Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.
Contact: Debbie Pons, Principal Democratic Services Officer.
No. | Item |
Exclusion of the Press and Public The following item is likely to be considered in the absence of the press and public as being exempt under Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (staffing matters). Minutes: Resolved: - That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended 2006 - (staffing matters). |
Reorganisation of current Environment and Development Services Directorate to Create Regeneration and Environment Directorate Minutes: Consideration was given to a report presented by Commissioner Manzie, Managing Director, which proposed a reorganisation of the services currently in the Environment and Development Services Directorate to create the Regeneration and Environment Directorate. This would raise both the economic and culture and heritage profiles and add new emphasis to the importance of Community Safety and the Environment.
Reference was made to the new structure which redistributed the functions with some adjustments to the current post of Assistant Director Planning, Regeneration and Culture, uniting “crime and grime” functions under an adjusted Assistant Director Community Safety and Environment post and creating a new post of Assistant Director Culture, Sport and Tourism. There are no additional costs or numbers of senior managers in these proposals and they align to budget proposals already being considered.
Discussion ensued on the number of Assistant Director positions and the rationale behind the reconfigurations.
The Committee were in agreement with the proposed changes and welcomed the configuration of the new Culture, Sport and Tourism service and its key role on partnership working and building relationships with governmental and non-governmental bodies.
Resolved:- (1) That the changes proposed to adjust the current post of Assistant Director Planning, Regeneration and Culture; adjust the post of Assistant Director Community Safety and Environment , and create a new post of Assistant Director Culture, Sport and Tourism be approved.
(2) That officers be authorised to consult with staff affected by the proposals and their Trades Unions.
(3) That the post of Assistant Director Culture, Sport and Tourism be advertised – further consideration to be given to the process. |
Formal Consultation on Potential Redundancies arising from Budget Proposals Minutes: Consideration was given to a report presented by Simon Cooper, H.R. Manager, which detailed how as savings proposals were brought forward for approval it was necessary to consider formal arrangements for notification to the Trade Unions of potential redundancies.
The Committee heard that where job losses were being contemplated there was a statutory duty to consult Trade Unions and issue formal notice to the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills via completion of a form HR1. This latter requirement was triggered where the Council proposed to dismiss twenty or more employees as redundant at one establishment within a period of ninety days or less.
Resolved:- (1) That the release of information to the Trade Unions setting out the budget proposals currently being considered by the Council and the potential impact on jobs be noted.
(2) That a formal advance notification of redundancies be issued to the Department of Business Innovation and Skills as statutorily required. |
Children and Young People's Services Senior Management Minutes: Consideration was given to a report presented by Commissioner Manzie, Managing Director, which provided details on the current employment of the Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services and the proposals seeking approval to confirm him as permanent to ensure longer term stability for the Directorate.
The Committee endorsed the proposal to make the appointment permanent.
Recommended:- That the Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services be made permanent in his post. |
Update on Recruitment to the Post of Strategic Director Adult Care and Housing Minutes: Consideration was given to a report presented by Commissioner Manzie, Managing Director, which provided details on the post of Strategic Director of Adult Care and Housing which had been advertised along with other Chief Officer positions with a closing date of 19th October, 2015. Following a sift of applications received and preliminary interviews, no suitable candidates to take forward in the process have been identified.
The Committee were advised of the feedback from the Recruitment Consultants regarding this position and whether the current salary level should be reviewed given the skills shortage in this market and the small number of applicants.
Various options and next steps were considered and it was suggested that the post be re-advertised with a salary of up to £130k in order to try to generate renewed interest amongst potential candidates.
Resolved:- That the post of Strategic Director of Adult Care and Housing be re-advertised with a salary of up to £130k in January 2016. |
Verbal Update on Current Staffing Matters Minutes: There were no further updates on current staffing matters to those already included on the agenda. |