Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Martin Elliott, Governance Adviser
No. | Item |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 5 February 2020 PDF 78 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes if of the previous meeting if the Transportation Advisory Board held on 5 February 2020.
Agreed: - That the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as a true record. |
Matters arising from the previous minutes (not covered by the agenda items) Minutes: There were no matters arising. |
Questions on Transport Issues PDF 72 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Transportation Advisory Board noted the details of questions on transport matters and the answers that had been provided. |
South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive - Update Minutes: Andy Wright of the South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE) attended the meeting to provide an update on public transport services and developments in the Borough. It was noted that significant work had taken place to support operators in the provision of school transport that met the requirements of regulations related to the pandemic. It was also noted that unlike other public transport school buses were allowed to operate at full capacity. Andy Wright advised that the SYPTE were working with operators to resolve any problems as they arose regarding school transport but noted that these problems were not significant and that it was expected that there would always be some issues to resolve with transport at the start of any school year.
With regard to the wider network Andy Wright advised that service provision across the entire network was running at about 90% of pre pandemic levels, but that due to social distancing regulations extra buses were running in order to accommodate passengers safely. It was noted that passenger numbers were about 50% of pre-pandemic levels. Andy Wright noted that planning activity to enable a return service to business as usual was underway.
The Chair and members of the Board noted their thanks to bus operators and bus drivers for providing and continuing to provide such an essential service throughout the pandemic.
Members asked for further information on the different approach to marking off seats on buses to enable effective social distancing as not all operators were now marking off seats. Andy Wright advised that the approach had changed since the start of the pandemic due to changes in guidance on social distancing from 2m to 1m+. It was also noted that marking off seats was difficult to maintain on buses. Members asked for information on how operators were providing guidance and enforcing the use of face coverings. Andy Wright advised that signage on face coverings was prominently displayed on public transport, but noted that drivers could only encourage, but not enforce their use.
Agreed: - That the update be noted. |
Railway Operators - Update Minutes: Richard Isaac of Northern Rail attended the meeting to provide an update on rail services. The update provided information on:
· Passenger numbers had now returned to around 40% of pre-pandemic levels, it was noted however that this could reduce with more people being encouraged to work from home.
· Passengers were mostly complying with rules surrounding social distancing and the use of face coverings.
· Community engagement work and the work of volunteers at Swinton station.
· Planned engineering works for Easter 2021.
Agreed: - That the update be noted. |
Doncaster Sheffield Airport - Update Minutes: The Chair advised that she would be attending a meeting at the airport on 6 October and that she would provide information on this at the next meeting.
The Chair noted the positive news for the area of Wizz Air moving its operational headquarters to the airport and for the airport to be used for increased levels of cargo transit.
Agreed: - That the update be noted.
RMBC Transportation Unit - Updates Minutes: The Interim Head of Transport Infrastructure, Andrew Moss attended the meeting to provide a progress report and make a presentation on:
· Emergency Active Travel Fund - Update on the Broom Corridor Tranche 2 bid.
· Transforming Cities Fund - Update on priority projects.
· Rotherham Midland Mainline Station - Update
· Clean Air Zone – Update
The Interim Head of Transport Infrastructure advised that all transport planning activity would, both in the short and longer term be impacted by the changing travel patterns that had been initiated and accelerated by changing working practices and reduced levels of commuting related to the pandemic.
Members asked for information on which body was leading on the development of the Midland Mainline Station project and were advised that this major project was being headed by Northern Powerhouse Rail.
Members welcomed that the proposed revised road layout for Westgate would have a traffic calming impact. The Interim Head of Transport Infrastructure provided further information on the traffic re-prioritisation of the proposals and noted that the traffic calming impact of the changes would be complemented by a reduced speed limit in the area. It was noted further that the proposed changes would have a positive impact for the residents of the new housing being developed in that area of the town centre.
Members noted that proposed bus re-routing in the Rawmarsh hill area related to Clean Air Zones would, in addition to improving the air quality in the area could also have the potential to improve public transport access for older people who lived on roads not currently on a bus a route. It was noted by John Young of Stagecoach South Yorkshire that the re-routing of services related to Clean Air Zones would present some challenges around the logistics and reliability for the re-routed services.
1) That the update be noted.
2) That the presentation be circulated to members. |
Any other business Minutes: There was no further business for consideration. |
Date and time of the next meeting Minutes: Agreed: - That the next meeting of the Transportation Advisory Board will be on Wednesday 9 December 2020 at 10am. |