Agenda and minutes

The Former Regeneration and Asset Board - Wednesday 17 January 2007 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

Contact: Democratic Services Officer  Email:

No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 6th December, 2006 pdf icon PDF 173 KB


Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting of the Board held on 6th December, 2006.


Resolved:-  That the minutes be approved as a correct record.


Matters arising


Reference was made to the Terms of Reference of the Regeneration and Asset Board.


It was considered that, as the Board had been operating now for 18 months, a review of the Terms of Reference would be timely,


Rotherham Town Centre - Controlled Parking Zones and Residents' Parking pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Service Director, Planning and Transportation to report.

-           to report progress made in developing parking initiatives.


Further to Minute No. 157 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration and Development Services held on 27th November, 2006,     consideration was given to a report presented for information, relating to the progress with regard to an extension to the existing Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) and Residents’ Parking in and around the town centre.


Details of the proposed further consultation about the scheme and the necessary traffic regulations were set out in the report.


An explanation was requested of the allocation of Residents/Visitors Parking Zones permits.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be received and decision of the Cabinet Member noted.


(2)  That the Head of Planning and Transportation be requested to re-word and clarify the criteria in respect of the allocation of Residents/Visitors Parking Zones permits.



The following items are likely to be considered in the absence of the press and public as being exempt under Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended March 2006) (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular individual (including the Council)):-


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended March 2006) (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular individual (including the Council)).


Replacement of the Library Management System

Manager, Libraries, Museums and Arts to report.

-           to consider the funding and the implementation of the replacement system.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Manager, Libraries, Museums and Arts, relating to the need to replace the existing Library Management System, which was becoming increasingly unfit for purpose.


It was explained that the system dealt with book ordering, processing, and book recovery etc which was essential to the library management system.


It was pointed out that the Council was now out of contract with the existing supplier.  Also the existing system was now obsolete and the on-going maintenance agreement with the current supplier was becoming increasingly unsupportable and uneconomic.


Over the last year, in partnership with RBT, a tendering exercise had been undertaken to identify a preferred supplier and costs.


Reference was made to:-

-                      The market testing which had been carried out

-                      Previous budget savings

-                      Estimated cost of the new system

-                      the unreliability of the existing system and management information

-                      Proposed funding over a five year period, including ongoing capital and revenue

-                      Implementation and maintenance of the new system


Full details of the on-going capital and revenue costs, including for hardware and infrastructure (capital); software (capital); implementation (capital) and annual support (revenue).


The total cost of the replacement system was detailed and it was noted that additional costs included outstanding payment (covered in existing budgets) and replacement of library counters which would require additional capital funding.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the replacement of the library management system, with the implementation beginning this financial year, be supported.


(2)  That support be given the provision of initial capital funding from the Minor Strategic Investment Block to support the procurement and implementation of the library management system.


(3) That support be given to further capital and revenue funding, as detailed in Section 8 of the report submitted, to support the ongoing implementation and maintenance of the system and any necessary alterations to library buildings to facilitate the implementation of the library management system.


Brookfield Park, Manvers - Land Acquisition for Trans Pennine Trail

Principal Strategy Officer to report.

-           to consider land required to complete the approved landscaping scheme, including a section of the Trans Pennine Trail.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Principal Project Officer, relating to a proposal for the construction of a new section of the Trans Pennine Trail to be located along the northern boundary of the above site between Dearne Road and Mexborough Road, Manvers. 


Details of the required land acquisitions (approximately 4 hectares) and current lease arrangements were set out in the report.


It was pointed out that the new link would need to be Disability Discrimination Act compliant.


Funding had been made available through Yorkshire Forward’s Derelict Land Grant/Land Reclamation Programme – Trans Pennine Trail Completion (Phase 5 RMBC).  The cost of construction and initial maintenance was included in the overall approved grant, together with provision for maintenance for an initial five years.


Resolved:-  That approval be given for the acquisition of the land referred to, subject to the terms as set out in the report now submitted.


Rotherham Work and Skills Board/DWP City Strategies

Senior Economic Strategy Officer to report.

-           to note the progress made on the Rotherham Work and Skills Board; and to feedback any comments on and agree in principle the terms of reference and proposed membership.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Senior Economic Strategy Officer, relating to the progress made on the development of an employer led Work and Skills Board for Rotherham, as part of the DWP City Strategy Pathfinder initiative.


It was reported that the Pathfinder City Strategy areas were required to create an employment partnership – or consortium – to provide the drive and focus for cross-agency activity at a local level, with the aim of significantly increasing employment rates and ensuring more disadvantaged people can be helped to find and progress through work.  It was pointed out that City Strategies can cover one local authority area, or involve neighbouring authority areas.  The Rotherham Board would be part of a wider South Yorkshire Consortium.


It was proposed that the Head of Human Resources would represent Rotherham Council.


Reference was made to the links with the Council’s Regeneration agenda and Employment Plan.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the progress made on the establishment of Rotherham Work and Skills Board be noted.


(2)  That the terms of reference and proposed membership be agreed in principle.


Rotherham Economic Regeneration Fund (RERF)

Programmes Manager to report.

-           to present the mid year monitoring report 2006/2007.



Further to Minute No. 62 of the meeting of the Regeneration and Asset Board held on 18th October, 2006 and Minute No.   of the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration and Development Services held on 22nd January, 2007, consideration was given to a report, presented by the Programmes Manager, detailing the mid-year position of the Rotherham Economic Regeneration Fund.


It was noted that the report detailed both expenditure and output achievements and that only projects with planned activity during this period were included.


It was pointed out that as at the end of September, 2006 the fund was underspent and this was reflected in the under-achievement against planned outputs.


Details of the specific projects which were underspent, together with the reasons why, were set out in the report.


It was reported that the Knowledge Diffusion project was changing the way it was being delivered, which was now via ADS Lighting, Keepmoat/Bramhall Construction, Rotherham Chamber/Jobsmatch with Sheffield Hallam University.


Members of the Board commented on:-


-                      Big Screen Partnership

-                      Westgate Demonstrator Project

-                      Brampton Business Centre

-                      Academy of Construction Trades

-                      Magna


Clarification was given of the way in which the Fund was used to secure external funding and it was pointed out that RERF was always used in the last instance when other sources had been utilised.


Reference was made to the value for money of RERF (i.e. £7 for every £1).


Resolved:-  (1)  That the information set out in the report be noted.


(2)  That the Town Centre and Markets Manager be asked to submit to a report to a future meeting to update the Board on the progress of landscaping around, and provision of a wrap for, the Big Screen.


Magna Conference and Events Space - Joint Agreement for Delivery

Partnership Implementation Officer to report.

-           to update on progress of construction and the Final Legal Agreement.


Further to Minute No. 109 of the meeting of the Regeneration and Asset Board held on 18th January, 2006, consideration was given to a report, presented by the Partnership Implementation Officer, relating to the progress on the delivery of the Conference and Events Space project under the joint legal agreement with Magna Trust.


It was noted that the project was fully funded by Objective 1, Yorkshire Forward and SRB6.


The development of the conference and events space would meet a confirmed market demand, and would achieve the agreed South Yorkshire Destination Management Pilot for Tourism growth targets in South Yorkshire.


It was reported that construction work had commenced on 19th June, 2006. The work had progressed well and completion was on target for February 2007. 


The good working relationship between Magna, Rotherham Construction Partnership and the contractor was highlighted.


Resolved:-  That the report and the progress on delivery of the Magna Conference and Events Space project under the joint legal agreement between RMBC and Magna Trust be noted.


Land at Bennett Street, Kimberworth

Valuation Manager to report.

-           to seek approval to the sale of this land.

(A copy of the plan referred to will be available at the meeting.)


Further to Minutes Nos. 56 and 128 of meetings of the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods held on 25th July, and 16th October, 2006 (respectively), consideration was given to a report, presented by the Housing Market Renewal Team Leader, requesting consideration of the disposal of the above site for the development of “move-on” accommodation.


A plan highlighting the area of land under consideration was made available at the meeting.  It was pointed out that the site had been identified in the Neighbourhoods’ review of garage sites.


The Board was asked to consider discounting the land value in order for the proposed scheme to be financially viable.


Developer proposed to build aspirational, high quality, Eco-Homes (houses and apartments).  The anticipated start on site was January, 2007.


Reference was made to:-


-                      the need for this type of accommodation

-                      the social and economic benefits

-                      consultation which had already taken place

-                      nomination strategy


The Board was advised that Bennett Street was the first site being considered for “move-on” accommodation and that two further sites – one in Bramley and one in Aston - would be coming to the Board for consideration.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the option to dispose be approved, and negotiations in respect of the land transfer, as detailed in the report now submitted, be initiated.


(2)                      That the Head of Legal Services completes the necessary transfer documentation, and registers title to the land.


(3)  That nominations to the “move-on” properties be made following an agreed and robust assessment process, approved by the partner agencies, including the Supporting People Team and Community Housing Services.


Land and Property Bank - Capital Receipts Update

Strategic Property Manager to report.

-           to highlight changes to the forecast of capital receipts and resultant revisions to the Council’s capital programme.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Strategic Property Manager, updating the Board of changes to the forecast of capital receipts accruing to the General Fund resulting in a revision of the Council’s Capital Programme.


Resolved:-  That the position on the current status of the Capital Programme be noted.

The Chairman authorised consideration of the following item in order to process the item referred to.


Capital Funding for works to support the Corporate Office Accommodation Budget.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Head of Asset Management, relating to a bid for funding from the minor strategic capital pot (allocated for repairs) to fund the essential repairs to the corporate office accommodation.


Reference was made to essential health and safety works in the main offices plus alterations to Civic Building to accommodate the cooling plant to provide cooling to the ITC server room, and to fire prevention works.  The bid would also include money for works to the print room.


It was confirmed that the proposal had been discussed with Corporate Finance and agreement in principle had been given.


Resolved:-  That approval be given to the allocation of funds from the Minor Strategic Capital Fund to support the repairs element of the office accommodation budget, as detailed in the report now submitted.


Date, time and venue of next meeting

- to confirm:-  Wednesday, 14th February, 2007 at 10.00 a.m. at the Town Hall, Rotherham.


Resolved:-  That the next meeting of the Board be held on Wednesday, 14th February, 2007 at 10.00 a.m. at the Town Hall, Rotherham.