Agenda and minutes

Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder - Monday 22 January 2007 11.30 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham

Contact: Dawn Mitchell 01709 822062  Email:

No. Item


Exclusion of the Press and Public

Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 8 and 9 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (expenditure/negotiation of terms).


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any person (including the Council)).


Minutes of meeting held on 13th November, 2006


Agreed:-  The minutes of the meeting held on 13th November, 2006, be approved as a true record.


ADF Chairs' Reports

- Rawmarsh and Parkgate ADF

- Rotherham East

- Wath and Swinton

- Rotherham West

- Town Centre


The respective ADF Chairs and HMR Managers gave the following reports:-


Rawmarsh and Parkgate

Manor Farm Phase One

A633 Gateway

St. Mary’s Area

The Bridleway/Sandhill

Bellows Road Centre


Rotherham East

Dalton and East HerringthorpeMasterplan

Eastwood masterplan

Saville Street Development Action Plan

Broadway East

Strategic Acquisitions

The old police station - granted planning consent for 6 units.


Wath and Swinton

Budget spend

Wath and Swinton shopping centres – need for buy-in by Council for the next stage in development


Rotherham West

Selective Demolition - complete

Transformation Canklow – on target

Strategic Acquisitions – on target

Fermbank – on target

Henley Rise ECO Homes

Meadowbank Gateway Improvements

West Central Masterplan

St. John’s Green Study

Bennett Street, Kimberworth

Larger Family Accommodation - BME


Town Centre

Terms agreed for Millfold House


Agreed:-  That the reports be noted.


Bellows Road

- update by Andy Pashley, ADF Manager, Rawmarsh and Parkgate


Andy Pashley, ADF Manager, Rawmarsh and Parkgate, gave a powerpoint presentation on Bellows Road.  The following points were highlighted:-


-              Following the meeting on 13th November, 2006, a report was prepared for the Regeneration and Asset Board and CMT.  A 4th recommendation had been added “that an overarching review to be conducted of Council owned land in the area, to determine the viability of developing shopping facilities to replace Bellows Road Shopping Centre”. 

-              Correspondence had been sent to the owners with a deadline of 19th January.  No reply had been received to date.

-              The Bellows Road Project Group had held its first meeting.

-              Liaison with District Valuer with regard to acquisition costs and Capital Programme bid in preparation.

-              Desktop analysis undertaken of the land surrounding the centre with the favoured option being the Bellow Road site.

-              Time line for acquisition to be tabled to next Steering Group meeting to aid understanding of the key tasks required for the Compulsory Purchase Order process.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the presentation be noted.


(2)  That the time line for the acquisition of the site be submitted to the next meeting.


Eastwood Masterplan

- update by Kalpana Desai, HMR Manager, Rotherham East


Kalpana Desai, HMR Manager, Rotherham East, introduced BP Consultants who were to undertake community consultation in Eastwood.  A powerpoint presentation was given which highlighted:-


Fitzwilliam Road

Environmental issues, shops of poor quality

Widen footways whilst retaining carriageway


New development on vacant sites previously cleared for highway improvements


Eastwood Middle

Predominantly social housing in quite poor condition

Environmental improvements and the Decent Homes improvements proposed by 2010 were insufficient alone to make the area sustainable

Extend houses by using the existing large gardens

Selective demolition to provide new development opportunity


Eastwood Village

Provide access to open space and opportunities for new larger housing

Improvement of footpath and access into open space and making more community facilities that would be used on a regular basis

Bethel Road alley – provision of parking to the back of houses

Shakespeare Road – opportunity to relocate businesses and provide new housing


Discussion ensued on the identified projects.  The following points were highlighted:-


-              The detailed design for Fitzwilliam Road had to be robustly tested in terms of potential difficulties moving traffic.  There would be areas for on street car parking to the front of retail units to allow them to take advantage of passing trade.

-              Fitzwilliam Road was seen as a key project by TSY.

-              Confident that there was demand for larger houses and smaller gardens.

-              A meeting was to be held with Ward Members to inform them of the consultation events.


Agreed:-  That the presentation be noted.


Brampton Masterplan

- update by Barry Deakin, ADF Manager, Wath and Swinton


Barry Deakin, ADF Manager, Wath and Swinton, reported that a community event had taken place in November, 2006.  A powerpoint presentation was given illustrating the points raised:-


-              Connecting to the DearneValley

-              Sustainable living

-              Village focus

-              3 village centre ideas

-              Community housing sites

-              Site layouts, quality of housing

-              Gateways and street treatments

-              Preferred choice Option 3 – make use of former public space, use of fire station and back of Miners Welfare

-              New sports hall could be located on site of car lot

-              Improved sport pitches

-              Plenty of parking for village centre

-              Desire to see change of investment

-              Feeling that community spirit had been lost

-              Pedestrian links to CortonwoodRetail Park

-              Investment and refurbishment of existing community facilities

-              Facilities for teenagers

-              Distinction and identity of Brampton

-              Traffic calming

-              Limited new affordable housing


The consultation was currently being evaluated and would be feedback to the sub-group.  The final masterplans would be received from the consultants on 5th February, 2007, presented to the Cabinet Member in March and feedback to the community in April.


Agreed:-  That the presentation be noted.


Dalton and East Herringthorpe Neighbourhood Masterplan

- report by Kalpana Desai, HMR Manager, Rotherham East


Kalpana Desai, HMR Manager, Rotherham East, presented a report on the above highlighting the following points:-


-              Consultants had been appointed, project management group agreed terms of reference etc. and an inception meeting held with the consultants to agreed the programme of activities

-              A drop-in event held for local residents and business to inform and discuss the local area and 2 sessions held for young people

-              The preferred option report would be completed by 17th February, 2007

-              2,000 social surveys had been sent out of which 300 responses had been received to date


Agreed:-  That the report be noted.


ADF Steering Group Review Update

- report by Uzma Sattar, HMR Manager Rotherham West


Further to Minute No. 105 of November, 2006, Uzma Sattar, HMR Manager, Rotherham West, submitted a report proposing a communication structure, terms of reference for the ADF Executive Group and ADF Project Steering Groups.


The proposed membership of the 2 Groups was set out in the report.


TSY was beginning to plan for 2008/11 which many of the plans would be geared towards.  It was felt that the Executive Groups would be the appropriate mechanism to give consideration to priorities.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the proposed Executive Group structure, terms of reference and code of conduct be implemented.


Canklow Stock Condition Survey and Options

- report by Uzma Sattar, HMR Manager, Rotherham West


UzmaSattar, HMR Manager Rotherham West, submitted a summary of the key findings of the Stock Condition Survey undertaken in Canklow and an overview of the emerging options developed for the area.  The report also detailed the next steps identified and sought approval to implement further community consultation and strategic property acquisitions in the study area.


The consultants had undertaken the stock condition survey and options appraisal for 107 private sector properties.  The survey was part of an ongoing process of transformational change to ensure that the housing market in Canklow was rebalanced, that the area benefited from the introduction of private sector options and the ability to deliver sustainable communities.


The costs to improve and maintain the properties over the next 30 years had been assessed as £3,444,174.  Immediate costs to bring properties up to the fitness standard and decency standard would be £186,299 and £186,299 respectively.  To undertake all other immediate works required would cost £155,747.  The survey indicated that a significantly higher proportion failed the fitness standard and more than 50% were non-decent.    The main reasons for failing the standard were lack of effective drainage, dampness, disrepair, an inadequately located WC or structural problems.


Discussion ensued on the benefits of the Authority acquiring the properties.


Jeff Goode advised that it was clear in discussions with the Government that CSR would be really tight.  This report, and from reports earlier in the agenda, discussed developing a significant funding requirement over a number of years and a number of demolitions and acquisitions starting to come together.  There was a need to compile them all and to determine priorities to aid the Authority when making decisions.  There was only funding up to 2008; it was then dependent on masterplans and priorities.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That local residents be consulted on the options suggested by the consultants.


(3)  That a report be submitted to the next meeting identifying the properties, what levels of investment required to bring them up to fitness standard.


Local Development Framework Integration

- presentation


Gordon Smith, Specialist Support Manager, and Phil Turnidge, Local Development Framework Manager, gave a powerpoint presentation on Housing Renewal/Local Development Framework Integration.


The presentation illustrated the shared aims of Housing and the LDF and the resources, the current liaison arrangements and the concerns/perceptions by both parties.


Discussion ensued on the presentation.  Clear housing renewal priorities were  again emphasised as a means of inputting the LDF Allocations document.


Agreed:-  That the presentation be noted.


PPS3: Housing - An Overview

- report by Alexandra Cotton, Planning Officer


Alexandra Cotton, Planning Officer, submitted a summary of the new Planning Policy Statement for Housing (PPS3:Housing) which aimed to ensure that all new housing development was well designed and built to a high standard, located close to public transport services and local amenities, had the appropriate number and mix of both affordable and market housing and that there was enough land available to ensure delivery.


PPS3 aimed to deliver sustainable communities with the right mix of homes.  It highlighted the importance of providing the right type of affordable housing in the right place.  Local planning authorities were required to set out the range of circumstances in which affordable housing would be required and their approach to seeking developer contributions.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That a further report be submitted once further guidance has been received on the implications of PPS3 for housing delivery in the Borough.


HMRP Financial Monitoring - December, 2006

- report by Joel Gouget, Finance Manager


Joel Gouget, Finance Manager, submitted the financial monitoring of the Pathfinder Programme in 2006/07 as at the end of December, 2006.


The investment programme approved by TSY was £6.9M with expenditure to date of £2.8M and committed expenditure of £4.1M.  In addition, Rotherham was pursuing additional expenditure of £1.2M which was the overprogramming element of the Programme for 2006/07 and was made up of acquisitions (£0.8M) and construction costs associated with the Westgate Demonstrator Project (£0.4M).  This would being the total spend for 2006/07 to £8.1M.


At the end of December, 2006, the overall risk to deliver the Programme was rated as low as the projects scheduled to be delivered exceeded the HMR Pathfinder allocation.  However the risks to the overprogramming element were medium to high as they were made up of acquisitions and delays in start of work on site 5.  These would be closely monitored to protect the element of overprogramming included in the 2006/07 Delivery Plan.


Jeff Goode stated that he was confident of Rotherham’s financial position and in an excellent position to take up any extra money if available.


Agreed:-  That the report be noted and that further reports be submitted on a monthly basis.


Private Sector Engagement Update

- report by Zahara Siddque, Project Manager


ZaharaSiddique, Project Manager, submitted an update on work carried out to develop an approach to private sector partnering arrangements such as joint venture companies.


The report set out the progress to date and set out the issues for consideration and next steps.  It outlined the process of research undertaken, private sector partnering options identified and preferred options for consideration.  There were clear opportunities emerging for new ways of delivery to be explored in the mini masterplans.


7 different partnering models had been explored, their impact upon service delivery and evaluated against the Council’s objectives for a public/private partnership arrangement.  It was proposed that a pilot private sector partnering be carried out in Dalton.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the proposed pilot partnership approach in Dalton be progressed.


(3)  That a further report be submitted to the meeting in March.


TSY Board

- verbal update on any Board decisions


Jeff Goode reported the following:-


Integration of TSY and Syharp – governance arrangements now drawn up


Sustainable Housing Marketing Strategy – A document had now been received setting out the parameters/guidance to be worked within to conclude the next Strategy.  Proposals for 2008/11 would have to fit into the document.


Work taking place towards submitting a bid to the Regional Housing Board and Sustainable Housing Market Strategy towards the end of April, 2007.  Cannot stress too strongly the priorities of it.


Multi-Area Agreements – The Board had considered a paper suggesting that HMR, Single Pot and Decent Homes be included within the Multi-Area Agreement.  However, the Board had not agreed and wanted to proceed with just HMR.  Discussions were taking place with a number of organisations, in particular with the Department of Communities and Local Government, and looking to take a draft Agreement to a future Leaders’ meeting and the next Board meeting.


Regional Investment Allocations – South Yorkshire had obtained £144M for 2008/11.


Performance monitoring – Representatives of the National Audit Commission would be visiting TSY the following week.


Any Other Business


Councillor Barron reported on a recent conference he had attended at York entitled “Affordable: Are we doing enough”.


Date of Next Meeting


Agreed:-  That a further meeting with the ADF Chairs be held on Monday, 19th March, 2006, commencing at 2.00 p.m.