Agenda and minutes

Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder - Monday 13 November 2006 11.30 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham

Contact: Dawn Mitchell 01709 822062  Email:

No. Item


Exclusion of the Press and Public

Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 8 and 9 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (expenditure/negotiation of terms).


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any person (including the Council)).


Minutes of meeting held on 25th September, 2006


Agreed:-  The minutes of the meeting held on 25th September, 2006, be approved as a true record.


ADF Chairs' Reports

- Rawmarsh and Parkgate ADF

- Rotherham East

- Wath and Swinton

- Rotherham West


The respective ADF Chairs and HMR Managers gave the following reports:-


Rawmarsh and Parkgate

An update on Bellows Road was included as a separate agenda item

The remainder of the Programme had been agreed by the Steering Group and Local Ward Councillors with Streetpride and various delivery partners now engaged with a push on work in Manor Farm, Sandhill and central Rawmarsh and Parkgate.


Rotherham East

Dalton and East Herringthorpe Masterplan – Consultants appointed and project group established

Eastwood masterplan

Saville Street Development Action Plan

Strategic Acquisitions


Wath and Swinton

Working closely with closely with colleagues in Asset Management – Wath and Swinton shopping centres

Planning issues


Rotherham West

Appointment of Vice-Chair – Councillor Akhtar

Selective Demoliton

Transformation Canklow

Strategic Acquisitions


Henley Rise ECO Homes

Meadowbank Gateway Improvements

West Central Masterplan

St. John’s Green Study


Agreed:-  That the reports be noted.


ADF Steering Group Review Update

- report of Uzma Sattar, HMR Manager, Rotherham West


UzmaSattar, HMR Manager Rotherham West, presented a report on the progress made to date to improve the current working arrangements of the Housing Market Renewal ADF Steering Groups.


An ADF Chairs workshop session had taken place on 12th October, 2006, to further discuss proposals and agree final recommendations.  All the Chairs had been present except the Chair of Wath and Swinton, however, the report had been discussed with him and he was in agreement.


The meeting had focussed on terms of reference, communication protocols, membership of Steering Groups, community representation, a consultation strategy, working arrangements with Area Assemblies and the role of project working sub-groups.  A number of actions and principles had been agreed as a result of the discussions.


A further meeting was to be held with a report to be submitted to the January meeting of this Group.


Agreed:-  That the report be noted.


Bellows Road Shopping Complex

- report of Andy Pashley, ADF Manager, Rawmarsh and Parkgate


Andy Pashley, ADF Manager Rawmarsh and Parkgate, presented a report, together with a powerpoint presentation, on the above and recommendations from the initial project feasibility and implementation plan for the Bellows Road shopping complex commissioned by the Housing Market Renewal Team.


The proposals were currently subject to an internal consultation exercise with views being obtained on the proposals from across Programme Areas.  The outcome of the exercise would be detailed in a consultation report.


Discussion ensued on the project.  The following comments were noted:-


-                    Cognisance not being taken of the local community/Members comments

-                    Unrealistic way forward proposed by the consultants

-                    The CPO process should have been started sometime ago

-                    The project was a significant priority for the Programme, all action plan points were being worked through part of which was CPO procedures

-                    Project Management Team to hold fortnightly meetings


Agreed:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the Regeneration and Asset Management Board be informed that this Group supports the commencement of formal negotiations with property owners at the Bellows Road shopping complex.


(3)  That the need for the project to receive a high level of commitment within the Housing Market Renewal and Corporate Capital Programme be recognised and supported.


Eastwood Neighbourhood Masterplan

- report by Kalpana Desai, HMR Manager, Rotherham East


Kalpana Desai, HMR Manager Rotherham East, presented a report setting out the key elements of the draft Eastwood masterplan and identified key issues and matters for consideration.


The Project Management Group and ADF Steering Group had been leading the work since February, 2006.    Following on from the stakeholder consultation, the ADF Steering Group was keen to ensure community consultation was underway as soon as possible.  Consultants were currently developing option boards to present at the first of 2 community consultation events.


The following issues had emerged from the draft working masterplan:-


Highway proposals for Fitzwilliam Road

Proposal to create green space along Fitzwilliam Road

Rehousing, phasing and private sector acquisitions

Environmental improvements – Easwood Middle

Early involvement of preferred RSL

Redevelopment of older person’s accommodation on Claredon Road

Planning and land use issues.


It was noted that new tools were being developed to speed up the process of decanting and rehousing but had to take account of all the masterplans where there might be rehousing issues.  Regular meetings were held with 2010 to consider regeneration issues, rehousing and the decommissioning of units.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the report be noted and the process for wider community consultation activities agreed.


(2)  That Ward Members be informed of any decanting/rehousing issues.


Brampton Neighbourhood Masterplan Update

 - report of Barry Deakin, ADF Manager, Wath and Swinton


Barry Deakin, HMR Manager Wath and Swinton, presented a report setting out the key elements of the draft Brampton masterplan and identified key issues and matters for consideration.


The overall approach and progress on the emerging masterplan had been reported to the Project Management Sub-Group and the Wentworth North ADF Steering Group on a monthly basis.  A key player in the development of housing in Brampton would be the partnership agreement with the Council and Northern Counties Housing Association who would be able to draw down further capital to develop sites.


The following issues had emerged from the draft working masterplan:-


Highway proposals – funding alignment to support interventions for Homezones and other traffic calming measures

Creation of green space funding and future maintenance

Decent Homes

Local Development Planning Framework

Gateway improvements

Acquisition of sites


Agreed:-  That the report be noted and the process for wider community consultation activities agreed.


Housing Market Renewal Finance Report

- report by Joel Gouget, Finance Manager


Joel Gouget, Finance Manager, presented a report highlighting the various external funding streams approved to deliver Rotherham’s Housing Market Renewal Programme in 2006/08 and the current value of planned activity within the Programme.


The report also set out the potential financial risks at the end of the 2006/08 period in the light of financial uncertainties created by the transfer of responsibility for the HMR Pathfinder initiative from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister to the Department of Communities and Local Government., the change of ministerial leadership and the City Region agenda.


The HMR Team had reported a HMRP funded Capital Programme of £18.2M which included regional overprogramming of £1.6M and an additional 10% Rotherham overprogramming of £1.8M.  The regional overprogramming was endorsed by the TSY Board to compensate for the clawback of funding from Programme cutbacks in 2005/06.


Tim Devine, Development Surveyor, gave a verbal update on the situation with regard to strategic acquisitions in the Town Centre.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the level of overprogramming be noted.


(3)  That the delivery plan be approved, project activity prioritised and a reserve of projects created to be implemented subject to resources and approval.


(4)  That regular reports be submitted on the funding position and the delivery of reserve projects.


Planning Issues for ADF Projects 2006-08

- report of Gordon Smith, Specialist Support Manager, HMR Team


Gordon Smith, Specialist Support Manager, HMR Team, submitted a report identifying the risks associated with various HMR projects in terms of fitting with Planning Policy.


Attached at Appendix 1 was a schedule of intended and possible ADF developments on sites with a Greenfield element.  There was also the potential impact of other changes to the planning system notably the advent of sustainability appraisal and the rise in the importance of the draft Planning Policy Statement 3 as a material consideration in planning decisions.


To date, ADF projects had been subject to planning decisions made under the outgoing Unitary Development Plan scheme.  Some initial ideas had been rejected after it became clear that they would be considered to be Greenfield development in terms of Planning Policy Guidance Note 3.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the planning issues associated with Area Development Framework projects, with particular reference to the presumption against granting planning permission for residential development on Greenfield land or “Greenfield Moratorium”, PPG3 and Draft PPS3, Sustainability Appraisal and the Statement of Community Involvement be noted.


(2)  That the LDF officers be invited to the next meeting to discuss the synchronisation of ADF and HMR.


Zero Carbon

- presentation


Anton Frederick and Steven Wilkinson gave a powerpoint presentation on zero carbon.


An international agreement was reached in Kyoto in 1997, which extended the commitments of the United Nations Framework on Climate Change and set targets for future emissions by each developed country.  The UK was committed to reducing 6 greenhouse gases by 12.5% by 2010, cut CO2 by 20% by 2010, 60% by 2050 and 80% by 2100.


Housing accounted for up to 30% of all carbon emissions in the UK with an expected rise of 18.5% by 2010.    The new build at Henley and Canklow would be compliant with eco standards.


Agreed:-  That the presentation be noted.


Any Other Business


Agreed:-  (1)  That a report be submitted to the next meeting on joint venture companies.


(2)  That a briefing note be supplied to Councillor Lakin on:-


Civil Defence site at Dalton

Decent Homes

Void Properties in East Herringthorpe


Date of Next Meeting


Agreed:-  That a further meeting be held on Monday, 22nd January, 2007, commencing at 11.30 a.m.