Agenda and minutes

Staffing Committee - Wednesday 5 February 2014 9.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

Contact: Debbie Pons, Principal Democratic Services Officer. 

No. Item


Employee Relations Update pdf icon PDF 102 KB


Consideration was given to a report presented by Phil Howe, Director of Human Resources, which outlined the matters set out in the report circulated which detailed the which provided a summary of current issues and detailed responses and proposals in respect of employee relations issues and the Pay Policy Statement for 2014/15 that the Council had to publish under Chapter 8 of the Localism Act, 2011 and in meeting the requirements of guidance issued by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to which a Local Authority was required to have regard to under Section 40 of the Act.


Reference was made, as set out in the report, to:-


·                National Pay Award.

·                Living Wage.

·                Council Budget Challenge.

·                Pensions Changes.


Clarification was sought on the details of the proposals jointly agreed with Trades Unions as the best that could be achieved by negotiation, which would support the achievement of the required savings targets.


The Pay Policy Statement 2014/15, as submitted, set out the arrangements for the salary and related allowances paid to all officers of the Council, underlying principles and further information was provided on:-


·                Determination of Pay.

·                Pay Relationship.

·                Salary Packages Over £100,000.

·                Market Supplements.

·                Pay Awards.

·                Allowances,

·                Bonuses.

·                Performance Related Pay.

·                Earn Back.

·                Voluntary Employee Benefits.

·                Expenses.

·                Election Fees,

·                Termination Payments.

·                Pension Enhancement.

·                Re-Employment of Staff.

·                Transparency.

·                Policy Amendment.

·                Pay Policy References.


Reference was made to the future requirement to publish Trade Union representation information in accordance with guidance from Central Government.  Details were outlined as to the current level supported by the Council that were noted as being in line with current regional and Central Government indicators.


It was noted that steps were being taken to review and consider the implications of the skills and age profile of senior staff.  A report was to be submitted outlining the details of the review and to propose potential contingency plans and training recommendations for consideration by Elected Members.  


Recommended:-  (1)  That the Pay Policy Statement be approved.


(2)   That the recommended approach on employee relations issues be approved.