Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Development Services - Monday 2 February 2009 10.30 a.m.

Venue: Training Room, 3rd Floor, Bailey House, Rawmarsh Road, Rotherham. S60 1TD

Contact: Janet Cromack, Senior Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Opening of e-tenders


Resolved:-  That the action of the Cabinet Member in opening e-tenders for the following scheme on 14th January, 2009 be recorded:-


-           Demolition of Herringthorpe Leisure Centre, Rotherham.


Minutes of a meeting of the Health, Welfare and Safety Committee held on 16th January, 2009


The following report was submitted:-


Health, Welfare and Safety Panel

16th January, 2009



Present:-  Councillor R. S. Russell (in the Chair); Councillors Dodson, Smith, Whelbourn and Wootton. and Mrs. S. D. Brook (NASUWT), Mr. J. W. Clay (ATL), Mrs. J. Adams (NUT), Mr. K. Moore (AMICUS), Mr. C. Booth (GMB), Mr. M. Eyre (GMB) and Mr. P. Waterworth (UNISON)


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors P. A. Russell and Walker and Mrs. C. Maleham (UNISON)



Minutes of the previous meeting held on 10th October, 2008



Resolved:- That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Health, Welfare and Safety Panel, held on 10th October, 2008, be approved as a correct record for signature by the Chairman.



Statistics of Accidents, Injuries and Incidents of Violence to Employees



The Principal Health and Safety Officer submitted a chart summarising reported accidents to Council employees (with separate data for each Directorate) occurring during the calendar year 2008.


The Panel noted that the statistics about (i) physical and verbal violence to staff, including details of working time lost because of subsequent absence and (ii) accident statistics relating to non-employees, would be reported to future meetings of this Panel.


Resolved:- That the statistical information be noted.



Health and Safety Bulletin



Consideration was given to the Health and Safety Bulletin, containing recent articles and reports of legal cases relating to health and safety.


The following were highlighted:-


-     matters of interest from the Health and Safety Executive (Capita gas safe register; European Campaign for Safety and Health at Work 2008/09; advice for safe working in Winter);

-     myth of the Month (throwing snowballs; bonfires);

-     recent Court Cases.


The Panel noted that school caretakers would receive training in the health and safety practices affecting asbestos.


Resolved:- That the Principal Health and Safety Officer distribute copies of the bulletin throughout the Authority and also publish the bulletin on the Council’s Intranet web site.



Health, Welfare and Safety - Overview of Initiatives and Procedures



The Panel considered a report, presented by the Principal Health and Safety Officer, summarising issues dealt with by the Emergency and Safety team since the last Panel meeting :-


-     incident at CliftonPark, where an operator involved in tree felling had been injured;


-     pupils injured in incidents at three Junior Schools;


-     resolving the problem of fumes from one of the heating boilers within Crinoline House;


-     day care worker injured in a car accident after skidding on black ice;


-     continuing the programme of fire drills at multi-occupancy buildings;


-     operational audits of refuse collection teams whilst on their collection routes


-     health and safety training provided for waste management employees;


-     health and safety inspections prior to the switch-on of the Christmas illuminations within the Rotherham town centre.


Resolved:- That the information be noted.



Safety and Health Expo - 12th to 14th May, 2009 - National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham



Members of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 174.


Portable Teenage Seating Unit - Valley Park

Andy Lee, Operations Manager, to report.

-           to consider locating a seating unit.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Operations Manager, detailing a request, which had been received from the Wentworth South Area Assembly Co-ordinating Group, to locate a portable teenage seating area towards the bottom of the park adjacent to Herringthorpe Valley Road on a trial basis for 3 months.  It was proposed to install the unit by the end of February 2009.


It was explained that the need for the shelter was identified during the consultation process of the park’s master plan and the proposal was supported by the “Friends of” group and the Council’s Green Spaces Unit.


It was confirmed that there were no cost implications as the unit belonged to the Area Assemblies and would be refurbished before being located.  However, there would be a small annual maintenance cost should a permanent unit be installed.


Members pointed out that there was a need to check if planning permission was required.


Resolved:-  That the Wentworth South Area Assembly Co-ordinating Group be allowed to site a portable teenage seating unit for a trial period of 3 months on HerringthorpeValley Park.


Petition regarding controlled access to Schoolfield Drive from Rosehill Park

Andy Lee, Operations Manager, to report.

-           to consider the responses to a petition.


Further to Minute No. 134 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Development Services held on 24th November, 2008, consideration was given to a report, presented by the Operations Manager, relating to options for dealing with anti-social behaviour in Schoolfield Drive, Rawmarsh following receipt of a petition from local residents regarding the matter. 


Reference was made to meetings which had taken place with residents and petitioners.


Those present considered the impact and cost of each of the following 3 options:-


-                      permanently close the access from Schoolfield Drive;  noting the possible claim for a right of way

-                      controlled access:  noting the cost of locking and unlocking, and capital cost of providing a gate and fencing

-                      retain open pedestrian access


Those present supported the no cost option and agreed that the resources of the Safer Neighbourhoods Team and staff from Green Spaces via the Neighbourhood Action Group should be deployed to deal with the anti-social behaviour issues.


Resolved:-  That the petition be noted and, subject to consultation with the local Ward Councillors, the issue of anti social behaviour on Schoolfield Drive be dealt with via the Safer Neighbourhoods Team working closely with Green Spaces staff where appropriate.


A57/B6067 Worksop Road - Junction alteration

Ken Wheat, Transportation Unit Manager, to report.

-           to consider the proposed removal of the right turn out of B6067 onto the A57, Aston.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, detailing a proposal to ban the right turn from the B6067 onto the A57 Worksop Road, to reduce the number of Personal Injury Accidents taking place, and the outcome of the associated consultations.  It was explained that the proposal would route all traffic towards Junction 31 of the M1, where those wishing to turn right could U-turn.


The proposals were illustrated on Drawing No. 129/A57-B6067 appended to the submitted report.


Reference was made to the proximity of Aston Fire and Rescue station and it was pointed out that it was not therefore proposed to install any feature that physically restricted the right turn.


Details of traffic surveys which had been carried out over the last five years were reported, together with the consultations with Emergency services, Local Ward Councillors, Aston-cum-Aughton Parish Council, the PTE and Highways agency.


Resolved:-  (1)  That approval be given for the detailed design to be carried out, and subject to no objections being received from advertising of the Traffic Regulation Order, the scheme be implemented.


(2)               The scheme be funded from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Programme for 2009/10.


Queen Street, Swinton - Proposed Traffic Calming

Ken Wheat, Transportation Unit Manager, to report.

-           to report receipt of an objection to proposed traffic calming measures.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, detailing the receipt of an objection to the proposed installation of a speed cushion on Queen Street, Swinton, following a request from residents for measures to reduce vehicle speeds along the service road which was being used by vehicles avoiding the existing traffic calming features on Queen Street.


Details of the objection were appended to the report.


It was reported that following observations and discussions with the local residents the original proposed location had been changed (illustrated on Appendix B – amended) and a further amendment to the footway to make crossing the junction at Albert Street safer had been included.


It was confirmed that consultation had taken place with the local Ward Councillors and that funding was available from existing 2009/2010 budget.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the objection to the proposed installation of a speed cushion at the location shown on Appendix B to the submitted report (amended location for provision of speed cushion) be not acceded to and the scheme be implemented.


(2)     That the objector be informed of this decision.


Knollbeck Lane, Brampton

Ken Wheat, Transportation Unit Manager, to report.

-           to report proposals to provide accessibility improvements.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, relating to a proposal to provide accessibility improvements on Knollbeck Lane, Brampton including vertical traffic calming, new footway buildouts, new pedestrian refuges and bus stop improvements and to report results of the consultation exercise that has been undertaken to date.


Reference was made to the development of local access plans to improve sustainable access to local facilities and services.  As part of this process Knollbeck Lane had been identified as a route for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users to employment, retail and leisure opportunities within the CortonwoodRetailPark and the DearneValley.


It was explained that the proposed works would be carried out in conjunction with Gateway Improvement works.


Details of the consultation already undertaken were set out in the report,  It was pointed out to those present that letters had been sent to all the residents, and that there had been a public exhibition.  Consultation had also taken place with statutory consultees, local Ward Members, Brampton Bierlow Parish Council and other residents directly affected.


Resolved:-  (1) That the results of the consultation exercise for the proposed scheme be noted.


(2)  That authority be given for the detailed design to be carried out and for the scheme to be implemented.


(3)  That the scheme be funded from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Programme for 2009/2010.


South Yorkshire Second Local Transport Plan - Progress Delivery Report

Ken Wheat, Transportation Unit Manager, to report.

-           to report LTP2 2006-2008 performance.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, relating to the second South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan 2006-2011 Progress Delivery Report.


Reference was made to the DfT’s requirement to review progress, assess risks and challenges to be addressed if targets and indicators were to be met by the end of the Plan.


A full copy of the Delivery report was made available at the meeting.


A table within the report detailed Core Indicators, their definition and performance (green = on track;  amber = almost on track & improving; and red = not on track).


Members’ attention was drawn to the mandatory indicators which were on track except for BVPI 102+ (total local public transport patronage).


Particular reference was made to the following:-


-                      road safety indicators:- noting the GOYH had urged the Council and South Yorkshire to continue to pursue the national targets

-                      air quality and congestion:- noting the continued modal shift towards private car use

-                      accessibility:- noting this was not on track due to anomalies in monitoring and reporting methodology


It was pointed out that no further funding would be allocated on the basis of the report as the integrated transport block had already been fully allocated to local authorities for the whole of the Plan period.


Government Office’s response was attached at Appendix A which highlighted 6 key issues, and these were detailed in the submitted report.


Reference was made to the need for pedestrian facilities to cross A618 Pleasley Road to access Ulley Country Park.


Resolved:-   (1) That the Delivery Report and the response from the Government Office for Yorkshire and the Humber be noted.


(2)                       That the report be referred to the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel for information.


(3)  That the Transportation Unit Manager investigates measures to assist pedestrians crossing Pleasley Road to access Ulley Country Park.


Wellgate South Residents' Parking Scheme - public consultation

Ken Wheat, Transportation Unit Manager, to report.

-           to report results of public consultation.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager,  detailing of the outcome of public consultation carried out in the Wellgate South area about the possible introduction of a residents’ parking scheme following distribution of a leaflet and questionnaire in November 2008.


A detailed analysis of the results (31.5% response rate) was set out in the report.


It was reported that there was a split in the support for the scheme, and the groups of streets in support and not in support were detailed in the report, together with the main reasons for not supporting the scheme.


In addition it was reported that two petitions had been received;-


(i)                   from households on Richards Road objecting to the scheme on the basis that they did not have parking problems

(ii)                 from residents on the majority of streets within the area adjacent to Wellgate and the BroomValley area – not supporting the scheme


It was therefore concluded that there was limited support for a residents’ parking scheme and consideration should be given to abandoning the proposal.


However, considering the broad support from residents on Boston Castle Grove and Terrance, and to address some of the problems with student parking at the nearby college, and to assist with the development of Boston Castlepark, it was suggested that a discrete residents’ parking scheme could be introduced in this location.  These proposals were illustrated on Appendix E to the submitted report.  Further consultation on this proposal would be carried out.


Consideration was also given to the proposal to promote a Traffic Regulation Order to introduce a series of No Waiting At Any Time restrictions to address problems with vehicles parking in, and close to, junctions in the Wellgate South area and these proposals were illustrated on Appendix F. It was also proposed to include Bernard Street in the Town Centre Pay and Display zone where there was high demand for commuter parking.


It was confirmed that funding should be available from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Capital Programme for 2009/2010.


Resolved:-   (1)  That the introduction of the Wellgate South Residents’ Parking Scheme be abandoned.


(2)        That the Director of Planning and Regeneration use powers delegated to him to promote a Traffic Regulation Order to introduce No Waiting At Any Time restrictions in the Wellgate South Area and to extend the Town Centre Pay and Display Zone to Bernard Street, as shown on Drawing No. 126/18/TT482.


(3)        That the scheme (as detailed at (2) above) be funded from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Capital Programme for 2009/10.


(4)  That further consultation be undertaken on a Residents’ Parking Scheme on Boston Castle Grove and Boston Castle Terrace as shown on Drawing No. 126/18/TT483.


Renaissance Flood Alleviation Scheme - Wetland Partner Landscaping

Greg Lindley, Partnership Implementation Officer/Steve Smith, Assistant Development Co-ordinator, to report.

-           to consider landscaping delivery at C R Wetland site.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Partnership Implementation Officer, explaining the relationship of the Council with the Sheffield Rotherham Wildlife Trust (SRWT) to manage the Centenary Riverside Wetland area which was part of the Flood Alleviation Scheme.


It was pointed out that the SRWT would now deliver a more enhanced landscaping treatment of the site and consequently the trust had bid for and obtained external funding towards the costs.  It was noted that the Council’s contribution had enabled match funding for this project.  Details of the funding elements were set out in the report.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the handover to Sheffield Rotherham Wildlife Trust be noted.


(2)  That the enhanced form of landscaping delivery, now to be delivered on the Centenary Riverside Wetland Area be noted.


(3)  That approval be given for the reallocation of the contribution of £100,000 from the Council that levers the external sources of grant.


Grange Park Golf Club - Lease extension

Steve Hallsworth, Leisure Services Manager, to report.

-           to review the current lease agreement and consider proposed developments for the golf course.


Consideration was given to a report presented by the Leisure Services Manager, relating to receipt of a request to review the lease arrangement with the Club as they proposed improvements to the course and ancillary facilities and better security on site, and required a longer term lease in order to access finance for the proposals.


Reference was made to the background to the lease agreement, level of investment made by the club and success of the partnership between the Club and the Council.  From the Service Area’s point of view it was considered that the Club had met its short term commitments.


The proposed developments to the clubhouse, the barn and green keeping sheds were outlined, noting that further development work and detailed discussion would be needed.


Reference was also made to an additional lease to the Club in respect of the restaurant and manager’s flat and it was suggested therefore that it was opportune to revisit both leases.


It was confirmed that all costs in establishing a new lease would be met by the Club.  It was reported that the proposed new lease would be on a rent and profit share basis.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the proposed developments be noted and, based on an in principle agreement, approval be given for officers to draft a new lease agreement.


(2)  That the terms of the new lease agreement be reported to the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Development Services for consideration and to the Regeneration and Asset Board for approval.


Catalogue and Library Membership Data Maintenance

Mark Heaton, Manager-Service Design & Development, to report.

-           to consider update for the library management system.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Manager, Library Service Design and Development, relating to the Library Management System which contained a large amount of data, dating back to the 1980s that related to items, loans and members that are obsolete.


It was reported that this old information was creating uncertainty when trying to locate items in stock for members of the public, leading to staff mistakes in dealing with borrower records and contravening Data Protection principles.


It was proposed therefore to delete items from the catalogue which had been on loan and unreturned for over 3 years and to delete membership records relating to people who had not used the service for over 3 years (standard registration period).


This was regarded as essential work preparatory to introducing regular “house-keeping” routines for keeping data up-to-date and revising the process for dealing with overdue items.


It was confirmed that the cost and the loss rate over the 20 year period was quite low.


Reference was made to the unusable condition of many items when returned and to the disincentive to people of imposing fines.


Resolved:-  That the report be accepted and the Library Management System data clear-up be carried out.


Rotherham Economic Regeneration Fund (RERF) - Steelos

Nick Barnes, Principal Project Development Officer, and Chris Majer, Economic Strategy Officer, to report.

-           to consider a request for RERF funding.


Consideration was given to a report presented by the Director of Culture and Leisure Services, seeking an allocation from the Rotherham Economic Regeneration Fund (RERF) Revenue of £30,000 revenue to pump prime the Steelos Rotherham Production” and match fund the Heritage Lottery Fund and allocation from Yorkshire South Tourism.

A full explanation of the background to the project and credentials of the artist involved was given in the submitted report.


It was reported that this would be staged at MAGNA with anticipated involvement from RCAT and Sheffield HallamUniversity.  It was proposed that local people would be involved in the research to create a living archive for Rotherham.


Details were also given of the target audience and it was pointed out that there was interest from the Arts Council.


Details of the funding elements were set out in the report together with the current position of the RERF


It was acknowledged that the project was not without risk.


Resolved:-  That £30,000 of RERF Revenue be approved to match funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund and South Yorkshire Tourism.


AMP Technology Centre

Tim O’Connell, Business Development Manager, to report.

-           to seek approval to submit a proposal to Yorkshire Forward.


Consideration was given to a report presented by the Business Development Manager, seeking approval to submit a proposal to Yorkshire Forward for the management of the AMP Technology Centre.


An explanation was given of the current management contract which was due to expire at the end of June,


In view of the Council’s strong and successful track record in managing business centres it was considered that RiDO was well placed to deliver the service Yorkshire Forward was seeking.


The procurement timetable was set out within the report.


Details of the services which would be managed at the AMP were described.


It was noted that TUPE arrangements would apply.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the preparation and submission of an expression of interest for the delivery of management services at the AMP Technology Centre be approved.


(2)  That, subject to the Council being shortlisted following the expression of interest stage, the Director of Regeneration and Planning be authorised to submit a tender to Yorkshire Forward for the provision of these services.


School Travel Plans - Procurement of Cycle Training

Ken Wheat, Transportation Unit Manager, to report.

-           to consider procurement of cycle training.


Further to Minute No. 62 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Economic and Development Services held on 31st July, 2006, consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, relating to the continuing appointment of a cycle training provider to support the School Travel Plan process.


Reference was made to the number of school aged children trained and the positive and excellent feedback from parents and schools.


It was reported that the current contract would expire at the end of March and would need to be re-tendered to ensure the best service provision and value for money.


It was explained that the contract would initially be for one year with an option to extend for a further 2 years subject to funding and performance criteria being met.


Members present commented on:-


-                      lack of secure storage for cycles at some schools

-                      commitment of Governors to produce School Travel Plans

-                      work of the Council to assist and facilitate schools and help access funding


Resolved:-  That the re-tendering of a 1 year contract for 2009/2010 (renewable for a further 2 years) for the provision of cycle training be endorsed.


(The Cabinet Member authorised consideration of the following extra, urgent item to enable early preparations to be made.)


Rotherham Show 2009

Marie Hayes, Events and Promotions Services Manager, to report.

-           to consider the location for Rotherham Show for 2009.


The Events and Promotions Service Manager presented a report detailing the progress of redevelopment works in Clifton Park affecting significant areas of the park which would be reseeded (plan Appendix A) and advised that it would be unwise to install the infrastructure needed for the Show  until these areas had stabilised.


Members present considered options, noting that 2009 would be the 30th Anniversary of the Show. Consideration was given to the following:-


-                      a scaled down version, mindful of potential reinstatement costs

-                      using Herringthorpe Playing Fields – noting that there could be serious financial implications for reinstating sports pitches at Herringthorpe Playing Fields

-                      using Rosehill Victoria Park (noting that this was the preferred option)


It was reported that it was proposed to send letters to residents adjacent to Rosehill Victoria Park informing them of the proposal and also that public parking would be provided on Ryecroft Sports ground with a free park and ride system.


Resolved:-  That approval be given for the temporary relocation of Rotherham Show in 2009 to Rosehill Victoria Park.