Agenda and minutes

Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder - Monday 14 June 2010 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Bailey House, Rawmarsh Road, Rotherham S60 1TD

Contact: Dawn Mitchell 01709 822062  Email:

No. Item


Exclusion of the Press and Public

Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3  of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any person (including the Council))


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any person (including the Council)).


Minutes of meeting held on 31st March, 2010


Agreed:-  The minutes of the meeting held on 31st March, 2010, be approved as a true record.


ADF Chairs

-        reports by ADF Chairs/Programme Co-ordinators for:-


·              Rawmarsh and Parkgate ADF

·              Rotherham East

·              Wath and Swinton

·              Rotherham West

·              Town Centre

·              Dinnington

·              Maltby


Members noted the ADF Chairs’ reports which highlighted:-


Rawmarsh and Parkgate

Goodwin Avenue

Mahon Avenue

Clarence Hotel

Improvements to Gateway Corridor A633

Neighbourhood Masterplanning

Private Sector Housing, Rawmarsh Hill, Parkgate

Regeneration of Service Centre/New Homes

Better Public Spaces


Rotherham East

Eldon Road

Longfellow Drive


Wood Street/School Street – Council House Build

Dalton and East Herringthorpe Development Framework

Eastwood Masterplan

Remodelling – Demonstrator Project

Doncaster Road, East Dene

Chesterhill Avenue, Dalton

Neighbourhood Safety


Wath and Swinton

The Dearne Valley Vision

Almond Place

White Bear Estate

Highfield Road

Rookery Road

Brameld Road

Cliffe Bank

Swinton Gateway/Green Linkages

Brampton Bierlow/Knolbeck Lane

Albany Road, Kilnhurst

Albert Road, West Melton


Rotherham West

Henley Rise ECO Homes

Canklow Woods

Fernbank Development

Bennett Street Development


Castle Avenue/Warden Street/Canklow Road

St. Johns Green Study

West Central Sustainable Action Plan

Gateway Improvements

Public Art Feature


Town Centre

Nos. 15-21 Moorgate Road


Doncaster Gate


Westgate Demonstrator




Monksbridge Phase 1 and Ryton Road

Victoria Street

Relocation of Medieval Cross

Private Sector Enforcement

Dinnington Landlords’ Forum

Monksbridge Terrace

Doe Quarry and Silverdales

Leicester Road



China Town Street Scene Improvements

Abbey Reach Garden Scheme

Model Village Parking Scheme

Tarrans Redevelopment

Private Sector Housing Enforcement

Newlands Avenue – New Council Homes



HMR Financial Update

-        verbal report by Joel Gouget, Investment Co-ordinator


Joel Gouget, Finance Manager, Neighbourhood Investment Team, reported that until the emergency budget on 22nd June, there was a great deal of uncertainty with regard to funding.


As of today, Rotherham’s external funding allocation, as announced in March, 2010, was £7.4M, of which £4.3M was Pathfinder and £800,000 Growth money.  Both Programmes had not yet been confirmed by the HCA;  the only guaranteed funding was £2.1M Regional Housing.


The Government had announced a 16% cut (£5.6M) across all the local authorities of the £31M Pathfinder funding.  There was no certainty on the Growth funding and it was not known if the 16% cut also applied to it.


Obviously this would have massive consequences on the Programme of delivery.  Once the cuts were confirmed the Programme would have to be revised and reports submitted to Members. 


The Team had presented the information to the TSY Board based on a 12% cut.


A meeting was to take place later that week with the Chief Officers from each of the South Yorkshire authorities involved in Housing Renewal to consider the 16% cut.


The majority of the 2010/11 funding for Rotherham had already been committed so any cuts would be very difficult. 


Discussion ensued on the possible funding cuts and the implications for the communities of Rotherham as well as staff.


Agreed:- (1)  That the information be noted.


(2)  That a special meeting be held on 27th July, 2010, at 4.00 p.m.


Rotherham Investment Plan 2011-14


It had been hoped to discuss with all ADF Chairs at the meeting all the individual parts if the Plan and bring together as 1.  However, in light of the latest funding announcements by the new Coalition Government, the new Programme for Government our Plan was being revised so itcould not happen at the present time.


Tom Bell, Neighbourhood Investment Manager, gave a brief summary of issues that required further discussion at the special meeting:-


-        The first Single Conversation workshop had been held setting out an evidence base line which lead to what are our priorities for the way forward

-        An officer from the HCA currently spends 1 afternoon a week with the Team helping with the Single Conversation

-        The process was not as advanced as anticipated due to the change in Government and new ideas were being developed

-        There was some uncertainty of the HCA’s future role

-        Completion of projects already started remained a key priority and consideration given to how to take projects forward with less money

-        The role of the private sector

-        Greener Homes was on the agenda along with Affordable Homes and more new homes

-        The Government was to scrap Regional Spatial Strategy targets – what did that mean for Rotherham?

-        Continued support for reducing the number of Empty Homes

-        Localism and A Big Society where Rotherham people are more involved

-        A review of team structures to deliver a new programme


Agreed:-  That the report be noted and be discussed further at the special meeting..


Date of Next Meeting


Agreed:-  That meetings be held in 2010/11, commencing at 2.00 p.m., as follows:-


6th September, 2010

13th December

21st March, 2011

6th June