Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Community Cohesion from May, 2005 to May, 2007 - Monday 27 June 2005 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

Contact: Debbie Bacon (Ext. 2054)  Email:

No. Item


Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet Member (Community Planning/Social Inclusion) held on 6th May, 2005 pdf icon PDF 123 KB


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Community Planning and Social Inclusion held on 6th May, 2005, be approved as a correct record.


Neighbourhoods Service Plan pdf icon PDF 45 KB

Additional documents:


The Head of Neighbourhood Development Services submitted the Service Plan, accompanied by a DVD, which detailed the actions that would take place over the next 3 years to help the Programme get closer to achieving its mission of ‘building sustainable neighbourhoods’.


The Plan contained 16 strategic objectives that would translate the vision into reality.  By 2008 the Programme Area would have improved the quality of life for every resident and would have reduced the inequalities that continued to exist in some parts and some communities in Rotherham.


It was an integral part of the performance management arrangements.  It provided a stronger link between national and regional policy drivers and the priorities of the Council and the community.


Discussion ensued on the document with the following comments/issues raised:-


-        It gave a clear picture of the Corporate Plan and Community Planning.

-        A report was to be considered by the Corporate Management Team later that day on the possible future development of Area Assemblies.  The report would then be fed into the political process.

-        It had to be ensured that agencies, community organisations and partnerships worked more effectively together both to understand who lived in their neighbourhoods and ensure that the mechanism for involving people in the decision making was as inclusive as possible.

-        The Council had to consider how much it was prepared to leave the decision making at a very local level taking note that there were some decisions that a Council had to make with partners at a more strategic level.  It was the Council’s responsibility to ensure that when the decision was made it worked effectively to ensure the things implemented at a local level did not disrupt community cohesion.

-        Consideration should be given to a short explanation being given on prohibitive signs e.g. “no ball games allowed” .


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Neighbourhoods Service Plan 2005-08 and accompanying DVD be noted.


(2)  That the DVD presentation be made to each Area Assembly.


Memberships of Sub-Groups and Panels pdf icon PDF 44 KB


Resolved:-  That the item be deferred pending a meeting between the Cabinet Member and Deputy Leader.


R.M.B.C.'s Response to the Consultation on Compact Plus


The Partnership Officer (Regeneration) submitted a proposed response to the Home Office consultation exercise on the proposed Compact Plus for consideration.  The deadline for responses was 12th July, 2005.


Local Authorities were expected to have in place a Compact in partnership with the voluntary and community sector.  This was part of the accreditation criteria for Local Strategic Partnerships and all local partners were encouraged to participate in its development and implementation.


The Rotherham Compact was a statement of partnership between the voluntary, community, statutory and private sector partners represented in the Rotherham Partnership.  It was a commitment to work together more closely and to respect each other’s rights and responsibilities.  It offered a new approach to partnership and a framework to develop more detailed agreements in future work.


The 5 Codes of Good Practice were currently undergoing an impact assessment by the partner organisations before they signed up to them once all members of the Rotherham Partnership had agreed their contents.  They provided guidance on how relationships between the different sectors represented within the Rotherham Partnership should be formed and looked after in 5 important areas identified by Central Government.  They would give clear direction about how the principles of the Rotherham Compact as a framework would affect the 5 named areas as follows:-


-        Black and Minority Ethnic Voluntary and Community Organisations

-        Community Groups

-        Community Involvement/Consultation and Policy Appraisal

-        Funding and Procurement

-        Volunteering


The Active Communities Unit of the Home Office had recently published a paper which discussed a proposal to strengthen the Compact which could form the basis of a Compact Plus.  The document suggested that:-


-        Compact Plus would be a simpler and more succinct tool under which it was clearer to organisations whether their behaviour was compliant or not

-        Public sector bodies and voluntary and community sector organisations would be able to decide whether they wished to opt into Compact Plus

-        They would also be able to draw on the support of a new Compact Champion who would be responsible for assisting organisations in understanding what membership of Compact Plus meant

-        The model would include peer reviews and thematic reviews which looked at the manner in which organisations were adhering to Compact Plus

-        Members of Compact Plus would need to renew their membership on a regular basis

-        Organisations concerned that a member of the Compact Plus was in breach of any of their undertakings, would be able to complain to the Champion who would adjudicate.


It also took into consideration the present national government policies such as Civic Renewal and the sustainability of the voluntary/community sector. The proposals also included the possibility of fees being chargeable to organisations wishing to opt in to membership of the scheme and for verification.


A copy of the proposed Council’s response to the questionnaire was submitted at Appendix 1 of the report.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the draft response to the consultation being carried out by the Home Office  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Service Plans 2005-08 pdf icon PDF 40 KB

Additional documents:


The Head of Policy and Partnerships submitted the 2005-08 Service Plan for the Chief Executive’s Department.  The Plan had been produced under the new Service Planning Framework which was developed to bring about a better focus on strategic planning.


There had been excellent delivery on last year’s plan.  The Department had also led on development of a new vision for the Borough and for the Council as well as the production of a new Corporate Plan and supported the LSP to develop a new Community Strategy which was to be launched in July, 2005.  The restructuring of the Department was complete with the final staffing coming into place by June, 2005.


The Service Plan included:-


-        Mission Statement

-        Mandatory Requirements

-        Community Strategy and Corporate Plan Priorities

-        Activities and Structures of the Chief Executive’s Department

-        Resources

-        Performance

-        Self-Assessment of the Services

-        Aims of the Department

-        Action Plans


Resolved:-  That the Service Plan be noted and endorsed.


Work with Gypsy and Traveller Communities


Andrew Towlerton, Policy and Research Manager, submitted a report which outlined the recent strategy policy developments with gypsies and travellers and the implications for the Council.


It was noted that the gypsy and traveller issue had come to the fore recently, with the Deputy Prime Minister Select Committee publishing a major report on the provision of services for gypsies and travellers.  A draft Planning Guidance had also been issued and the Housing Act 2004 which required local authorities to include gypsies and travellers in the Local Housing Needs Assessment process and had a strategy in place which set out how any identified need would be met as part of their wider housing strategies.  They had also been identified as 1 of the 9 groups most at risk from social inclusion and requiring special help and assistance.


In response to the changing policy environment, a Rotherham officer group had been developed including representatives from Programme Areas, Rotherham Partnership and Rotherham PCT.  It aimed to improve the integration and responsiveness of gypsy and traveller services across the Borough and improve agencies’ understanding of their needs and aspirations.  Sheffield Racial Equality Council had also attended one of the meetings to discuss the findings of consultation it had undertaken with local gypsy and traveller groups and a mystery shopping exercise in the Borough.


There was no reliable estimate of the number of gypsies and travellers in Rotherham.  Rotherham had no official site and many only lived here temporarily and/or on a seasonal basis.  Some of those who lived in more settled accommodation in the Borough may be reluctant to declare themselves as a gypsy or traveller.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be referred to the Cabinet for information.


(2)  That regular reports be submitted to the Cabinet Member.


(3)  That the development of the inter-agency group be noted.


Rotherham MBC Draft Community Involvement Position Statement pdf icon PDF 50 KB


The Policy and Research Manager submitted a report on the draft position statement in relation to community involvement across the Council.  Based on detailed analysis and consultation, the statement made a number of recommendations on how community involvement could be refined and developed and thereby deliver real improvements in the Borough.


It was noted that the report had been considered by the Cabinet on 25th May, 2005.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report and recommendations contained therein be noted.


(2)  That regular progress reports be submitted to the Cabinet Member.


Exclusion of the Press and Public


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 5 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (information relating to financial assistance provided by the Council).


Voluntary and Community Sector Funding Issues

(Exempt under Paragraph 5 of the Act – information relates to financial assistance provided by the Council)


The Partnership Officer (Regeneration) submitted an update on the work in relation to support for the Advice Sector in Rotherham, the development of a BME Liaison Group and the agreement of a Service Level Agreement with Voluntary Action Rotherham.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the progress made with regard to the RMBC/BME Liaison Group be noted.


(2)  That progress on the agreement of a service specification with Voluntary Action Rotherham be noted.


(3)  That an additional £9,260 of funding be approved to FACE Advice Centre, making a total of £37,040 for the 2005/06 financial year.


(4)  That an additional £7,250 of funding be approved to Kiveton Park Independent Advice Centre, making a total of £29,000 for the 2005/06 financial year.


(5)  That an additional £30,211 of funding be approved to Citizen’s Advice Bureau, making a total of £120,845 for the 2005/06 financial year.


(6)  That funding of up to £3,000 for further external validation be supported if required.


(7)  That a report on the additional work in respect of the Advice Sector Review be submitted to a future Cabinet Member meeting.


Voluntary and Community Sector Funding Issues

(Exempt under Paragraphs 5 of the Act – information relating to financial assistance provided by the Council)


The Partnership Officer (Regeneration) reported receipt of 2 requests for funding by the Money Advice Liaison Group and the Domestic Violence Forum for promotional work and networking.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the request for £300 funding be approved for a Rotherham meeting of the Money Advice Liaison Group.


(2)  That the request for £1,490 funding be approved for a drama performance on 25th November, 2005, organised by the Rotherham Domestic Violence Forum.


Date of Next Meeting


Resolved:-  That the next meeting of the Cabinet Member, Community Cohesion, would take place on Monday, 25th July, 2005, commencing at 10.00 a.m.