Agenda and minutes

The Former Regeneration and Asset Board - Wednesday 10 August 2005 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

Contact: Democratic Services Officer  Email:

No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 13th July, 2005 pdf icon PDF 175 KB


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Board be accepted as a correct record.


Matters arising


There were no matters arising not covered on the agenda.


Renaissance Market Towns Initiative pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Economic Strategy Manager to report.


       i)     To note the criteria used for identifying towns eligible under the Renaissance Market Town Programme.


     ii)     To approve the order of submission of the following towns to Yorkshire Forward as part of the Renaissance Market Towns Initiative:-


Dinnington /Thropham/North & South Anston

Wales/Kiveton Park

Wath upon Dearne


Further to Minute No. 23 of the meeting of the Regeneration and Asset Board held on 13th July, 2005, and following a Council Seminar held on 27th July, 2005, consideration was given to a report, presented by the Economic Strategy Manager, relating to the Renaissance Market Towns Initiative led by Yorkshire Forward.


Consideration was given to Rotherham’s three eligible settlement/clusters as follows:-


Wath upon Dearne

Throapham/Dinnington/North and South Anston

Wales/Kiveton Park


A brief explanation was given of the criteria chosen to select these areas, together with other factors which would assist determining the priority order for the submission of these towns as part of the Initiative.


Members expressed the view that there was no need to include Throapham in the Dinnington/North and South Anston cluster, and also suggested that the inclusion of Thurcroft be debated with Yorkshire Forward.


It was pointed out however, that there were some concerns that Yorkshire Forward had used settlement categorisation work by North Yorkshire County Council to identify eligible candidates.  This had now been overtaken by a study carried out for the South Yorkshire Local Authorities by Jacobs Babtie which identified settlements that were most sustainable for investment and future growth.  It was also pointed out that in this instance both the North Yorkshire County Council and the Jacobs Babtie studies were to be used in preparing the Core Strategy for the Local Development Framework.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the criteria used for identifying towns eligible under the Renaissance Market Town Programme be noted.


(2)  That approval be given to the following order of submission of the following towns to Yorkshire Forward as part of the Renaissance Market Towns Initiative:-


-                   Dinnington/North and South Anston (noting the deletion of Throapham, and the discussions to take place with Yorkshire Forward about the inclusion of Thurcroft)

-                   Wales/Kiveton Park

-                   Wath upon Dearne



The following item is likely to be considered in the absence of the press and public as being exempt under Paragraph 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972:-


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in those Paragraphs indicated below of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


ECO Homes - Henley Rise, Kimberworth

HMR Manager – Rotherham West to report.

-         to considerthe future use of the land at Henley Rise for the development of Eco-Housing.

(Exempt under Paragraph 9 of the Act – land and property)


Further to Minutes Nos. 13 and 35 of meetings of the Regeneration and Asset Board held on 20th June and 13th July, 2005 respectively, consideration was given to a report relating to the future use for the land at Henley Rise, Kimberworth.


It was noted that following further discussions with Social Services and Neighbourhoods, and a Council away day on 18th July, 2005, an agreement had been reached that the site would be best utilised for an Eco-housing development.


Reference was made to the Local Development Framework process and to a proposal to introduce a moratorium on the granting of planning permission for residential development on greenfield sites.  However, it was noted that the moratorium was not intended to obviate the need to have regard to all other material considerations when determining planning applications but account would need to be taken of PPG3, the sustainability of different locations and consistency in determining planning applications on Council and private land.


Reference was made to the expenses already incurred by Social Services.


Resolved:-  That approval be given to the future use of the land at Henley Rise, Kimberworth, for the development of Eco-Housing.


(Exempt under Paragraph 9 of the Act – land and property issues)