Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Adult, Social Care and Health from to July, 2010 - Monday 15 December 2008 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

Contact: Jackie Lacock (Ext. 2053) 

No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 1st December 2008 pdf icon PDF 111 KB


Resolved:- That the minutes of the meeting held on 1st December 2008 be approved as a correct record, subject to the amendment of the resolutions to minute number 75.  The amended version to read “That the transfer of services from Park Lea to other community bases and the action plan outlined in Section 8 be considered.”




Councillor Jack circulated a letter which informed Members of a campaign which Rother FM were holding regarding Domestic Violence over the Christmas Break.


It highlighted two telephone numbers which would be available over the festive period which are detailed below:


South Yorkshire Police                                   0114 220 2020


Local Community Support Services

Choices and Options                                      01709 838400


Adult Services Capital Budget Monitoring Report 2008/09 pdf icon PDF 47 KB

Additional documents:


Mark Scarrott, Service Accountant (Adult Services) presented the submitted report which informed members of the anticipated outturn against the approved Adult Services capital programme for the 2008/09 financial year.


Actual expenditure to mid November 2008 was £7.2m against an approved annual programme of £9.8m.  The approved schemes were funded from a variety of different funding sources including, unsupported borrowing, allocations from the capital receipts, Supported Capital Expenditure and specific capital grant funding. 


The overall programme was currently forecasting to underspend by £8.5k.  The report provided a brief summary of the latest position on the main projects within each client group.


Older People


The construction of the two new residential homes was now complete and the timetable for full decommissioning of existing homes into the two new homes was expected to be completed by the end of December.


The Assistive Technology Grant (which included funding from NHS Rotherham) was being managed jointly and was being used to purchase Telehealth and Telecare equipment to enable people to live in their own homes.  The appointment of a project manager had resulted in a review being carried out together with NHS Rotherham and an agreement in principle that the funding would be used to procure lifeline connect alarms, low temperature sensors and fall detectors in peoples homes.


A small element of the Department of Health specific grant (£20k) issued in 2007/08 to improve the environment within residential care provision was carried forward into 2008/09.  The balance of grant was being allocated across the independent residential care sector in accordance with the grant conditions and would be fully spent in 2008/09.


Learning Disabilities


The small balances of funding carried forward from 2007/08 were to be used for the equipment for Parkhill Lodge and within supported living schemes.


The refurbishment at Addison Day Centre, funded from the Council’s Strategic Maintenance Investment fund was now complete.


There had been delays in the start of the refurbishment of the REACH Day centre due to insufficient funding.  Fund had now been identified and the project was due to be completed by March 2009.


Mental Health


A small balance remained on the Cedar House capital budget and would be used for the purchase of additional equipment.  A large proportion of the Supported Capital Expenditure (SCE) allocation had been carried forward from previous years due to difficulties in finding suitable accommodation for the development of supported living schemes.  Suitable properties were being identified and spending plans were being developed.  The possibility of funding equipment purchased for direct payments was also being considered to reduce the current pressures on the revenue budgets.  Further options were also being considered to provide more intensive supported living schemes with a range of providers.


Management Information


Part of the capital grant for Improving Management Information was carried forward into 2008/09.  The funding had been earmarked to further develop Electronic Social Care Records within Health and Social Care working with the Council’s strategic partner RBT and Children and Young People’s Services.  At the end of August  ...  view the full minutes text for item 79.


Joint Rotherham Carers Strategy 2008 -2011 pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Additional documents:


Kim Curry, Director of Commissioning and Partnerships presented the submitted report in relation to the Joint Rotherham Carers Strategy 2008-2011.


Carers in Rotherham save the local economy £462 million per year which is an average of £15,260 per carer.  Of those carers over 7,000 provide over 50 hours of care per week, and it is anticipated that every year, in Rotherham another 8,000 people become carers.  This number was likely to rise over the next 10-15 years.


The purpose of the 2005-2008 strategy was to help Rotherham’s health and social care economy (statutory and voluntary) to support carers, so that those who wished to could continue to provide care.  Whilst there were many issues that affect all carers, the strategy acknowledged both the uniqueness of each individual carer’s situation and the specific needs of individual who was cared for.  Annual action plans made the process more accessible to scrutiny through monitoring the delivery of value for money services that met identified needs.


During the course of the last year a number of significant achievements had been delivered which included:


  • The number of carers who had received an assessment or review of their needs in the last year had doubled
  • A 24/7 emergency response service for all carers had been provided with access to home based respite when required
  • Training opportunities for carers on a broader base of relevant issues such as the implications of the Mental Capacity Act had been expanded
  • Support had been given to the continuation and enhancement of the Carers Information Centre which now had fully trained volunteers
  • Establishing the Carers Leads Group which involved representatives from all Council Directorates, the Primary Care Trust and the Acute Trust.


Consultation had taken place with carers and statutory organisations throughout the year and a provisional action plan had been developed for the next 3 years.


The Carers Strategy had 7 main objectives which had been informed by Rotherham carers and the national strategy.  The strategy will provide carers with:-


  • Better access to information
  • Training and support for the caring role
  • Assessment and early intervention
  • Flexible support services
  • Better access to health services
  • Training, employment and financial support and Protection and support for young carers


The current strategy was at the end of its intended focus and as the new National Carers Strategy was being developed, the action plan for 2008/09 would change radically and be incorporated into a new Joint Rotherham Carers Strategy 2008-2011. 


A successful “Who Cares” event took place in July 2008 to consult on the implications of the new strategy and what action needed to be taken to enhance current services.  This had been enhanced by a series of smaller focus groups around health, financial, community employment, training and equalities issues.


There were a number of actions identified which had an impact on the use of resources.  These will be addressed through existing resources which were supplemented by the Carers Grant.  Rotherham had been allocated:


  • 2008/2009                             £1,243,000
  • 2009/2010                             £1,333,000
  • 2010/2011                             £1,427,000


A question and answer  ...  view the full minutes text for item 80.


CSCI Annual Performance Assessment Report 2008 pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Additional documents:


Tom Cray, Strategic Director for Neighbourhoods and Adult Services presented the submitted report which summarised the results and findings of the 2008 social care Annual Performance Assessment (APA) process for Rotherham conducted by CSCI (Commission for Social Care Inspectorate) which was published on 27 November 2008.


The performance judgement for Rotherham was as follows:


  • Delivering outcomes: Good
  • Capacity for improvement: Promising
  • Rotherham Adult Social Care services performance rating was 2 Stars


The result recognised that we had improved the quality of outcomes in six areas, achieving an excellent standard in four overall.  We had maintained the performance rating received in 2006 and 2007.


Dave Roddis, Service Quality Manager then took Members through the delivering outcomes and capacity for improvements and the progress which had been made in relation to each of them.  These were:


Judgement Areas                  2007 Rating              2008 Rating


Delivering Outcomes            Good                            Good


1. Improved health and           Good                            Excellent

well being

2. Quality of Life                      Adequate                    Good

3. Making a positive                Excellent                      Excellent


4. Increased choice and         Adequate                    Good


5. Freedom from                    Good                            Excellent

discrimination and                 


6. Economic well-being           Good                            Good

7. Maintaining personal          Adequate                    Good

dignity and respect


Capacity to Improve              Promising                   Promising

(Combined judgment)


8. Leadership                          Promising                    Excellent


9. Commissioning and            Promising                    Promising

use of resources


Performance Rating              2 Stars                       2 Stars



A question and answer session ensued and the following issues were discussed:


  • It was felt that there was a need to undertake more training on safeguarding next year.
  • The budget for physical disability was always overspent, and it was felt that this needed to be addressed
  • There was a need to maintain assistance for helping people to live at home.
  • Concerns were raised in respect of the 80/20 split in light of the problems experienced with the 65/35 split.  It was felt that lessons needed to be learnt in respect of this.


The Cabinet member asked for letter to be sent to all staff involved thanking them for all their hard work.  The Strategic Director for Neighbourhoods and Adult Services agreed to compose a letter and send it out to all staff.


The Chair of Scrutiny requested that the report be presented to the next Scrutiny Panel in January 2009.


Resolved:- (1) That the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care note the outcome of the assessment.


(2) That the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care note the ‘Excellence Plan’ put in place to improve the areas of weakness identified in the report.


(3) That the Cabinet Member approved the investment to develop a safeguarding adults team which would consist of 10 social workers, a manager and administration support to manage the increase in referral rates.


(4) That the report be presented to the next Adult Services and Health Scrutiny Panel on 8 January 2009.




Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.



Setting the Maximum Charge for the new Residential Homes for Older People - 2008/2009


Shona McFarlane, Director of Health and Wellbeing presented the submitted report which detailed the proposal for setting the maximum charge for the two new homes for the remainder of this financial year.


Resolved:- (1) That the Council adopts a policy of subsidising residential care in local authority homes for older people


(2) That the current maximum charge of £475 per week be applied to the new residential care homes for older people


(3) That the charges agreed be effective from the date the new homes become operational.


Date and time of next meeting:- 12th January 2009