Agenda and draft minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday 23 July 2024 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Rotherham Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2 TH

Contact: Dawn Mitchell, Governance Adviser 

No. Item


Consideration of an application (made in accordance with s.17 of the Licensing Act 2003) for the Grant of a Premises Licence in respect the premises to be known as Happy Local situated at 98A Claypit Lane, Rawmarsh, Rotherham S62 5JL pdf icon PDF 578 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to an application (made in accordance with Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003) for the grant of a Premises Licence in respect of premises to be known as Happy Local situated at 98A Claypit Lane, Rawmarsh, Rotherham S62  5JL.


The applicant, Mr. Kvinder Kumar, was seeking authorisation to allow the sale of alcohol for consumption on every week day between 08:00 hours and 22:00 hours.  He had named himself as the Designated Premises Supervisor and already held a Personal Licence issued by the Council.


Mr. Kumar was present at the hearing together with Mr. Robert Jordan, applicant’s representative.


Mr. Kumar was assisted by an interpreter sourced by the Local Authority.


Consultation on the application had been carried out in accordance with all statutory requirements and the Council procedure.  During the consultation period 19 “Other Persons” had made relevant representations to the application all opposing the granting of the application.  A petition in opposition to the application containing 563 signatures had also been received objecting to the application on the grounds of:-


-        Nuisance caused by the new premises will deter customers from entering the local area and the steps proposed by the applicant were inadequate

-        Nuisance caused by double parking/deliveries would impact on residents, any pedestrians and road users.  This caused a detrimental threat to public safety

-        Failure to protect children from harm.  Due to a restricted view of on-coming traffic, children were likely to walk between parked cars to cross the main road

-        in 2023 187 anti-social crimes in Rawmarsh were reported that involved alcohol.  Rawmarsh was considered one of the top 5 most dangerous places within South Yorkshire so why encourage this behaviour by approving and promoting a fourth business which supplied alcohol all on the same street


There had been no representations received from the Responsible Authorities.


2 of the petition signatories were in attendance at the meeting. 


The applicant had engaged with the Licensing Service and had offered to put in place a number of management controls should the application be granted.  These management controls would be made a condition of Annex 2 of any licence granted i.e.:-


1.     There shall be a suitable colour digital CCTV recording system in operation at the premises which shall be capable of providing 28 days recording.


2.     CCTV images recorded shall be retained for 28 days and made available to the Police or other enforcement agencies upon reasonable request (within 48 hours) in line with data protection legislation.  DVD/USB copies of relevant CCTV footage shall be provided to the Police or other enforcement agencies at no cost.


3.     A “Challenge 25” scheme shall be operated whereby any person who appears to be under the age of 25 years of age is required to produce on request an item which meets the mandatory age verification requirement and is either a:-


        a.          Biometric Home Office photo ID

        b.          European National ID Card

        c.          Military ID

        d.          Veterans ID

        e.          Passport (UK or International)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25.