Agenda and minutes

The Former Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Panel - Thursday 17 September 2009 9.30 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

Contact: Dawn Mitchell (Ext. 2062)  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest.


There were no Declarations of Interest made at the meeting.


Questions from members of the public and the press


There were no members of the public and press present at the meeting.


John Healey MP


John Healey, MP, Housing Minister for the Department for Communities and Local Government, attended the meeting and gave an overview of the current plans to meet housing needs and maintain the supply of affordable housing, particularly in respect of new build council housing.


He reported that during this year and next there would be an additional £1.5 billion invested nationwide into homes.  This would enable more building to take place which in return would create jobs.  There was a significant amount of money being invested in new council houses and already Rotherham had been successful in bidding for funding, and would be building 36 new homes in the Thrybergh area.


In addition to new builds, he highlighted other strategies to support people in greatest need.  These included:


  • Action to address illegal sub-letting of Council properties
  • New lettings policies were to be drawn up with clear eligibility criteria to meet local priorities
  • Mortgage assistance and work with lenders to ensure that people receive support to remain in their own homes.


Discussion ensued and the following issue was raised:-


  • He confirmed that with effect from 2016 all homes would be zero carbon and Councils and Housing Associations would be expected to build all properties to higher standards than they had done previously


In respect of ‘Right to Buy’, it was confirmed that rent and receipts from the sale of new of council housing would be reinvested back into the Council’s Revenue Account.


The ‘Decent Homes’ initiatives had ensured that the housing stock was more sustainable in the long term and kept the number of empty and unfit properties to a minimum.


The announcement of new Council housing was welcomed, however opportunities to build affordable housing through regeneration or planning agreements should continue to be explored with RSLs and private developers.


John Healey confirmed to Members that should they require any further information regarding Government Policy and approach he would be more than happy to provide it.


The Chair thanked John Healey MP for attending the meeting and for his informative presentation.


New Build Council Housing pdf icon PDF 94 KB


Paul Walsh, Programme Manager presented the submitted report which set out the progress being made to build new Council Housing in Rotherham


The April budget announcement contained £100m of funding to be made available to build new Council homes.  In addition, the Prime Minister subsequently announced a further £1.5 billion package of housing investments.


The Homes and Communities Agency was to administer the funding for building new Council homes and issued initial guidance to local authorities on the bidding process and bid requirements in May.


Approval was given by the Council to make a funding bid submission to the HCA for new grant funding in June 2009.  There were two bidding rounds - 31st July and 30th October.


A development proposal for 36 new homes on identified sites at Wood Street and School Street in Dalton had been finalised.  This enabled a comprehensive funding bid to be submitted to the HCA by the 31st July deadline.


Rotherham’s funding bid had been successful and the focus would now be on meeting the deadlines to deliver this exciting new development.  In addition, work would be continuing to develop proposals to enable a further funding bid in Round 2 in October, to enable Rotherham to deliver more new Council homes.


Discussion ensued and the following issues were raised:-


  • The bids for the new build should address how support to local businesses and opportunities for training and skills development could be provided.  It was agreed that this was necessary, and confirmed that a training and skills element was required by the HCA (Homes and Communities Agency).
  • Members asked how much the bid would be for and what the split would be between the HCA and the Council.  It was confirmed that the bid was £4.35m and of this the HCA would be providing £2.3m.
  • The question of sustainability was raised and how this was being addressed.  It was confirmed that renewable energy processes were being undertaken to make each property more energy efficient.
  • Member queried how much the rent was likely to be for the new properties.  This was confirmed as being between £71 and £91 dependent upon the size of the property.
  • What would happen if the timescales were not met and whether there was a risk register in place to monitor such eventualities?  It was confirmed that the project was subject to risk management processes.
  • The site which was proposed for building the new properties had already had planning permission declined on it.  Concerns were raised that this could be a problem with the new builds.  Reassurance was given that pre-planning work had been undertaken, and it was highly unlikely that the application would be turned down.
  • What work had been undertaken to ensure that the communities were ‘sustainable’.  Preliminary discussions had taken place to ensure that the potential development was served with transport links, had access to community facilities, primary health care and schools.


Resolved:- (1) That the report and the news of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 32.


Housing and Neighbourhoods Year End Performance Report 2008/09 pdf icon PDF 126 KB

Additional documents:


The Service Performance Manager presented a report outlining the 2008/09 Key Performance Indicator year end results for the Housing and Neighbourhoods element of the Directorate.


At the end of the year, 15 (75%) of the Key Performance Indicators achieved their year end targets and 50% improved upon their position last year.  For those Indicators directly managed by Neighbourhoods, for the second successive year, 100% of the KPIs achieved their target.  80% of the Indicators improved from last year and of the nationwide comparable Indicators, were all now within the top quartile.


For the Indicators managed by 2010 Rotherham Ltd., 50% of the KPIs achieved their targets compared to 70% last year.  However, 57% were now within the All England top quartile position compared to 42% last year.  The progress made within the Decent Homes Programme (55% reduction in non-decency during 2008/09) ensured that the Authority continued to be ranked in the top quartile.


The 2010 Rotherham Indicators that did not meet the target were:-


-        Urgent Repairs Completed in Time

-        Average Relet Time

-        % Planned v Response Maintenance

-        National Indicator 160 Overall Satisfaction with the Landlord Service

-        Tenants in Rent Arrears


There were also a number of Indicators that were able to demonstrate substantial improvements compared to the previous year:-


-        Private Sector Vacancies brought back into Use or Demolished (Neighbourhoods)

-        National Indicator 158 - % Change in Decent Homes (2010 Rotherham Ltd.)

-        National Indicator 155Number of Affordable Homes Delivered (Neighbourhoods)


A discussion took place about the number of long-term empty properties in the Borough and the length of time that they had been not fit for purpose.  It was suggested and agreed that a report be produced for the next meeting giving an explanation as to the number and what measures were being put in place to turn these round quicker.


Resolved:-  (1) That the audited year end results for the Housing and Neighbourhoods element of the Directorate be noted.


(2) That a report be presented to the next meeting of the Panel in relation to long term empty properties.


2010 Rotherham Ltd.


The Strategic Director for Neighbourhoods and Adult Services gave Members an update in relation to 2010 Rotherham Limited.  The main points he discussed were:-


  • Resignation of the Chief Executive and procedures in place for recruiting a replacement
  • The financial situation of the ALMO and the work being undertaken to improve those underachieving areas
  • The problems with void properties and the work being undertaken to improve the performance in relation to these.


Resolved:- That the information be received.


Cabinet Member for Housing and Neighbourhoods pdf icon PDF 106 KB

- minutes of meetings held on 13th and 27th July, 2009

Additional documents:


The Panel noted the decisions made under delegated powers by the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods held on 13th and 27th July, 2009.


Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Panel pdf icon PDF 148 KB

- minutes of meeting held on 18th June, 2009


The minutes of the meeting held on 16th July, 2009, were agreed.


Performance and Scrutiny Overview Committee pdf icon PDF 110 KB

- minutes of meetings held on 10th and 24th July, 2009

Additional documents:


The minutes of the Performance and Scrutiny Overview Committee held on 10th and 24th July, 2009, were noted.


Recycling Group pdf icon PDF 82 KB

- minutes of meeting held on 7th July, 2009


The minutes of a meeting of the Recycling Group held on 7th July, 2009, attended by Councillors R. Russell (in the Chair), Councillors Favley, Havenhand and Walker were noted


New Arrivals Working Party pdf icon PDF 62 KB

- minutes of meeting held on 22nd July, 2009


The minutes of the above Working Party held on 22nd July, 2009, attended by Councillor Sharman (in the Chair), Doyle and Hussain were noted.