Agenda and minutes

The former Joint Meeting Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Environment and Development Services - 27th March 2006 - 26th March 2007 - Monday 27 March 2006 11.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham

Contact: Dawn Mitchell 01709 822062  Email:

No. Item


Year Ahead Statement - Commitment 67 - Review Regulatory Services pdf icon PDF 52 KB

- to note the review, recommendations and implementation of Plan

Additional documents:


The Neighbourhood Standards Manager submitted the findings of the review of Regulatory Services undertaken in accordance with Commitment 67 of the Year Ahead Statement.


The Service Improvement Review was carried out between November, 2005, and January, 2006, set against the backdrop of a significant Government Policy drive for better regulation and a period of change and transformation for the Council’s regulatory services.


The review had focused on services from both Neighbourhoods and Economic and Development Services, including Trading Standards, Licensing, Food and Health and Safety, Neighbourhood Enforcement, Development Control and Building Control.   It had considered the following 2 issues:-


-              Effective, consistent and value for money service delivery by regulatory services;

-              Identify the improvements required to deliver regulatory services in line with the Government’s better regulation agenda.


The Cabinet would consider the report on 29th March, 2006, together with the issue of an Elected Member Champion.  The Champion would be invited to attend a LACORS workshop on 31st May and a terms of reference for the role of the Champion determined.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the contents of the review, recommendations and the implementation plan be noted.


(2)  That all the officers involved be thanked for their hard work.


Enviro-Crime Strategy pdf icon PDF 140 KB

- to refer to Cabinet for approval

Additional documents:


The Neighbourhood Standards Manager submitted the final draft of the Enviro-Crime Strategy which had been developed by a cross-Council group with contributions from and consultation with communities and partner agencies.


The Strategy built both on national drivers and local priorities to improve local environmental quality.  Those priorities were recognised in objectives and priorities of both the Community Strategy and Corporate Plan.  It fulfilled Commitment 55 of the 2005/06 Year Ahead Statement and was the key focus for delivering key actions within the Local Area Agreement’s Safer  and Stronger Communities block relating to improving the cleanliness of neighbourhoods.


The Strategy set an action plan to strengthen both enforcement and educational marketing to improve local neighbourhoods and, in particular, their local environmental quality e.g. litter, dog fouling, graffiti, fly posting and fly tipping which were recognised as a priority for the quality of life of local communities.  The Strategy would also influence the feeling of pride in local areas and develop stronger relationships between service providers and communities.  Safer Neighbourhood Teams would be a key delivery service of the Strategy.


The Strategy contributed to the delivery of key priorities and objectives of the Community Strategy, Corporate Plan and Local Area Agreement.  The 2 key aims of the Strategy, both customer focussed, were:-


-              To reduce by 10% by April, 2009, the percentage of people who viewed enviro-crime to be a problem in their local area;

-              To enable all communities to widely recognise the quality of their neighbourhood so that by April, 2009, there was a 75% level of satisfaction with the cleanliness of their area.


Discussion ensued on the report with the following points highlighted:-


-           Area Assemblies would have an important role to play as the neighbourhood management agenda changed.  They would influence and help set local service delivery through the NRF funding and the devolved budget element from Streetpride.

-           The action plan did recognise some aspect of rewarding witnesses, some of which would be developed.  This should be firmed up in the Strategy

-           Joint training for new Fixed Penalty Enforcing Officers e.g. Rotherham Wardens and Parking Attendants had been provided externally

-           Network Rail as a landowner had a responsibility for issues around flytipping and graffiti although there were more limited powers around graffiti as it was more about the offender and not the landowner. 

-           There would be more work with businesses about their responsibility to the environment.  Streetpride’s service action plan does include engaging with town centre businesses. 

-           The Gateway Strategy included railway stations.

-           Work was taking place with the Environment Agency on the production of a Waterways Strategy.  A clean up of the river would take during “Environment Week”.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That each Elected Member received information on their local Safer Neighbourhood Team.


(3)  That a query be placed on the APSE web site enquiring whether any Council have served an Enforcement Notice on Railtrack for the environment coming into their stations and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Future Agenda Items


Affordable Housing

Planning Policy Statement No. 22

Security by Design