Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Community Cohesion from May, 2005 to May, 2007 - Monday 17 July 2006 8.30 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

Contact: Debbie Bacon (Ext. 2054)  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest made.


Minutes of the meeting held on 26th June, 2006


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Community Cohesion held on 26th June, 2006 be approved as a correct record for signature by the Chairman.


Rotherham New Lives' Integration Strategy for Asylum Seekers and Refugees


Andrew Crowley, Team Leader – Asylum Team, submitted a report, together with an Action Plan, which gave details of an innovative joint venture with the Refugee Council entitled ‘Rotherham New Lives’ - Rotherham’s first integration strategy for asylum seekers and refugees.


The strategy has been prepared by the Rotherham Asylum Project Team and the Refugee Council.  In October 2004 the Refugee Council contacted key stakeholders in Rotherham to develop an Integration Strategy.   Prior to this, a draft Action Plan had been prepared by the Asylum Team.  It was decided that the best results would be achieved by collaborative working.


The strategy differed from the strategies of other local authorities, in that it considered the needs of asylum seekers, destitute asylum seekers and refugees in a single strategy.  It is general practice that integration strategies focus on the needs of refugees who have been allowed to remain in the United Kingdom.  This strategy would suggest that integration begins on arrival in Rotherham.  Preparation for full integration can be undertaken whilst a person is still claiming asylum.   Many of the actions apply equally to asylum seekers as well as refugees.  These are highlighted throughout the strategy.


In addition to the strategy being a basis for developing and co-ordinating services, it provided key information about asylum seekers.  The Borough’s experience of refugees, a brief outline of services, and a “myth buster” were contained in the strategy.


The Action Plan was to be monitored by the Planning Group.


The meeting discussed a number of key issues.  It was suggested that one of the most important issues was the need for greater clarity of provision and support, particularly with regard to failed asylum seekers.


Part of the Integration Strategy was to include a Signposting Guide to aid Organisations.


The meeting discussed:-


-                       Illegal Asylum Seekers

-                       Legal Aid

-                       Statistics of failed asylum seekers

-                       Media Coverage


The meeting agreed the need for clearer links to the Community Strategy Themes and Objectives, and that the Action Plan needed to have targets and Performance Indicators to measure progress.


Resolved:-  That, subject to the approval of the Cabinet, and consultation with Rotherham Partnership, the Draft Integration Strategy be consulted upon, as detailed in the report now submitted.


Analysis of the Community Leadership Fund 2005-06


Consideration was given to a report presented by Paul Griffiths, Community Leadership Manager – Neighbourhoods, which provided a summary of spending activity around the elected members Community Leadership Fund for the financial year 2005-06.


In addition, the report suggested changes to encourage all elected members to enhance their community leadership role through use of the Fund.


The Community Leadership Fund was introduced in 2002 to enable Members to support activities within their Wards in order to benefit local residents.  It is intended to encourage Members to spend more time in their Wards working with partners, voluntary groups and diverse communities.


Over the past 12 months the Community Leadership Fund has continued to support priorities identified by local people such as improving the environment, funding equipment and supporting grass roots organisations.


During 2005-06 Elected Members committed £30,229.45 out of a total budget allocation of £31,000.   This represented an improvement in comparison with £26,030..81 for 2004-05.


The report set out an analysis of expenditure, together with development of Community Leadership issues in respect of Member Development, Community Leadership Network and Area Assemblies.


The meeting was asked to consider the future purpose and direction of the Fund.


The meeting debated:-


-                       Definition of Community Leadership

-                       Corporate Themes and nature of request


The Cabinet Member welcomed the use of the Fund and felt it should be used in the context of added value for sustaining projects for which there was no mainstream funding.


In terms of promoting the use of the Fund, this was done by issuing quarterly bulletins and guidance around themes of the Community Strategy, together with an Annual Report.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the performance of the Community Leadership Fund for 2005-06 be noted.


(2)         That the suggestion that overspend be rolled over into one account for any Member to bid into, be considered as an option.


(3)  That the report be submitted to the next appropriate meeting of the Democratic Renewal Scrutiny Panel.


Progress on the Integration of Parish and Town Councils into Neighbourhood Management Arrangements


Consideration was given to a report presented by Paul Griffiths, Community Leadership Manager – Neighbourhoods, which provided a summary of progress on the integration of Parish and Town Councils into Neighbourhood Management arrangements.


Following the signing of the Joint Working Charter in March 2006, work has begun to ensure that Parish and Town Councils are able to play a full and pivotal role within Neighbourhood Management arrangements in Rotherham.


In February 2005 the government published “Citizen Engagement and Public services:  Why Neighbourhoods Matter.”  This key discussion paper looked at how best to develop and strengthen community level governance as part of a ten year vision for the future of local government.


The paper clearly indicated that the Government envisaged local councils providing strong local community leadership, working in partnership with local authorities, improving the quality and range of services available and making an effective contribution to the sustainability of neighbourhoods.


In order to meet these challenges the following actions are being developed to support the integration and development of Parish and Town councils into neighbourhood management arrangements:-


o       Progressing the Joint Working Charter

o       Supporting Quality Parish Council Status

o       Area Assemblies

o       Parish ‘Forum’ Meetings

o       Co-opted Membership on Council Bodies and Training


Support for the CiLCA is being met from existing budgets within the Community Involvement Unit.  The support sessions for clerks are likely to cost in the region of £1500.00.


The following items will have resource implications if RMBC are to continue to support the further integration and wider role of Parish and Town Councils:-


§         Support for IT projects to meet the Quality Status criteria

§         Training and support for parish representatives on the Area           Assembly co-ordinating group

§         Delivery of the parish partnership ‘forum’ proposals


The meeting discussed progress against commitments of delivery contained with the Action Plan.


Resolved:-  That the progress being made to encourage joint working between RMBC and Parish and Town Councils, and in developing the capacity of local Councils to play a partnership role within neighbourhood arrangements, be noted.


Draft International Links Policy


Emily Knowles, Town Twinning and International Links Officer, submitted a report which sought endorsement for the International Links Policy.


The International Links Policy framework was approved by Cabinet in November 2005 and has been used as the basis for developing a draft International links Policy.


The aim of the Policy is to raise the profile of Rotherham on the international stage, promote international co-operation and maximise funding opportunities for the benefit of Rotherham people, in accordance with the Council’s agreed priorities.


An International Links policy is being developed for Rotherham for three main reasons:


1.                  to profile the positive aspects of international work

2.                  to ensure a more co-ordinated and coherent approach to international work within available resources, and

3.                  to clarify to partners RMBC’s objectives for engaging in international work and identify our priorities and proposed actions


The report summarised the Equalities Impact Assessment, outlined the seven objectives for international work in Rotherham, as contained in the International Links Policy Framework approved by Cabinet in late 2005, and set out an action plan of work to be undertaken in 2006/07 relating to each objective.


An annual monitoring report will be prepared each year to assess work undertaken against the action plan and how the budget has been spent.  In addition the report will look forward to the next year and outline future work and projects to be undertaken.


Currently the International Links Committee meets to consider project proposals and forthcoming activity and makes decisions on allocation of the International Links budget.  There is also the International Links Partners Group, which is a forum for the dissemination of good practice and a network for those involved in international work in the borough.


The committee structure is to be reviewed to make sure that it operates effectively and works to maximise opportunities.  The proposal is to introduce an overarching ‘international links committee’ with several spokes or sub-committees reporting in to it, each with a specific theme.


The meeting discussed:-


-                       How Rotherham is advertised in European countries

-                       How Rotherham promotes local businesses abroad

-                       Cultural exchanges with Pakistani ethnic minority children

-                       Migrant Workers

-                       Social/Economical and Cultural links

-                       Understanding of what Partners seek to gain


Information has shown that Rotherham attracts a great deal of tourism within the Borough.


Resolved:-  That the development of the draft International Links Policy be welcomed.


Year Ahead Statement 2006-07


Further to Minute No. 77 of a meeting of the Cabinet Member, Community Cohesion held on 30th January 2006, consideration was given to a report  presented by Colin Bulger, Head of Policy and Partnerships which introduced the Year Ahead Statement, ‘Making a Difference’ for 2006-07. 


Specific Year Ahead commitments that were relevant to Community Cohesion were identified and discussed.


The annual Year Ahead Statement provides a summary of key priorities for the year.  The Year Ahead Statement is not a comprehensive list of all that the council needs to do over the year, nor a set of new policies or substitute for other plans – it is drawn from existing plans and is a means of providing focus and provides a summary of the key priorities for the year.


The theme reflects the Council’s commitment to improving outcomes for all residents across the entire range of services and through major investments in the coming year.


The Council is proud of its progress in service improvements, reducing deprivation and rating now as a ‘Good’ Council, but much still needed to be done to ensure all citizens benefited from improved quality of life .The Year Ahead helped focus on continuing to achieve the Council’s vision for Rotherham and the objectives in their joint Local Area Agreement, as shared by LSP partners. The document will also support the Council’s aim of achieving Excellent Council status in the coming year. This year there are 62 new commitments building on the platform of last year’s good progress and delivery.


It is the intention to report the findings of Review Groups to Cabinet in October, 2006.


A progress report on specific commitments would be submitted to future meetings of the Cabinet Member, Community Cohesion and the Democratic Renewal Scrutiny Panel in approximately six months’ time.


Resolved:- That the Year Ahead Commitments be noted.


State of the Borough


Consideration was given to a report presented by Andrew Towlerton, Policy and Research Manager which sought consideration of the State of the Borough report which aims to provide a general understanding of conditions in the Borough, highlighting relevant trends and issues for Council services, together with supporting policy and service delivery and performance management.


State of the Borough 2006 updates the previous document of the same name produced in 2004. 


The report is intended to give an overall picture of Rotherham in terms of population, deprivation, the economy, education and health etc., and to contribute to Service Plan improvements and performance.


The 2006 State of the Borough is the first update and has changed in format to reflect current requirements. 


State of the Borough is a summary of the information held by the Corporate research team.  Rotherham MBC undertakes and co-ordinates a wide range of research projects, some of which had achieved national recognition from:


  • Audit Commission for community profiling work on older people
  • Office for National Statistics for the Study of Deprivation in Rotherham 2005
  • Department for Communities & Local Government for the Rotherham Neighbourhood Statistics project


As the 2006 State of the Borough is a ‘live’ document, it will be updated on a regular basis.


The report set out a Summary of Content in the following categories:-


-                       Population

-                       Deprivation

-                       The Economy

-                       Health and Illness

-                       Education and Skills

-                       Crime, Environment and Housing

-                       Inclusion and Cohesion


Resolved:-  (1)  That the State of the Borough report be noted.


(2)         That the Local Authority ensures that the Plan is embedded into the strategic and service delivery planning process, policy and performance management arrangements.


(3)                 That the report be disseminated more widely, as detailed in Section 11 of the report, now submitted.


(4)  That an appropriate press release be issued reporting on some of the information contained within the report appertaining to improvement in the health of Rotherham residents, as discussed.


Pakistani and Chinese Profiles


Andrew Towlerton, Policy and Research Manager, presented a report and sought consideration of the main findings from two reports.


The first report examines Rotherham Pakistani community and the second report examines Rotherham’s Chinese Community.


The report represents a wider approach adopted by the Research and Policy Team to help develop a greater understanding of the needs and priorities of the many communities in Rotherham based on the community of interest groups identified in the Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy. The approach under-pinning their development has been identified as ‘best practice’ by the Audit Commission.


There is clear evidence to show that issues are different between Chinese and Pakistani communities and that there are differences in perception.


The reports are the third and fourth in a series of reports to be produced by the Research and Policy Team over the next twelve months.  The Research and Policy team aim to produce ten reports over the next twelve months on the main (and diverse) communities of interest in the Borough.  To date, two other reports have been completed;  Older people and the Irish community.  Future reports will cover Black, Indian, Other Asian, Other White (not British or Irish) and Mixed or Dual Heritage.


A Strategy to address a number of key issues, in particular relating to health, is being compiled.


Discussion centred around the need to monitor delivery of commitments.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the findings of the report be received and taken into account by Programme Areas in developing policies and services.


(2)         That the key findings of the report be disseminated to Programme Areas and interested partner agencies.


(3)  That it be noted that this is the third in a series of reports to be developed by the Policy and Research Team looking at the needs and priorities of the main (and various) communities of interest in the Borough.


Annual Plan for the Group


In order to plan the workload of the Cabinet Member, Community Cohesion, a Forward Plan has been prepared and was provided at the meeting for consideration.


Colin Bulger, Head of Policy and Partnerships reported that a revised Forward Plan would be provided at each meeting and outlined the contents of the document and the purpose of the exercise.


With regard to Local Democracy Week, and the e-Government agenda, the Cabinet Member suggested that a group of school children be invited to attend a meeting of Council.


Resolved:-  That the Forward Plan, as submitted, be agreed, subject to some additions made at the meeting by the Cabinet Member.


(2)  That a revised planned workload be submitted to each meeting.