Agenda and minutes

The Former Regeneration and Asset Board - Wednesday 21 March 2007 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

Contact: Democratic Services Officer  Email:

No. Item


Minutes of previous meetings of the Regeneration and Asset Board pdf icon PDF 182 KB

14th February, 2007.  (copy attached)

28th February, 2007.  (copy attached)

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meetings of the Board held on 14th and 28th February, 2007 respectively.


Resolved:-  That the minutes be approved as a correct record.


Matters arising


There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.



The following items are likely to be considered in the absence of the press and public as being exempt under Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended March 2006) (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular individual (including the Council)):-


Resolved:- That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended March 2006)  (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Council)).


Minutes of the meeting of the Town Centre Development Project Board held on 2nd March, 2007

-           to consider the minutes.


Consideration was given to the minutes of a meeting of the Town Centre Accommodation Project Board held on 2nd March, 2007.


Resolved:-  That the minutes be received.


The Big Screen

Assistant Town Centre Manager to report.


-           to consider supporting the proposal to extend the partnership with the BBC until March 2008.


-           to note the progress made with regards to the design of a landscape scheme for the area below the screen.


-           to note the progress made with regards to the design of a ‘wrap’ to cover the back of the screen.


Further to Minute No. 63 of the Regeneration and Asset Board held on 18th October, 2006, the Assistant Town Centre Manager highlighted the matters set out in the report circulated.


The report highlighted that in March 2006 the Council entered into a unique pilot partnership with the BBC which provided a significant injection of resources into the Big Screen Project. This arrangement was reviewed in December 2006 and was extended until the end of March 2007 to allow a longer term agreement to be reached.


It was reported that the BBC had now proposed an official extension of the partnership until March 2008.


The report set out the key benefits that had arisen from the partnership with the BBC, with reference to the original aims and objectives of the project.


Further to Minute No. 117 of the Regeneration & Asset Board Meeting held on 17th January, 2007, the report also provided an update on the progress regarding  the landscaping works in All Saints’ Square and the introduction of a ‘wrap’ on the reverse of the screen.


It was explained that the main risks for the project were concerned with if the partnership arrangements with the BBC were to cease in that the staff time committed to the project by the Town Centre Management Team would have to include the duties currently undertaken by the Screen Manager, or else additional staff resources sought.  Similarly the budget available for this project would have to be used to sub-contract some of the duties which were beyond the technical capabilities of the Town Centre Management team, rather than being used to provide an events programme and to ensure the technical specification of the screen and software was the best available. The potential daily schedule & events programme would also be affected given the lack of BBC live events and televised programmes available.


With regard to the wrap for the screen itself there was a risk that the designs submitted would not be appropriate for the setting.  It was therefore necessary to ensure that the appropriate level of guidance and support was given to students working on the project and that the appropriate officers were involved in short listing the submissions.


It would also be necessary to ensure that an effective media campaign coincided with the project to maximise the potential positive news stories that could be generated from the involvement of local students in this high profile project.


Resolved:- (1) That the proposal to extend the partnership with the BBC until March 2008 be supported.


(2) That the progress made with regards to the design of a landscape scheme for the area below the screen be noted.


(3) That the progress made with regards to the design of a ‘wrap’ to cover the back of the screen be noted.


Redevelopment of St. Ann's Car Park and provision of temporary car parks off Rawson Road, Cottenham Road and St. Anns Road (3 No)

Network Regulation Engineer to report.

-           to consider approval for the construction of the temporary car park adjacent to Rawson Road and Cottenham Road (2No) and the works be funded through a bid made against the Council’s Minor Strategic Capital Works Programme.


The Network Regulation Engineer outlined the matters set out in the report circulated.


The report highlighted the options relating to the funding arrangements and locations associated with theprovision of replacement temporary car parks following the redevelopment of St. Ann’s car park.


The Board was asked to note that there had to be a realistic assumption about the migration of vehicles from St Ann’s car park to the proposed temporary car parks. This migration would be affected by factors such as :-


(i)         Current availability of on-street parking, most notably in Eastwood village.

(ii)         Current proposal by Planning & Transportation Service to implement Residents’ Parking Schemes.

(iii)        Movement of existing staff to outlying districts (therefore reduced staff demands)

(iv)        Unattractiveness of the temporary car parks to Town Centre shoppers:-  e.g:-  walking distance (reference was made to the poor usage of Sheffield Road Baths car park).


The projected income for these car parks was based on 60% usage and, based on previous experience and the 4 factors outlined above, there was a real risk that the actual usage of these car parks may be considerably lower than the assumed figure.


The Democratic Services Manager submitted a petition from 176 residents of Eastwood objecting to the proposed locations of these car parks as they believed they would increase the risk to the local residents, especially the pupils of St. Ann’s School.


Reference was made to the consultations undertaken relating to the planning application for the redevelopment of St. Ann’s Car Park when the views of the local residents and Ward Councillors were taken into account as part of the planning process.


Members reviewed the position relating to the development of this site.


Reference was also made to the development of the Town Centre Car Parking Strategy.


Resolved:-        (1) That the temporary car park adjacent to Rawson Road and Cottenham Road (2 No) be constructed and the works be funded through a bid made against the Council’s Minor Strategic Capital Works Programme in the sum of £290,000.


(2)        That the temporary car park adjacent to St Ann’s Road be constructed and the works be funded through a bid made against the Council’s Minor Strategic Capital Works Programme in the sum of £133,000.


(3)  That these temporary proposals be reviewed within the next three years.


(4) That the funding arrangements, income generation and budget issue paper be reviewed by the Strategic Director for Environment and Development Services.


Additional Capital Costs for Cashless Catering Equipment

Principal Catering Manager to report.

-   to seek approval with regard to additional capital funding for cashless catering installation in the authority’s secondary schools.


The Manager, School Organisation Planning and Development, Children and Young People’s Services, outlined the matters set out in the report circulated.


It was explained that the purpose of the report was to seek approval from the Regeneration & Asset Board with regard to additional capital funding for cashless catering installation in the authority’s secondary schools. This work was being undertaken as part of the authority’s e-government agenda and supported the ODPM e-Government Priorities and the Council's intentions for smartcard usage.


The original forecast of equipment required was based on expected requirements. To meet the needs of the schools increases in equipment were necessary.


The expenditure had currently been funded from the catering service revenue account which, as indicated in the report submitted, could not be sustained by the revenue account. If the funds were unavailable this would impact adversely on the revenue account.


Resolved:- That additional funds be approved from the minor strategic capital investment block in the sum of £49,661 to cover the additional costs of cashless catering equipment required for the completion of this project.


Thorpe Hesley Community Library

Manager, Library and Information Service to report.

-           to consider the implementation of a library space within the building  approved and a provision made through the Minor Strategic Investment Block of the Capital Programme to meet the cost.


The Manager, Libraries and Information Service, outlined the matters set out in the report circulated.


The report stated that the HolyTrinity Church in Thorpe Hesley had been successful in raising funds for a new Community Centre in the village.  As part of the fund raising the Church had won a competition which provided sufficient additional funds to adapt the current planned building to include a library space.


The creation of a library at Thorpe Hesley would contribute to the library service meeting public library service standards and, in turn, would impact on the Council’s performance indicators and CPA achievements.


It was explained that work on the Church owned building was due to begin in the near future, with completion in 2007-8.


However, if the project did not go ahead, there would be a negative impact on the performance of the library service and hence the performance of the Council against CPA. The Service would also be unable to achieve the Council’s ambition of meeting all Public Library Service Standards.


Usage of the library service within the area was currently via an ageing mobile library which would need to be replaced in the near future. Thorpe Hesley has been identified as a gap in service provision and there was unlikely to be another opportunity in the medium term to create additional library facilities within this area.


Resolved:- That the implementation of a library space within the building be approved and a provision be made through the Minor Strategic Investment Block of the Capital Programme for the cost to be met.


Capital Funding for works to support facilities infrastructure - Culture and Leisure Service

Manager, Library and Information Service to report.

-           to consider supporting a capital funding bid from the minor strategic pot (allocated for repairs) in the sum of £63,000 to fund essential and already undertaken health and safety works for the Culture and Leisure Service property portfolio, plus works essential to keep the facilities operating for public use.


The Manager, Library and Information Service, outlined the matters set out in the report circulated.


The report requested the Regeneration and Asset Board to support a capital funding bid from the minor strategic pot (allocated for repairs) in the sum of £63,000 to fund essential and already undertaken health and safety works for the Culture and Leisure Service property portfolio, plus major works essential to keep the facilities operating for public use.  Discussions had taken place with Corporate Finance to inform them of this course of action.


It was pointed out that if the funding was not approved then there was a significant risk of an overspend on the Service’s repairs and maintenance budgets. This had had to be offset against the greater risks in terms of health and safety and reputation if the works had not been carried out. This could include, for instance, buildings having to close and possibly injury to staff and/or customers.


Resolved:- That the sum of £63,000 be approved to be funded from the minor strategic capital fund to support the repairs that have been required in Culture and Leisure Service facilities.


Former Ferham Road Primary School

HMR Manager, Rotherham West to report.

-  to consider the options for the future use of the site.


Further to Minute No.  102 of the meeting of the Regeneration and Asset Board held on 6th December, 2006, the HMR Manager, Rotherham West, outlined the matters set out in the report circulated.


The report highlighted the options for the future use of the above-mentioned site.


The Board was reminded that if the whole site was placed on the market a sale would produce a capital receipt, but market conditions could change, resulting in a higher or lower receipt.  However, this option would not address the specific affordable housing needs of the community within the area.


If the land cross-hatched black on the plan was sold without the assumption of the discounted value of the land the Housing Association Scheme would fail to be delivered.  If the start on site (absolute deadline – July 2007) was not achieved the funding allocation would not be spent within Rotherham as there were no other sites suitable for the development.


Currently delivery for the Approved Development Programme 2006-2008 was on track.  However if the land in question was not allocated to this Scheme, the funding would potentially be lost to Rotherham and redistributed within the South Yorkshire area.


It was essential that Rotherham and our partners successfully deliver the current Affordable Housing Programme, to timescales and agreed outputs. Failure to do so would have a negative impact upon the confidence of funders in Rotherham’s capacity to deliver such a significant programme. The success of our future bids for affordable housing resources would in part be judged upon our capacity and track record for delivery. This came at a crucial time for Rotherham MBC as it posed a risk to our success in the bidding process that we would soon be entering for resources to deliver the 2008-11 programme.


It was noted that this matter had not been considered by the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People’s Services, who had delegated responsibility to agree that this asset was surplus to requirements.


Resolved:- That subject to the formal approval of the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People’s Services, the following proposals be approved:-


(1) That the sale, in principle, of the land cross-hatched black on the plan to the Housing Association, identified in the report now submitted, be approved.


(2) That the sale be negotiated by the Director of Rotherham Investment and Development Office on condition that 100 % nomination rights are retained by the Council on the development proposal.


(3)  That a specific obligation is placed on the developer to demolish the air raid shelter and deal with all party wall aspects with adjoining owners.


(4) That the Director of Legal and Democratic Services completes the necessary transfer documentation and registers title to the land


(5) That the future use of the remainder of the site is considered in the light of feedback from other consultations and be reported verbally to the meeting.


Housing Market Renewal - Land Use


The Chairman referred to several items on this agenda which included the disposal of land to developers or social landlords in support of the Council’s Community Strategy and policies to achieve social/affordable housing.  Some of these reports included disposal of the land at discounted values in order to achieve wider regeneration objectives such as special need housing, eco housing, secure by design, lifetime homes and low cost home ownership.  These schemes were attracting substantial grant income to develop the sites.


Reference was made to the recent change in policy whereby housing capital receipts were not automatically ring-fenced for housing purposes and the need to consider the sale of capital assets to support the Council’s own capital strategy.


Resolved:- That a review of all such sites in the current 2006-08 Agreed Development Programme be submitted to a future meeting of the Board.


Flanderwell Avenue, Bramley

Pathfinder Programme Manager HMR Team to report.

-  to consider disposal.


The HMR Team Leader outlined the matters set out in the report circulated.


The report provided details on move-on accommodation to be provided at the Flanderwell Avenue site, and requested approval to dispose of the above site for this purpose.


It was reported that a sale would produce a capital receipt.  However, land transfer issues needed to be addressed swiftly, in order to ensure that the Regional Housing Board funding could be submitted and transferred within the timescales and, if it was resolved in favour of the recommendation, then a start on site could be expected, to accord with the Scheme’s programme for March 2007.


The land and property issues would be addressed within the contract for sale.  In addition, the other aspects of the contracts between the two parties such as nomination rights and affordability would also be similarly secured.


It was also pointed out that if the land was sold without the assumption of the discounted value of the land the scheme would fail, and also if the start on site (March 2007) was not achieved, the funding allocation would be at risk.


The Board was informed that the funding allocation had been confirmed, and draw down requested by the Council’s preferred partner in this Scheme and this committed them to deliver the programme.  However, delivery was dependent upon the identification and approval of suitable Council sites to facilitate development. These sites had already been identified to facilitate the current development programme. Further sites had been identified as part of the Garage Site Review and HRA Asset Mapping work undertaken by Neighbourhood Strategy Unit and HMR Team, to enable alternative sites to be brought forward, should any difficulties arise.  Should suitable sites not be agreed, the programme would be placed at significant risk. This also placed our partner RSL at risk of non-delivery of their agreed programme, which could result in grant clawback and loss of confidence with the Housing Corporation. The impact upon our partner relationships would be significant.  


It was therefore essential that Rotherham and our partners successfully deliver the current Affordable Housing Programme, to timescales and agreed outputs. Failure to do so would have a negative impact upon the confidence of funders in Rotherham’s capacity to deliver such a significant programme. The success of our future bids for affordable housing resources would in part be judged upon our capacity and track record for delivery.


Resolved:- That the recommendation for the freehold sale of the land to Arches Housing, at the discount stated, and on the basis that the Council receives all of the benefits detailed in the report be approved.


Shaldon Grove, Aston

Pathfinder Programme Manager, HMR Team.

-           to consider disposal.


The HMR Team Leader outlined the matters set out in the report circulated.


The report provided details on move-on accommodation to be provided at the Shaldon Grove site, and requested approval to the proposed disposal of the site to Council’s preferred partner for this purpose.


It was reported that a sale would produce a capital receipt. However, land transfer issues need to be addressed swiftly, in order to ensure that RHB funding could be submitted and transferred within the timescales and, if it is resolved in favour of the recommendation, then a start on site could be expected, to accord with Scheme’s programme for March 2007.


The land and property issues would be addressed within the contract for sale.  In addition, the other aspects of the contracts between the two parties such as nomination rights and affordability would also be similarly secured.


It was pointed out that if the land was sold without the assumption of the discounted value of the land the scheme would fail.  If the start on site (March 2007) was not achieved, the funding allocation would be at risk.


It was confirmed that the funding allocation had been confirmed and draw down requested and this committed the Council’s partner to delivery of the programme. The Board was advised that delivery was dependent upon the identification and approval of suitable Council sites to facilitate development. These sites had already been identified to facilitate the current development programme. Further sites had been identified as part of the Garage Site Review and HRA Asset Mapping work undertaken by Neighbourhood Strategy Unit and HMR Team, to enable alternative sites to be brought forward, should any difficulties arise. Should suitable sites not be agreed, the programme would be placed at significant risk. This also placed our partner RSL at risk of non-delivery of their agreed programme, which could result in grant clawback and loss of confidence with the Housing Corporation. The impact upon our partner relationships would be significant.  


It was therefore essential that Rotherham and our partners successfully delivered the current Affordable Housing Programme, to timescales and agreed outputs. Failure to do so would have a negative impact upon the confidence of funders in Rotherham’s capacity to deliver such a significant programme. The success of our future bids for affordable housing resources would in part be judged upon our capacity and track record for delivery.


Resolved That the recommendation for the freehold sale of the land to the Council’s partner, Arches Housing, on the basis of discounted sale, and on the basis that the Council receives all of the benefits detailed in the report be approved.


Land at Chapel Walk Mosque, Rotherham

Strategic Property Manager to report.

-           update.


Further to Minute No. 124 of 22nd February, 2006 and Minute No. 12 of 14th of June, 2006 of meetings of the Regeneration and Asset Board, the Strategic Property Manager reported further on the issues raised by Members in relation to the sale of land at Chapel Walk.


Options for the disposal of the land were reported.


In the light of the information presented, and discussion, at the meeting the following decision was made:-


Resolved:- That the land be disposed of on the basis of Option 2, set out in the report now submitted, to include a covenant that the land be used for car parking only, and the value to be independently assessed at market value.


Church Rooms and Car Park, Church Lane, Maltby

Estates Surveyor to report.

-           to consider options for future use.


The Strategic Property Manager outlined the matters set out in the report circulated.


The report outlined the options available for the future use of The Church Rooms and Church Rooms Car Park, Church Lane, Maltby.


Resolved:- (1) That the sites continue to be managed as at present on terms to be agreed by the Director of Asset Management Service.


(2) That the Director of Legal and Democratic Services completes the necessary documentation.


Land at Kenneth Street, Rotherham

Estates Surveyor to report.

-           to consider disposal.


The Strategic Property Manager outlined the matters set out in the report circulated.


The report sought approval for the disposal of the above-mentioned asset which was surplus to the requirements of the Asset Management Department.


It was re-iterated that as with all property transactions a capital receipt could not be guaranteed until the sale was complete.


Resolved:- (1) That approval be given to the disposal of the asset on the basis set out in this report.


(2) That the Director of Rotherham Investment and Development Office negotiates the disposal.


(3) That the Director of Legal and Democratic Services completes the necessary transfer documentation.


16 Main Street, North Anston

Estates Surveyor to report.

-           to consider future use.


The Strategic Property Manager outlined the matters set out in the report circulated.


The report set out options for the future use of the above mentioned site.


The Board was reminded that the sale of the land would produce a capital receipt but there was always a danger that any land transaction may fall through.


Resolved:- (1) That approval be given to sell the above asset on the basis set out in the report.


(2) That the Director of Rotherham Investment & Development Office negotiates the terms of the disposal.


(3) That the Director of Legal & Democratic Services completes the necessary documentation.


Land at Dale Road/Goodwin Avenue, Rawmarsh


The Strategic Property Manager outlined the matters set out in the report circulated.


The report outlined the options for the disposal of the above mentioned site.


It was reported that a sale would produce a capital receipt, but market conditions could change, resulting in a higher or lower receipt. If the SYHA scheme was accepted and the start on site date of June 2007 was not achieved, the funding allocation, including the Edwin Goodwin Trust grant, would be at risk.


Resolved:- That approval be given to sell the above asset as detailed in Option 1 of the report.


(2) That the Director of Rotherham Investment & Development Office negotiates the terms of the disposal.


(3) That the Director of Legal & Democratic Services completes the necessary documentation.


Land and property: Capital Receipts update

Strategic Property Manager to report.

-           to update the Board on the current position.


The Strategic Property Manager outlined the matters set out in the report circulated.


The updated report highlighted changes to the forecast of capital receipts accruing to the General Fund resulting in a revision of the Council’s capital programme.


It was pointed out that as with all property transactions the capital receipt could not be guaranteed until the sale was completed.


Resolved :- That the position on the current status of the capital receipts which support the capital programme be noted.


Waterways Strategy

Director of Rotherham Streetpride to report.


Further to Minute No. 223 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration and Development Services held on 19th February, 2007, the Strategic Director of Economic and Development Services outlined the matters set out in the report circulated.


The Board was informed that the Rotherham Waterways Strategy would cover all main rivers and canals in Rotherham and include issues such as access, habitats, conservation and future maintenance.


Resolved:- That the strategy implementation be noted.


Redevelopment of Clifton Park Museum

Manager, Libraries, Museums and Arts to report.

-           to consider an allocation from the Capital Programme’s Minor Strategic Investment Block to cover the additional cost on the redevelopment of the Museum.


The Manager, Library and Information Service, outlined the matters set out in the report circulated.


The report stated that the redevelopment of Clifton ParkMuseum took place over a period of nine years, from initial plans which were formulated in 1997 through to the end of defect liability periods for the contractors in 2006.


The Board was advised that the final account for this project indicated that there has been an additional cost of £5,377. The total budget for the project was £3,000,000 (which included project-related expenditure from revenue budgets whilst the Museum was closed to the public in 2003 and 2004).


It was explained that budgets for capital projects pertaining to historic buildings were often difficult to plan prior to commencement of works on site. The buildings and their original design and construction were sometimes unique, and unrestricted access was not possible when they were also open to the public and performing a function, as with the Museum. The condition of historic buildings could also change in the time delay between the initial conservation assessments, and securing funding and commencement of works.


With the redevelopment of the Museum, careful management of the budget post-commencement of works allowed the Project Team to minimise all of the risks and uncertainties. For instance, the budget was able to accommodate unforeseen, but vital and expensive structural works to strengthen the floors and increase loadings.


Resolved:- That the report be noted and an allocation of £5,377 from the Capital Programme’s Minor Strategic Investment Block to cover the additional cost on the redevelopment of the Museum be approved.

(The Chairman authorised consideration of the following two items to enable the purchases to proceed quickly)


Proposed Purchase of Millfold House, Westgate, Rotherham


The Development Promotions Manger outlined the matters set out in the report circulated.


The report detailed the purchase of Millfold House, Westgate as part of the Rotherham Renaissance agenda.


Resolved:- That the Acquisition of the subject property on the terms reported be approved.


Proposed purchase of Riverside Precinct, Corporation Street, Rotherham


The Development Promotions Manager outlined the matters set out in the report circulated.


The report detailed the purchase of the Riverside Precinct, Corporation Street, Rotherham, as part of the Rotherham Renaissance agenda.


Resolved:- That the Acquisition of the subject property on the terms reported be approved.


Date, time and venue of next meeting:

- Wednesday, 18th April, at 10.00 a.m. at the Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.


Resolved:-  That the next meeting of the Board take place on WEDNESDAY, 18th April, 2007 at 10.00 a.m. at the Town Hall, Rotherham.