Agenda and minutes

Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder - Monday 3 April 2006 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham

Contact: Dawn Mitchell 01709 822062  Email:

No. Item


Exclusion of the Press and Public.

Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 8 and 9 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (expenditure/negotiation of terms).


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (negotiation of terms).


Minutes of meeting held on 20th February, 2006


Agreed:-  The minutes of the meeting held on 20th February, 2006, be approved as a true record.


HMR Programme Update

- report by Tom Bell, HMR Team Leader


The Housing Market Renewal Team Leader reported that the projected outturn had been met for 2004/06 with a total spend of £15,250,000.  It had involved a lot of hard work from the Team and all delivery partners. 


The final grant claim would be made to Transform South Yorkshire for the resources for the 2004/06 Programme.  This promoted a lot of confidence within TSY and the ODPM that Rotherham did deliver and had the capacity to deliver the next Programme.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the Team and partners be congratulated on their efforts.


2nd Scheme Prospectus Update


It had been announced that the region would have a £90M allocation for 2006/08 for which Rotherham would receive £18.2M plus some crosscutting activity particularly the Swinton/Mexborough Canal Corridor.


Under the new arrangements, the projects would be approved at ADF level.  Work was also taking place on twin axis arrangements and monthly meetings set up with Sheffield and with partners in Doncaster to look at developing cross boundary projects. 


The HMR Team was to review the programme originally submitted and prioritise projects.  These would be reported to the ADF steering groups for discussion and agreement on the priorities.  There were existing commitments in the next Programme that totalled approximately £9.6M, the majority of which was for the Westgate Demonstrator project.


In terms of the Programme, it was becoming clearer how much the Housing Corporation and Regional Housing Board would be investing in the next 2 year period and the amount of likely capital receipts on cleared sites that would enable a programme to be put together not just looking at HMRP but also other funding.


The need for the new terms of reference for the ADF steering groups to be agreed as soon as possible was very important


Agreed:-  That the report be noted.


ADF Chairs' Reports

- Rawmarsh and Parkgate ADF

- Rotherham East

- Wath and Swinton

- Rotherham West


The respective ADF Chairs and HMR Managers gave the following reports:-


Rawmarsh and Parkgate

ADF Overview

Key objectives which included Rawmarsh High Street (Bellows Road), ParkgateVillage (local specialist centre and backland) and Manor FarmVillage

Long Term Investments

Strategic Acquisitions

Gateway Improvements

Funding Priorities


Rotherham East

ADF Overview

Transformation Eastwood Neighbourhood Masterplan

Dalton Saville Street Civil Defence Site and Adjoining Areas Development Action Plan

Neighbourhood Spaces

Strategic Acquisitions

Gateway Improvements

Environmental Infrastructure Green Spaces

Street Scene Enhancements

Dalton Frontages

Eastwood Village, Eastwood


Wath and Swinton

ADF Overview

Almond Place, Wath

Denman Road, Bushfield Road and Michael Croft, Wath

Green Spaces and Groundwork Environmental Projects

HighfieldPark, Swinton

HorsefairPark, Swinton

Gateway Enhancements

Specialist Studios

Transformation Wath, Swinton and Brampton BierlowTown Centres

Strategic Acquisitions

Street Scene Enhancements

Queensacre, Swinton


Rotherham West

ADF Overview

Canklow Stock Appraisal

Canklow Social Survey

Accelerated Demolition

Neighbourhood Spaces

Gateway Improvements

Environmental Infrastructure

Street Scene Enhancements

Strategic Acquisitions


Town Centre

Westgate Demonstrator

Planning permission had been granted on 23rd March for Sites 3 and 5 (Market Street car park and Market Place car park)

Tenders had been received and currently being assessed with view to starting on site in June, 2006

An outline planning application for the remainder of the sites had target submission date of 11th May

Meetings continuing with tenants of All Saints and Imperial Buildings

Work would start on Site 5 (Domine Lane) in November, 2006

The new car parks at Sheffield Road had 80 spaces and Unity Place would have 28 respectively

The outcome of the transportation study carried out by Arup Consultants was due shortly


Town Centre

LOTS - The lease had been signed for 8 shared ownerships to be delivered by Equity Housing Association

Negotiations were ongoing with the owner of a void property with a view to demolition and cleared site

Work ongoing with masterplanning consultant with regard to possible housing activity


The following points were also raised:-


-              Consultants had confirmed that the proposed scheme for the Bellows Road development was viable scheme and that a developer had shown interest.

-              The need for Economic Regeneration and Development Services to deliver the 2 strategic acquisitions in Rotherham East.  If not possible, the ADF could consider other sites.

-              Regular updates were needed at the steering groups.

-              The Wath and Swinton ADF would be linking into the Wath Access Group and looking at partnerships with the Dearne Valley.

-              Meetings were taking place with the Dearne Access meeting with Terms of Reference being worked up with the purpose of sharing project information.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the reports be noted.


(2)  That the outcome of the transportation study be submitted to the next meeting.


(3)  That an update on negotiations with respect to Westgate Chambers be given to the next meeting.


ADF Steering Groups Review Update

- report of Kevin Rice, HMR Manager


Further to Minute No. 54 of 20th February, 2006, the HMR Manager submitted a progress report on work taking place on the review of ADF steering groups.


Consultation had taken place with ADF Chairs with a further meeting to be held shortly as well as a meeting with TSY and dialogue with partners in terms of areas of accountability, membership, scope and constitution of ADF steering groups, links to Rotherham Partnership and alignment to TSY.  It had been felt very strongly that there was a need for a Code of Conduct and a Communication Plan.


Set out in the report were future actions with target dates.


The following points were raised:-


-              When do we see ourselves in a position to endorse this and put into practice?

            (It was hoped that a firm proposal would be submitted to the next meeting and by June/July steering groups adopting the procedures)

-              The need for clear definition on the role of steering group members and possible conflict of interests i.e. 2010 Board members

            (A number of steering group memberships had to clarify their role)


Agreed:-  That a further report be submitted to the next meeting.


DVD Presentation/HMR Event


Members watched a DVD which had been produced on Rotherham’s Housing Market Renewal Programme.


Comments were invited as to how it could be improved.  Suggestions included reducing the amount of music used, inclusion of some historical context as to why the funding was needed and “before” and “after” pictures.


It was noted that a HMR Event was to be held on 16th May, 2006, at the Courtyard by Marriott.  The morning session would include key note speeches and in the afternoon 4 tours of Rotherham – Rotherham East and Rotherham West, Rawmarsh, Parkgate, Wath and Swinton, the Town Centre and the wider regeneration areas of Dinnington, Kiveton Park and Laughton.


Delivery Team Staffing Update

- report by Tom Bell, HMR Team Leader


Members noted the updated HMR Team staffing structure which included 4 new appointments.  2 key areas that had not successfully been recruited to were those of Forward Planner and Design Officer.


Transform South Yorkshire

- report of any Board decisions.


It was noted that the TSY Board meeting had not taken place pending the announcement of the 2006/08 funding allocation.


Any Other Business

(as requested by Councillor Lakin):-


Rehousing Options Update

Non-Traditional Housing and HMR Investment Plans

Decent Homes/HMR Programme Alignment


Rehousing Options Update

Councillor Lakin queried what rehousing options would be offered and delivered timewise?

The Regeneration Manager stated that relocation was a key issue for Housing Market Renewal to achieve what it wanted to achieve.  The masterplanning had identified around 5,000 properties which might be subject to demolition.


Work had taken place on developing proposals which would allow successful relocation and more opportunities which, not only included Housing Association properties, but equity loans, homesteading, and home to home.  Reports were to be submitted to the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods on each of the proposals together with a comprehensive relocation policy.   Discussions had also taken place with 2010.


Two pieces of research were being conducted:-  Firstly around the persons that had been subject to relocation and their experience and secondly how options could be improved for people to stay in their own homes.


Work was also taking place across the 4 local authorities on the issue of compensation to ensure comparable rates were paid particularly in the gateway areas.


It was acknowledged that the rehousing process needed to be speeded up between the decision to demolish and the actual act.  Once a decision had been made to demolish a property, vast sums of money would not be spent on it but it should be kept to a minimum standard.


Non-Traditional Housing and HMR Investment Plans

Councillor Lakin queried how Market Renewal tied in with 2010’s aspirations for non-traditional housing stock?

The Cabinet Member stated that, although there was a Council Minute stating the Council would “disinvest” in non-traditional housing, they would be submitted to the Cabinet Member for approval taking into account the respective Ward Members’ comments.  In future, the Chairs of ADFs could be invited to comment on any proposals in their ADF area.


Decent Homes

Councillor Lakin stated that during the recent poor Decent Home consultation, there had been no detail as to how the timetable of works had been drawn up, how it tied into the Sheltered Housing Review or what formula had been used for those properties to be improved first and other last.  It was not known how Market Renewal would work and how it would tie in with 2010 who was now managing Council properties

The Cabinet Member stated that a meeting had taken place recently with regard to alignment with the Housing Market Renewal Programme and non-traditional properties.  It had been anticipated that the draft Decent Homes Programme would be accompanied by a narrative explaining the rationale for the way it had been put together. 


Agreed:-   (1)  That a workshop be held with the 2010’s Decent Homes Team and ADF Chairs .


Agreed:-  (2)  That the Head of Asset Management be requested to investigate the complex issue of leaseholders in the Whinney Hill area of Thrybergh.


Date of Next Meeting


Agreed:-  That a further meeting with the ADF Chairs be held on Monday, 3rd July, 2006, commencing at 11.30 a.m.