Doncaster Sheffield Airport Consultative Committee, both held on 25th January, 2018 (pages 9 to 13) : (i) an ordinary meeting; and (ii) the annual general meeting (pages 14 to 19) Additional documents: Minutes: The Transportation Advisory Board noted the following items:-
(1) Doncaster Sheffield Airport
It was reported that improvements had been made to the Airport’s premium lounge (extended by 50 covers). The cargo operation (hangar 1) was now provided in-house rather than by an external company, with the regular delivery of perishable goods from Africa a regular feature. Passenger numbers had increased slightly during the period February 2017 to February 2018. A long haul route t Florida was anticipated in the near future, with the use of the Boeing Dreamliner 787 aircraft. Various new routes were in place for destinations within Europe (eg: new flights to Hungary would begin in December 2018). The Great Yorkshire Way highway construction had been completed and the new “Y” artwork feature had been constructed near to the Airport.
(2) Doncaster Sheffield Airport Masterplan 2018-2037
The Transportation Advisory Board noted the contents of the Airport Masterplan, which had just been the subject of public consultation; the Borough Council had prepared a submission as part of that consultation.
(3) Minutes of Consultative Committee Meetings
Consideration was given to the minutes of the two most recent meetings of the Doncaster Sheffield Airport Consultative Committee, both held on 25th January, 2018 : (i) an ordinary meeting; and (ii) the annual general meeting. The contents of these minutes were noted. |
Questions on Transport Issues Minutes: The Transportation Advisory Board noted the details of various questions on transport matters and the responses to those questions, submitted by Councillors and members of the public, as listed below:-
1) Rotherham Transport Interchange (Bus Station) – Temporary Facility at Forge Island, Rotherham town centre; 2) Retail World at Parkgate – access routes and traffic congestion; 3) Tram-Train Project – progress and launch date.
Agreed:- That the details of the questions and the responses be noted. |
Cycling and Sustainable Transport Minutes: The Transportation Advisory Board received a presentation from the Transport Planner concerning cycling in the Rotherham Borough area. The presentation highlighted:-
: increasing participation in cycling in Rotherham, especially amongst adults;
: the benefits of cycling – improved health, low cost travelling, reducing traffic congestion, improved air quality;
: The Rotherham Mobile Cycle Hub – cycling services offered, including free cycle hire;
: Modeshift Stars South Yorkshire – encouraging cycling; working with schools;
: Bikeability Cycle Training (Year 5 and Year 6 primary school pupils);
: Road safety education for school pupils;
: Cycle training schemes for adults were using both Clifton park and the New York football stadium as venues for this training;
: Cycling infrastructure in the Rotherham Borough area – paths and lanes on and near highways; cycle parking facilities at some schools and businesses;
: Rotherham to Sheffield Canal Towpath Improvements – construction works near to completion at the rear of the New York football stadium;
: Other cycle route improvements included Swinton and Manvers, as well as the route between the Rotherham town centre, Canklow and the Whiston crossroads;
: South Yorkshire Cycling Action Plan – “Our vision for 2025 is that South Yorkshire will have a thriving cycling culture. It will be a place where cycling is a natural travel choice for everyday short journeys and become a premier destination for cycle sport, leisure and tourism. ‘We aim to increase the mode share of cycling to 10% of all journeys by 2025 and 25% by 2050.”
: This Council and the other South Yorkshire Local Authorities and the Sheffield City Region are producing a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure plans;the project is in the initial stages and should be completed by the Spring 2019;
: Although a range of projects are being delivered in Rotherham to encourage cycling; major investment and infrastructure will be required to create a step change in cycling.
Discussion took place on the construction of cycle paths (shared use and segregated areas), the availability of electric bicycles, cycling on bridleways and the availability of the Mobile Cycle Hub at different districts and venues throughout the Rotherham Borough area.
Agreed:- That the information be noted. |
Date and time of the next meeting
· Wednesday, 15th August, 2018 (2.00 pm start) Minutes: Agreed:- That the next meeting of the Transportation Advisory Board be held at the Town Hall, Rotherham on Wednesday, 15th August, 2018, commencing at 2.00 p.m. |