Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning, Culture and Leisure from May 2005 to May 2007 - Tuesday 21 March 2006 9.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

Contact: Susan Green (Ext,. 2052)  Email:

No. Item


Minutes of previous meetings held on 28th February and 7th March, 2006 pdf icon PDF 72 KB

- to receive minutes

Additional documents:


The minutes of previous meetings held on 28th February and 7th March, 2006 were agreed as a correct record.


Matters Arising


Audit Inspection


It was noted that the Audit Inspection would now take place on the 3rd July, 2006 and not 13th March, 2006 as reported at the last meeting of Rotherham Cultural Consortium.


Transfer of Hosting Arrangements - South Yorkshire Sports Partnership pdf icon PDF 43 KB

- to consider the proposal to transfer the hosting arrangements for Rotherham MBC to Barnsley MBC


Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Culture & Leisure regarding a proposal to transfer the South Yorkshire Sports Partnership hosting arrangements from Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council to Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council.   Rotherham MBC has acted as host agency for the Partnership since its conception in 2001.  Given the length of time that Rotherham has operated in this role it is proposed that Barnsley MBC take on the responsibility at least for the next 3 years.


Rotherham MBC, along with the three other South Yorkshire Local Authorities, has been a member of the South Yorkshire Sport and Physical Activity Partnership (SYSPAP) since it was established in 2001.  The Partnership, which includes other sport and physical activity stakeholders (e.g. health, regeneration, and voluntary sector), plays a leading role in the co-ordination and delivery of a wide range of sport and physical activity opportunities across the sub region.  Rotherham MBC contributes both financially and in officer time to SYSPAP and in return benefits from external funding directed into the partnership by Sport England and other funders, as well as the work carried out by Partnership Officers centrally and in the Borough itself.


As part of a national review process, initiated by changes in the structure of Sport England (the major funding body), the Partnership is currently going through a process of restructure in order to meet new Sport England criteria; establish itself as ‘Fit for New Purpose’ and consequently secure funding for the next 3 years. 


As part of this process and due mainly to the length of time Rotherham has acted as host, Barnsley MBC has made an offer to take on the host responsibility.  This is supported by the SYSPAP Executive Board and the proposal is to commence the new arrangement from May/June, 2006.


Whilst officers in Rotherham MBC, Culture and Leisure and other service areas have made an effective contribution to the hosting arrangements, it is felt that this transfer will allow others to make a similar contribution, whilst at the same time enable RMBC officers to play a more supportive role.


Resolved:-  That the proposal to transfer the hosting arrangements for Rotherham MBC to Barnsley MBC be approved.


Single Plan pdf icon PDF 44 KB

- to approve the final version

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Planning, Information and Performance, Children and Young People’s Service which detailed the final draft version of the Single Plan.  The plan has been developed by a multi-agency steering group and has been the subject of broad engagement and consultation.  This final draft incorporates feedback received.


Publication must take place by 1st April, 2006 to meet the statutory deadline.


The plan has been drafted by a multi-agency steering group and wide consultation and engagement has been ongoing throughout the development stage, as well as when the plan reached draft format.


Whilst recognising that this is a strategic plan and that operational detail will follow as locality plans are developed, there will be a locality plan for each Area Assembly. This will be based on the strategic plan, but will be designed to meet the specific needs for that area.


The priorities in the plan are based upon sound research, using the Audit of Need, Children and Young People’s Visioning, stakeholder meetings and events, and other recent feedback from consultation.


It was noted that the Joint Area Review would feed into the Comprehensive Performance Assessment and a discussion took place on priority areas of work and the importance and direction of self-assessment.


The meeting recognised that the delivery of the Plan would always reflect changing financial pressures of all partners and would continue to be discussed and monitored.


A review of the Single Plan would take place after the Joint Area Review.


Resolved:-  That the final version of the Single Plan be approved for publication.


GCSE Examination Results 2005 pdf icon PDF 210 KB

- to receive the report

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Achieving & Economic Wellbeing which contained details of the GCSE examination results for 2005 and how they compared to the previous year’s national average and the results of statistical neighbours.


In 2005 the percentage of Rotherham’s young people gaining five or more GCSEs at the highest grades of A*-C rose for the third year running.  The rate of improvement was, again, higher than the national rate of improvement.


As a result of a new points score system for calculating the average point score of pupil’s attainment introduced in 2004, comparisons could only be made for 2004 and 2005 and not against performance in previous years.


The percentage of pupils achieving 5+ GCSEs at the higher grade A*-C has increased by 3.6% from last year’s figure to 49.5% in 2005 against a national average of 57.1%, an improvement of 3.4%.


The gap between the performance of schools in Rotherham and the national average has narrowed slightly from 7.8% in 2004 to 7.6% in 2005.  The gap between the performance of schools in Rotherham and statistical neighbours is l.4%.


86.5% of Rotherham’s pupils gained 5+ A*-G  (including English and mathematics), a 2% increase on 2004.  This has narrowed the gap to l.5% from the national average, and is just below that of statistical neighbours.


The percentage of pupils achieving 5+ A*-G grades (not specifically including English and mathematics), has remained the same with a slight improvement in the national average and a decline of 1% by statistical neighbours.


Only 3.7% of pupils in Rotherham left school in 2005 with no GCSE passes, 96.3% gained at least 1+A*-G.  This is 1.1% below the national average and in line with statistical neighbours.


Girls are still significantly out-performing the boys with a 13.1% difference in 2005.


The report included information on:-


-                       LEA Statistics (against number of entries)

-                       The number of entries per pupil (full courses)

-                       Percentage of all full course examination grades A*-C (against entries)

-                       An analysis of Performance by Gender (5+ A*-C grades)

-                       Contextual Value Added (CVA) Summary (from Key Stage 2 to 4 and Key Stage 3 to 4)

-                       LEA statistics for individual schools (against the year cohort)


Resolved:-  (1)   That the report be received.


(2)  That a report be submitted to a future meeting later in the year on the impact that gender differences can have on the performance of pupils and its complexities.


More People More Often, Culture and Leisure Marketing Strategy 2006-2008 pdf icon PDF 44 KB

- to accept the Plan and refer to Tourism Panel for information

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Culture & Leisure detailing a Culture and Leisure Marketing Strategy which has been developed to meet recommendations made by the Audit Commission following Culture and Leisure’s regular performance assessment undertaken in February, 2005.


The key aims of the marketing strategy are to raise awareness of the range of cultural and leisure services available in the borough, and increase the take up of services by local people, specifically those living in areas associated with social, economic and health inequalities.


In order to achieve the key aims of the strategy, a number of objectives taken from Culture and Leisure’s service plan have been identified, upon which the strategy will be based.  These were highlighted in the report submitted.


The implementation of the strategy, which will help to deliver the corporate priorities, will enable Culture and Leisure services to increase participation and strengthen its position before the CPA inspection of Culture and Leisure Services.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be received.


(2)               That the Culture and Leisure Marketing Strategy be approved for implementation.


(3)  That the strategy be submitted to the next meeting of Rotherham Cultural Consortium.


Culture & Leisure Services Events Plan 2006-09 pdf icon PDF 43 KB

- to accept the Plan and refer to Tourism Panel for information

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Culture and Leisure which contained the details of the Events Plan which has been developed to provide structure and focus to events in Rotherham.


The Events Plan has the following aims:


-                       to provide a support network for event organisers

-                       to maximise the impact of events in promoting and attracting inward investment into Rotherham

-                       to enhance the lives of people both living in, and visiting, Rotherham

-                       to promote community cohesion and a celebration of the culture of all Rotherham’s diverse communities.


The Plan, which is based upon priorities within the Community Strategy and Corporate Plan, involves the co-operation of community groups and organisations, the effectiveness of the Plan being dependent upon the relationship built with such groups.


The Plan also links to “Future Perfect” Rotherham’s Cultural Strategy, corporate Communications and Marketing Strategy, Culture and Leisure Marketing Strategy and Rotherham Tourism Plan.


The objectives of the Plan are to:


-                       develop an infrastructure that supports the events sector in Rotherham

-                       maximise the contribution events make to residents’ and visitors’ enjoyment of life in Rotherham

-                       maximise the contribution events make to the economic development of Rotherham.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Events Plan be agreed.


(2)  That the Events Plan be forwarded to the next meeting of the Tourism Panel for information.

(The Chairman authorised consideration of the following items in order to process the matters referred to without unnecessary delay)


New Name for Green Arbour Special School pdf icon PDF 38 KB

- to request approval be given to the new name for Green Arbour Special School


Consideration was given to a report of the Acting Head of Service, Resources & Access which contained details of a request from the governing body of Green ArbourSpecial School to re-name the school.


A replacement school is being built at Green Arbour.  The school has consulted with parents, staff and pupils on a name for the new school.  The name chosen is The Willows School.


Resolved:-  That approval be given for ‘The Willows School’ to be the new name for Green ArbourSpecial School and that this be effective from the 1st September, 2006.


Annual Determination: The Local Authority (Post-Compulsory Education Awards) Regulations 2000 pdf icon PDF 42 KB

- to consider the annual determination of exercising powers to make financial awards to the new HE and FE students


Consideration was given to a report of the Acting Head of Service on the requirement, under the Local Authority (Post-Compulsory Education Awards) Regulations 2000, to make an annual determination on exercising powers to make financial awards to new HE and FE students.


The Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998 removed the power for LEAs to make discretionary awards to FE (and HE) students under the 1962 Education Act.  Previous to this, the LEA had run a scheme of financial support to FE, sixth form and some HE students who would otherwise have not been eligible for funding.  Section 129 of The School Standards and Framework Act 1998 conferred a revised power on LEAs, should they wish to use it, to make awards to new FE (and HE) students, and to 16-19 year olds who are still attending school.


In parallel with the removal of the power to make discretionary awards, funding was withdrawn from the Standard Spending Assessment (SSA) from 1999-2000.  From that date, the LEA determined not to make any new awards.  New funding was available to students from a new Standards Fund in the form of Learner Support Funds.  Also, since September 2004, the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) has been available to FE learners.


Authorities are however still required to make an annual determination for each financial year in regard to the revised power conferred in 1998.  They have three main choices under the regulations:


i)                     to determine not to take up the power in any circumstances and not make any provision for considering applications;

ii)                   to decide to exercise the power only in respect of certain groups or categories of student;  or

iii)                  to decide to exercise the power generally and consider applications from all students – still in accordance with its policies on eligibility.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Authority determines not to take up the power in any circumstances and not to make provision for considering application for awards to new FE and HE students, and to 16-19 year olds who are still attending school.


(2)  That the situation be reviewed on an annual basis.