Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.
Contact: Debbie Pons, Principal Democratic Services Officer.
No. | Item |
Minutes: Consideration was given to the report presented by Judith Badger, Strategic Director of Finance and Customer Services, which detailed the Rotherham Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan jointly produced by the Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group (RCCG), Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council (RMBC), The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, (TRFT), Rotherham, Doncaster & South Humber NHS Foundation Trust, (RDASH) and Voluntary Action Rotherham (VAR) which brought together health and social care as one single system and the creation of a joint post between the Council and the CCG.
This role would lead on effecting the transition and, equally as important, in assuring that service users and carers received the highest quality of care, ensuring that multi-agency safeguarding procedures were robust both across and within organisations as collaboration was progressed.
Trades Unions had been briefed and understood the rationale for such a position to take forward the emerging agenda.
A benchmarking exercise was undertaken and given the complexity of the position and the need to attract the right calibre of applicant the position was proposed at a salary of £90,000. As recruitment would take place part way through 2017/18, the full cost of the two-year position would stretch across the current and the next two financial years.
The salary range of broadly similar posts would be kept under review and a further report would be brought to Committee if continuation of the role beyond the two year period was deemed to be required.
Resolved:- That the creation of a new two year fixed term post of a jointly appointed Deputy Director - Integrated Adult Health and Social Care Transformation, to sit within the Adult Care and Housing Directorate of RMBC for reporting purposes be approved. |