Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee - Wednesday 28 September 2022 9.30 a.m.

Venue: Rotherham Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2 TH

Contact: Dawn Mitchell, Governance Adviser 

No. Item


Licensing Act 2003 - Consideration of an application (made in accordance with s.34 of the Licensing Act 2003) for the variation of the Premises Licence issued to Seasons (Wickersley) Ltd in respect of the premises known as Seasons Restaurant situated at 151-152 Bawtry Road, Wickersley, Rotherham, S66 2BW pdf icon PDF 386 KB

Additional documents:


At the commencement of the meeting, it was clarified that Councillor Ellis, although Chair of the Licensing Committee, was in attendance and objecting to the application in the capacity of Ward Councillor.


Mr. M. Green (applicant), Mr. C. Grunert (applicant’s legal representative) and the Area Manager of Seasons were in attendance. 


The Sub-Committee considered an application to vary the terms, conditions and restrictions of the Premises Licence currently in force in respect of Seasons Restaurant, 151-152 Bawtry Road, Wickersley, Rotherham S66 2BW.


The applicant sought to:-


1.      Remove the following condition from the licences:-

a.      The licence holder shall ensure that alcohol will be served to customers seated or to those waiting to be seated

b.      The licence holder shall ensure that the use of door staff will be risk assessed on an ongoing basis by the licence holder or premises supervisor.  A minimum of 3 SIA door supervisors will be employed to manage customers from Seasons and adjacent premises from 22:00 hours on Friday and Saturday evenings when the Courtyard is open and trading

c.      The licence holder shall ensure that the premises shall operate solely as a restaurant, save for alcohol being served to those waiting to be seated or ancillary to a restaurant meal


2.      Add the following conditions to the licence:

a.      Save for occasions when the area is being utilised for a private pre-booked function, customers in the restaurant areas and any external area of the premises (non-hatched on the deposited plan) shall remain seated when consuming alcohol

b.      Customers in the area hatched on the deposited plan shall be permitted to stand while consuming beverages.  The number of customers permitted to stand in this area shall not exceed 20 persons (excluding dining guests)


3.      Update the approved layout plan to add hatching as per the above proposed condition

4.      Reduce to the terminal hour for the retail sale of alcohol on each of the days Monday to Thursday from 24:00 hours (midnight) to 23:00 hours.  However, the applicant seeks to retain the midnight terminal on each of the days Monday to Thursday for private events (these could be unlimited), on New Year’s Eve and on Bank Holiday Mondays.


The premises were located within an area designated by the Council as being subject to the cumulative impact of a concentration of licensed premises.  A copy of the Council’s Cumulative Impact Policy was attached as Appendix 4 to the report submitted.


The Sub-Committee had visited the site prior to the start of the formal meeting.


The Licensing Authority had received 3 representations to the application from the local Ward Councillors, Wickersley Parish Council and the Licensing Service (in the role of Responsible Authority under the Licensing Act 2003).  


No objections had been received from the Authority’s Environmental Health Officer or South Yorkshire Police.


The Sub-Committee heard representations from Mrs. K. Ladlow (Principal Licensing Officer of the Local Authority Licensing Enforcement Unit), citing the following concerns:-


-        Removal of the condition restricting the sale of alcohol to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.