Agenda and minutes

Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder - Monday 25 September 2006 11.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham

Contact: Dawn Mitchell 01709 822062  Email:

No. Item


Exclusion of the Press and Public.

Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (contains information relating to an individual).


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (information relating to the financial  or business affairs of any person (including the Council)).


Minutes of meeting held on 10th July, 2006


Agreed:-  The minutes of the meeting held on 10th July, 2006, be approved as a true record.


Arising from Minute No. 79(a), it was noted that a meeting had not been held in July as the final draft report on the Bellow Road, Wath and Swinton Service Centres was not received in time.  The report had since been circulated, comments on which were in the process of being pulled together.  A copy had also been provided to John Healey, M.P. for his comments.  It was envisaged that a meeting would be held mid-October.


HMR Programme/ADF Project Updates


The respective HMR Managers gave the following reports:-


Wath and Swinton

Transformation Brampton

Wath and Swinton Service Centres Study

Wath Regeneration (White Bear)

Selective Demolition

Swinton Gateway Improvements

Strategic Acquisitions

Green Spaces Improvements


Rawmarsh and Parkgate

Business Engagement

Streetscene Enhancements

Manor Farm

Sandhill Service Centre Study

Bellows Road Service Centre

ParkgateVillage Masterplan

Rawmarsh Gateway Improvements

Strategic Acquisitions


RotherhamEast ADF

Broadway Streetscene Improvements

Dalton and East HerringthorpeMasterplan

Dalton Gateway Improvements

Strategic Acquisitions

Eastwood Masterplan


RotherhamWest ADF

St. Johns Green Study

Selective Demolition

Transformation Canklow

Strategic Acquisitions


Henley Rise ECO Homes

Meadowbank Gateway Improvements

West Central Masterplan


RotherhamTown Centre ADF

Westgate Demonstrator Project

Gap Funding

Living Over The Shop Programme

Strategic Acquisitions


Discussion ensued on the reports.  The following issues were highlighted:-


-              The draft report on Bellows Road had been submitted to the Corporate Management Team.  An Officer Group had been pulled together to discuss the site.

-              There were detailed project management arrangements that tracked projected and identified risks.

-              The stock condition survey of properties in Canklow had been received.



Agreed:-  (1)  That the reports be noted.


(2)  That a detailed report be submitted to the next meeting on the Bellows Road Service Centre.


(3)  That a report be submitted to the next meeting on the stock condition survey outcomes of properties in Canklow and the possible options for the way forward.


(4)  That at a joint meeting of the Cabinet Members for Neighbourhoods and Economic Development Services the Policy for selecting people for affordable housing be discussed.


(5)  That future reports concentrate on those areas of activity that were not on schedule or had issues that the Group needed to be aware of.


Transform South Yorkshire - Compensation Packages

- presentation by Mike Patterson, Transform South Yorkshire


Mike Patterson, Transform South Yorkshire gave a powerpoint presentation on the relocation policies and practices as follows:-


National Context

Robust housing market

Clearance and demolition leading to more home movers

Affordability is a major issue

Cheaper homes are needed

Private finance needs securing


Regional Context

Yorkshire and Humber Regional Homes Loans Service

Relocation loans and property appreciation loans available

Variable take up and relatively small portfolio


South Yorkshire Context

Some inconsistencies between districts (loans/grants balance)

Moving towards all 4 local authorities utilising Y & H service

TSY involvement in national developments


Next Steps

Continue to push for “national solution”

Continue to develop and harmonise approach in Y & H


Agreed:-  That the presentation be noted.


Non-Traditional Properties - Option Appraisal

- Chris Brown, Regeneration Programme Manager


Chris Brown, Regeneration Programme Manager, presented a briefing note on the above.


The Housing Market Renewal Team was conducting an option appraisal of non-traditional properties supported by 2010 Rotherham Ltd.  The appraisal would consist of 2 elements:-


-           Survey of structure (life expectancy) and Decent Homes needs in order to establish the investment costs per property type and per estate or housing cluster;

-           Sustainability assessment.


Structural surveys of over 100 properties would identify low, medium and high cost operations to provide a 30 year structural life.  A Decent Homes survey would provide a business financial plan identifying costs to bring properties up to the Decent Homes standard based on 78 properties.  Survey results would be compared to current traditional Decent Homes investment costs and historical management investment practices to establish investment costs over and above structural investment over a 30 year life.


Agreed:-  That the report be noted.


HMR Pathfinder ADF Steering Groups Structure

- report of Kevin Rice, HMR Project Manager


Due to no ADF Chairs being present at the meeting it was felt that this item should be deferred until the next meeting.


Agreed:-  (1)  That this item be deferred and considered at the next meeting.


(2)  That the report incorporate alignment with Area Assemblies and linkages with the Theme Groups of the Local Strategic Partnership.


Private Sector Engagement

- report of Zahara Siddique, Project Manager


ZaharaSiddique, Project Manager, submitted a report outlining progress to date on developing options for a private sector partnering framework to meet the needs and challenges of the HMR Team to deliver its comprehensive programme of activity.


To ensure a model was developed that was strategically sound, consideration was being given to drawing up clear aims and objectives which would underpin the development of a partnership framework.  These objectives would be in line with the Government’s modernisation programme in a national context which aimed to encourage a climate of innovation to drive up standards and ensure continual improvements in the delivery of public services.


Discussion ensued on the report.  It was felt that discussions should be held with the Executive Director of Finance with regard to the Capital Programme.  It was noted that monthly asset management workshops were held with the Strategic Property Manager to look at the strategic issues of asset management.


Agreed:-  That the report be noted.


Westgate Demonstrator Project - Update

- presentation by Dave Potts, Economic and Development Services


Dave Potts, Project Officer, gave a powerpoint presentation on the Westgate Demonstrator Project as follows:-


-              Overview

o             Major mixed use development in the town centre

o             5 Council-owned sites

o             Public realm facing the river

o             Café bar in public realm

o             Funded from a variety of sources including HMPR, YF and RMBC

-              Site layout

-              Programme

-              Site 3, 5 and Imperial Buildings

-              Later Development

-              Public Realm

-              Westgate Car Parks


It was noted that there would be no affordable housing element due to the funding requirements.


Agreed:-  That the presentation be noted.


Greenfield Development Moratorium

- presentation by Nick Ward, Economic and Development Services


Nick Ward, Planner, was unable to be at the meeting.  Gordon Smith, Specialist Support Manager, gave an overview of the issue as follows:-


-              Government Policy had long favoured the development of brownfield planning for residential development over Greenfield.  PPG3 set a national target of 60% of residential units on brownfield land.

-              Excessive levels of brownfield land in Yorkshire and Humber.  The Regional Spatial Strategy set a higher target of 68%.

-              At the time Rotherham’s performance was under the target.

-              The Local Planning Authority had addressed the issue and put a hold on further development on greenfield land as an interim measure to allow time to take stock.

-              Pathfinder schemes which involved an element of greenfield development would require a strongly argued case and may be observed critically by developers.

-              The private sector was watching developments in Rotherham very closely.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the ADF Chairs be asked if they wished a further report to be submitted to the next meeting.


Garage Sites Improvement Programme

- report of Paul Walsh, Pathfinder Programme Manager


Paul Walsh, Pathfinder Programmes Manager, submitted a report on the above.  It was noted that the report had been considered by the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods on 18th September, 2006.


All ADF Chairs should meet with 2010 and their Neighbourhood Champion to discuss improvements required/refurbishment of sites.


Agreed:-  That the report be noted.


Transform South Yorkshire

- report of any Board decisions.


The last meeting of the Board had been the away day in July when the ADF’s had been approved.


The Pathfinder Chairs were to personally hand over the case that they had collective made on the Comprehensive Spend Review for the continuance of Housing Market Renewal to Yvette Cooper, Minister for Housing and Planning.


It was noted that the DCLG had signed the Deed of Variation last week.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the report by the Pathfinder Chairs be circulated to all ADF Chairs.


Any Other Business


Councillor Lakin has raised the question about void properties being held up pending the outcome of the ADF masterplans.


Paul Walsh, Pathfinder Programme Manager, stated that 2010 had been directed to continue to let void properties.  On Decent Homes properties, where there were sustainability issues, 2010 had been requested to reprogramme them until the masterplans came forward and it was a decision for them as to whether the properties were economically viable to bring back into the letting system.


There were a number of voids being returned which required significant investment.  2010 would like to see Decent Homes investment going into them before they were let.  Housing Market Renewal had suggested they bring the properties up to a good letting standard until the masterplan was received and then be able to give a strategic steer on what investment should go into the properties.  That had been communication to the local Neighbourhood Manager and 2010’s Chief Executive.


Date of Next Meeting


Agreed:-  That a further meeting with the ADF Chairs be held on Monday, 13th November, 2006, commencing at 11.30 a.m.