Agenda and minutes

The Former Corporate Improvement Board - Monday 15 May 2006 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

Contact: Alan Harston (Ext. 2056)  Email:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 110 KB


Resolved:- That the minutes of the meeting held on 10th April, 2006 be approved as a correct record.


Joint Area Review (JAR) - Update


Further to Minute No. 20 of this Board held on 10th April, 2006, Julie Westwood updated Members on the latest position regarding JAR making particular reference to :-


-     the self assessment had been completed and submitted last week within deadline. Receipt had been acknowledged


-     the lead inspector, Margaret Farrow, was already forming an opinion of Rotherham based on analysis of research information, single plan and toolkit information


-     the lead inspector was going on the corporate tour and would therefore be on site from the Monday as opposed to the rest of the inspection team who would be arriving on the Wednesday


-     whilst there was an initial indication of the timetable, this would change leading up to, and during, the inspection


-     there was an early indication of the interviewees but these would not be confirmed until the inspectors were on site for analysis week (there would be a ‘doubling up’ with the corporate assessment to prevent interviewees being interviewed twice)


-     on the Wednesday of analysis week the Joint Leadership Team for JAR would meet the Inspection Team for JAR and ‘buddy up’


-     Partnership working and interviews with partners


-     potential buddying up combinations


-     the update inspection team list since reporting to the last meeting


-     briefing last Friday for the enhanced leadership team


-     linking of JAR to CPA through the Community Strategy


-     involvement of staff


-     briefing sessions in June for partners, stakeholders etc.,


-     links to the safe theme (meeting with Dominic Blaydon)


-     LSP engagement


-     production of briefing packs


-     e-mail addresses and websites


-     telephone hotline


-     video library was almost ready


-     production of showcase brochures


Resolved:- That the information be noted,


Corporate Assessment Update


Matthew Gladstone updated Members on the latest position regarding the Corporate Assessment making particular reference to :-


-           the updated list of interviewees


-           discussions at the LSP Board


-           key briefing sessions with Members (Cabinet, non-executive, PSOC and backbenchers)


-           utilisation of a cross section of middle managers


-           Focus groups including    (a) Voluntary and Community Sector

                                                      (b) BME

                                                      (c) Crime and Disorder


-           there being no major problem with the list of interviewees selected and that the timetable appeared manageable


-           there was a feedback session on the key issues scheduled for 24th May at 2.00 p.m.


-           Analysis week was 22nd to 24th May, 2006


-           the inspectors would be on site for seven days in June


Resolved:- (1) That the information be noted.


(2) That the updated list of interviewees be submitted to the Leader’s meeting tomorrow.


Initial Document List Update


It was noted that all the documents had been submitted as requested.