Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, ROTHERHAM. S60 2TH
Contact: Debbie Pons, Principal Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 14th November, 2018 Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting of the Transportation Advisory Board held on 14th November, 2018.
Agreed:- That the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as a true record. |
Matters arising from the previous minutes Minutes: There were no matters arising from the previous minutes. |
Questions on Transport Issues Minutes: The Transportation Advisory Board noted the details of questions on transport matters and answers that had been provided.
Councillor Hoddinott reported that SYPTE had clarified the situation with regard to Question No. 5 (when will Councillors get responses to the representations we made during the bus consultation). She had received a response from SYPTE and their Communication Team. Any petitions received by the PTE would be passed to the Combined Authority in accordance with policy.
Ian Ashmore reported that, in response to the question raised by Councillor Cowles regarding dropped kerbs following a change in service, he would refer the matter to the Network Manager for possible inclusion within the 2019/20 Highways Maintenance budget. It was not the PTE’s responsibility to install dropped kerbs. |
South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive - Update Minutes: South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive provided an update on:-
- Rotherham Interchange – Work was progressing well with only a minor delay of a week and now due to open the first weekend in March. As reported previously only platforms A and B would open initially; platform C and the car park would open in April
There would be a launch event for the re-opening of the Interchange to which key Councillors and businesses would be invited
- Tram Train – Was operating well. It was hoped to progress a contactless payment system for the Summer
- March Changes – A communication had been sent to all Councillors of the changes. There had been some changes in terms of networks and tendered routes to accommodate minor changes/minor gaps in the network. Powells was also introducing the X7 throughout the day
- April Changes – Stagecoach had registered a commercial bus service every hour from Sheffield through Whiston to Wickersley from the beginning of April |
Bus Operators - Update
(1) First Group (2) Stagecoach (3) Rotherham Community Transport Minutes: The bus operators provide an update as follows:-
First Group Nothing to add
Matt?? Service 19 minor changes around Dinnington but not in terms of frequency/timetable.
Stagecoach Rawmarsh Nothing to add
Agreed:- That the update be noted. |
Railway Operators - Update Minutes: Representatives were not in attendance. |
Doncaster Sheffield Airport - Update
Minutes of the meeting of the Doncaster Sheffield Airport Consultative Committee held on 18th October, 2018 Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the Doncaster Sheffield Airport Consultation Committee held on 18th October, 2018.
It was hoped to set up a meeting with the Airport to look at its economic impact.
It was noted that the airport had recently been awarded the number one Customer Satisfaction Airport in the country for being the best airport to travel from.
Agreed:- That the information be noted. |
Transforming Cities Fund Minutes: Matt Reynolds, Transportation Manager, gave a powerpoint presentation on the Transforming Cities Fund. The headlines of the presentation included:-
- £1.7bn to support ‘intra’ regional transport - £840M granted direct to Mayoral Combined Authorities and £860M competitive tendering for Combined Authorities
- Focussed on mobility to drive productivity
- Staged application process Stage 1 – Expressions of interest (June 2018) Stage 2 – Tranche 1 (January 2019) Stage 3 – Tranche 2 (June 2019)
- Challenges and Opportunities
- Corridor Approach
- Tranche 1 Submission £1M bid for cycle improvements between Rotherham and Masbrough, Kimberworth and Greasbrough, built on existing investment in the Town Centre, SYPTE bid for cleaner bus fleets and bus stop improvements
- Tranche 2 – Our Approach Scheme Development:- Broadly based on SCR Integrate Public Transport Study, wider policy engagement, Cabinet Member dialogue, Schemes selected by SCR in line with their process, Cycling and Walking Group
- Tranche 2 – What are we proposing Walking, cycling, public transport, traffic management
Discussion ensued with the following issues were raised:-
- Improvement to Aldwarke Lane as part of access to Parkgate - Improvements on the A631 corridor for cyclists - Financial incentives to increase usage of public transport - Cycling and Walking Group considering the possible use of the waterways and towpaths - SYPTE to discuss with the Canals and River Trust’s newly appointed Regional Managers connectivity between Rotherham and Sheffield - Proposed Cycle Super highway on Sheffield Road - Congestion around schools due to school drop offs - Potential alternatives to a cycle route on Rawmarsh Hill
Agreed:- (1) That the presentation be noted.
(2) That the powerpoint presentation be circulated to Board members.
(3) That Councillor Sheppard be invited to attend the Cycling and Walking Group. |
Any other business Minutes: It was proposed that a drop-in session would be arranged for all Members on the Transforming Cities Fund.
Members would be notified of the arrangements in due course. |
Date and time of the next meeting Wednesday, 15th May, 2019 Wednesday, 7th August, 2019. Minutes: Agreed:- That the next meeting of the Transportation Advisory Board take place on 15th May at Rotherham Town Hall commencing at 2.00 p.m. |