Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Development Services - Monday 20 April 2009 10.30 a.m.

Venue: Training Room, 3rd Floor, Bailey House, Rawmarsh Road, Rotherham. S60 1TD

Contact: Janet Cromack, Senior Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Minutes of a meeting of the Local Development Framework Members' Steering Group held on 20th March, 2009


Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting of the Local Development Framework Members’ Steering Group held on 20th March, 2009.


Resolved:-  That the contents of the minutes be noted.


Minutes of a meeting of the Transport Liaison Panel held on 23rd March, 2009


Consideration was given to the minutes of a meeting of the Transport Liaison Panel held on 23rd March, 2009.


Resolved:-  That the contents of the minutes be noted.


Reservoirs - Appointment of Supervising Engineer under the 1975 Reservoirs Act

David Phillips, Principal Engineer,

-           to seek to extend the existing contract arrangements for 2 years.


Consideration was given to a report presented by the Principal Highway Engineer, which detailed the role of the Supervising Engineer under the 1975 Reservoirs Act and sought an exemption to the Council’s Standing Orders in order to extend the current contract for the services of Mr. David Crook of Ove Arup.


It was explained that the request was in accord with recommendations in the Ulley Post Incident Review which observed that “the Supervising Engineer should be in post long enough to observe long term changes in the behaviour of the dam and appurtenant works. Also, seeking competitive bids is understandable, but it is recommended that appointments should be made…..for periods of at least 3 to 5 years at a time.


It was also pointed out that the extension would co-incide with the rehabilitation works programme for Ulley reservoir and anticipated works at Firsby reservoir.


The Cabinet Member requested that access to Ulley Country park be re-examined, together with pedestrian crossing facilities on the A618.


Resolved:-  (1)  That an exemption to Standing Order 47.6.2 (requirement to obtain at least two written quotations for contracts with an estimated value between £5k and £20k) be granted and officers enter into negotiations with David Crook and Ove Arup with a view to extending the existing contract for a further two years.


(2)  That, subject to satisfactory negotiations, the contract with the David Crook/Ove Arup be extended for a further two years commencing 1st January, 2010.


(3)  That the Transportation Unit Manager notes the access and pedestrian crossing issues now highlighted and submits a report to a future meeting.


South Yorkshire Speed Management Plan

Ken Wheat, Transportation Unit Manager, to report.

-           to inform the Cabinet Member of the South Yorkshire Speed Management Plan.


Consideration was given to a report presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, informing the Cabinet Member of the South Yorkshire Speed Management Plan, which aimed at combating excessive and inappropriate speed and helping to ensure that casualty reduction targets were met. It was important that a common approach be taken across the South Yorkshire sub region to ensure consistency by all Partners and would be achieved by:-


·              Establishing the road hierarchy for assessment.

·              Establishing an assessment methodology for the provision of speed limits, ensuring appropriate speed limits are set.

·              Setting out how speed limits will be prioritised for review and amendment.

·              Encouraging road users to travel within the speed limits by setting out suitable speed management measures.

·              Establishing a monitoring system to review performance.


It was reported that reviewing the speed limits on the Borough’s A and B class roads in line with the plan had recently started with a view to completion by October 2009, with any changes proposed for implementation by the end of 2010.


Details of the funding for the review and implementation were set out in the report.


Reference was made to consultation that had already been carried out and to further proposed consultation with the Area Assemblies about the speed limit review.


Reference was also made to the national performance indicator – Killed and Seriously Injured, and to the need to separate out statistics for the Borough from statistics for the M1 and M18, rather than reporting on the total in South Yorkshire.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the South Yorkshire Speed Management Plan be approved.


(2)                 That the approach outlined to assessing speed limits on the Borough’s A and B class road network be affirmed.


(3)  That the Cabinet Member raise the issue of the national performance indicator – Killed and Seriously Injured (KSI) with the 3 M.P.’s.


Waverley Link Road - Major Schemes Business Case

Ken Wheat, Transportation Unit Manager, to report.

-           to update and seek authorisation to continue.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, which provided an update on the current position regarding the Waverley Link Road and sought approval to submit a revised Major Scheme Business Case to the Department of Transport.


It was explained that in July 2005 the Council submitted a Major Scheme Business Case to the DfT for a proposed new link road between Retford Road, at Woodhouse Mill, and Highfield Spring.  The line of the proposed road crossed the site of a former petrol filling station, land adjacent to a sewage works, the edge of a recreation ground and the site of a former opencast mine.  This proposal achieved Programme Entry status in summer 2006 because of the significant benefits, which meant that the DfT were prepared to fund the scheme (subject to progress on statutory procedures etc.) and the Council could start considering the layout with a view to seeking planning permission and land.


However, due to plans to expand the sewage works it had now become clear that this route is no longer an option and a revision to the route was needed.  It is proposed to revert to a line which affects more of the recreation ground and has a revised junction with the B6200 Retford Road.  Although this was a relatively minor change the Department for Transport had advised that they require a revised Major Schemes Business Case.


A full explanation was given of the risks and uncertainties.


It was pointed out that it was anticipated that the DfT will take six months to decide whether or not to approve the revised scheme for Programme Entry.  However, in order to meet the original programme for the scheme, which has been included in the MSBC, authorisation was sought to progress with detailed design prior to obtaining Programme Entry.  The intention being to have a scheme layout, showing the land required, by November of this year.


Resolved:-  (1)  That a revised Major Scheme Business Case for Waverley Link Road be submitted to the Department for Transport.


(2)  That the scheme preparation continues in advance of Programme Entry for the revised scheme,


(3)  That a further report be submitted to obtain a resolution to seek planning permission and issue a draft order for the compulsory purchase of land and any side road order that may be required.


School Keep Clear Markings

Ken Wheat, Transportation Unit Manager, to report.

-           to consider the proposal to make school keep clear markings/Traffic Regulation Orders permanent in Maltby and consider proposals to extend the scheme to other areas.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, which provided information on the trial of the experimental clearway orders on School Keep Clear markings within the Ward of Maltby and on some in the Hellaby Ward.


Consideration was given to making these clearway orders permanent. 


The report also proposed to introduce permanent clearway orders on School Keep Clear markings across the borough on an area by area phased approach.


It was pointed out that liaison had taken place with the Council’s Parking Services Team and Police Community Support Officers at the local Safer Neighbourhood Team and a joint approach to enforcement had been undertaken.


The next step proposed to introduce clearway orders on School Keep Clear markings in Brampton, West Melton, Wath and Swinton.


The discussion also covered the following issues:-


-                      Monitoring and enforcement

-                      Provision of school crossing patrols

-                      The joint scrutiny review of road safety outside schools

-                      Reduced Police resources

-                      The role of the schools themselves in ensuring safety outside of the school


Resolved:-  (1)  That the experimental clearway order which covered School Keep Clear markings within the ward of Maltby and some in the Hellaby Ward be made permanent.


(2)  That Clearway Traffic Regulation Orders be introduced on all School Keep Clear markings across the borough and these be implemented on an area by area phased approach.


(3)                That the next area in which clearway Traffic Regulation Orders be introduced to cover School Keep Clear markings be Brampton, West Melton, Wath and Swinton.


(4)               That a programme of remaining areas and schools be reported to a future meeting of the Cabinet Member following further investigation.


Wood Lane, Brinsworth - proposed No Entry Except for Buses, Pedal Cycles and Access

Ken Wheat, Transportation Unit Manager, to report.

-           to consider two objections.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, which detailed the outcome of the statutory consultation regarding the proposal to prohibit entry except for buses, pedal cycles and access on Wood Lane, Brinsworth.


It was explained that Wood Lane Brinsworth originally served as an access road to the former Tinsley Marshalling Yard and locomotive maintenance depot. This area became derelict and has recently been redeveloped.


In anticipation of the Waverley development and the Council’s policy to promote sustainable modes of transport, planning conditions were imposed on the developers requiring them to reconstruct Wood Lane as a bus only link road incorporating a pedestrian and cycle path. This included the installation of a rising bollard to prevent access to other motor vehicles.


These facilities have now been completed, and to complement the physical measures constructed on site, it is considered necessary to implement a traffic regulation order (TRO) to make Wood Lane “No Entry” except for buses, pedal cycles and access.


This proposal was advertised in January 2009 and two objections were received, copies of which were attached to the submitted report at Appendix A.


The Transportation Unit Manager explained the technical reasons for not upholding the objections, in particular noting that opening up Wood Lane and allowing further traffic would be likely to increase traffic on primarily residential streets in Brinsworth and affect proposed bus journey times and undermine the business case for the Southern Bus Rapid Transit scheme.


Resolved:-    (1)  That the objections to the traffic regulation order be not acceded to.


(2)  That the Traffic Regulation Order associated with the scheme be made.


(3)  That the objectors be informed accordingly.


(4)  That the situation be monitored and should the proposed Southern BRT scheme not be supported, the scheme be re-appraised.


Sustainable School Transport Strategy

Ken Wheat, Transportation Unit Manager, to report.

-           to report on the outcome of consultation.


Further to Minute No. 151 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Development Services held on 15th December, 2008, consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, which sought approval for the final version of the Sustainable School Travel Strategy.


It was explained that consultation had been undertaken in accordance with the Council’s Consultation and Community Involvement Framework and the draft had been publicised on the Council’s website.


The final Strategy was appended to the submitted report.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the consultations and responses in this report be undertaken in accordance with the Council’s Consultation and Community Involvement Framework.


(2)  That the final version of the document be approved.


(3)  That this report be referred to the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People’s Services and Regeneration Scrutiny Panel for information.


Local Transport Plan Capital Programme 2009/10

Tom Finnegan-Smith, Senior Engineer, to report.

-           to consider the Council’s proposed LTP capital programme for 2009/10.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Senior Engineer, Traffic Management, which outlined the Council’s proposed Local Transport Plan capital programme for 2009/10 as part of the South Yorkshire programme.


The particulars for the following individual programmes were set out in the report:-


Appendix A

Integrated Transport

Appendix B

Proposed Bridge Assessment and strengthening programme

Appendix C

Proposed Highway Maintenance programme


It was pointed out that the total amount of funding was significantly increased when compared to previous years and efforts would be made to achieve spend.  It was therefore reported that additional temporary staff may be necessary to assist in the design of schemes.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the specific allocations for Integrated Transport and for Maintenance for 2009/10 be noted.


(2)  That the principle of the proposed programmes in the appendices as the basis for detailed design and implementation during 2009/10 be approved.


Final Evaluation of South Yorkshire Coalfields Merged SRB5/6 Scheme

Simeon Leach, Economic Strategy Manager, to report.

-           to inform Cabinet Member of the main findings of the Scheme Evaluation.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Economic Strategy Manager, which detailed the main findings of the final evaluation report on the recently completed South Yorkshire Coalfield SRB5/6 Scheme and to seek comments on its content.


It was pointed out that this was the biggest scheme in the country with a total of £96.5M of SRB grant, of which £22.56m was awarded to Rotherham projects.


It was reported that the scheme had been evaluated by MTL and reference was made to key achievements in the town centre, the Dearne and the Business Incubation Centres.


Other significant headline conclusions and accomplishments of the scheme were detailed in the submitted report.


It was noted that there were 156 Rotherham projects supported by SRB5/6 but only 25 of them had a project value of over £500,000.


Reference was made to lessons learned from the Scheme including noting that the scheme became project driven, and that projects became dependent on the funding rather than drawing down other funds and having exit strategies to become self-sufficient.


Resolved:-  That the contents of the report and the overall success of the scheme be noted.


Petition - Doncaster Gate Action Group re: future use of Doncaster Gate Hospital

Peter Thornborrow, Conservation and Urban Design Officer, to report.

-           to report on the petition.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Conservation and Urban Design Officer, detailing receipt of a petition from the Doncaster Gate Action Group received on 4th March, 2009, calling for the “saving of the Doncaster Gate Hospital buildings for community use rather than being sold to a private developer.”


It was reported that the petition was supported by members of a range of organisations and by far the largest majority of signatures were those of local residents. 


However, it was noted that that subsequent events had overtaken the subject of the petition in that the Council proposed to acquire the former Doncaster Gate Hospital to be used as temporary office accommodation.  Also support had been given to the proposal to extend the Rotherham Town Centre Conservation area to include the frontage of the buildings.


Resolved:-  That the petition be accepted and the petitioners be advised that the Council wishes to purchase the site for short to medium term use as Civic Offices as agreed at Cabinet in January, 2009 (Minute B168 held on 21st January, 2009).



The following items are likely to be considered in the absence of the press and public as being exempt under Paragraph 3, of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended March 2006)(business/financial affairs).


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended March 2006) (financial/business affairs).


Building New Council Housing

Paul Walsh, Programme Manager, to report.

-           to note the report and the key requirements necessary to enable a Council housing direct build programme.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Director of Asset Management, setting out the capacity of the Council to initiate a direct build council house building programme.


The report presented three financial scenarios for building new homes across identified sites and highlighted the key requirements necessary to support delivery.


The report detailed:--


·        the Council’s capacity to build new council homes

·        open market value of the land

·        the Council’s capacity and expertise to manage the build programme, utilising internal and partner resources

·        the Council’s potential to commence construction within 12 months and complete the first units by November 2010

·        the need to invest Social Housing Grant and direct investment per property

·        the Council’s need to achieve preferred borrowing rates and capitalise the revenue stream from the properties to support the necessary borrowing


Reference was also made to:-


-                      retention of the ownership of both land and property

-                      in-coming revenue

-                      equity/shared ownership

-                      nomination rights

-                      possible partnership with the ALMO


Resolved:-  (1)  That the contents of the report and the key requirements necessary to enable a Council housing direct build programme be noted.


(2)  That a joint Neighbourhood and Adult Services and Economic and Development Services report be submitted to the Cabinet in June detailing the range of options available to deliver new Council homes.


Approval of Tender Lists for the Yorbuild Construction Framework

Brian Barrett, Design Consultancy Manager, to report.

-           to seek approval of the tender list.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Design Consultancy Manager, setting out lists of tenders for a series of framework contracts for the Yorbuild Construction Framework.


It was reported that the lists had been drawn up following evaluation of the pre-qualification questionnaires submitted in response to an OJEU Contract Notice published in December 2008. 


Resolved:-  That the tender lists appended to the submitted report be approved.


Amendment of Tender Lists for a series of Building and Property Consultants Framework Contracts 2009-2013

Brian Barrett, Design Consultancy Manager, to report.

-           to seek approval to the amended lists.


Further to Minute No. 209 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Development Services held on 16th March, 2009, consideration was given to a further report, presented by the Design Consultancy Manager, seeking approval to revise the tender lists for a series of framework contracts for building and estates consultancy services for the period 2009 – 2013.   The frameworks would be RCP2 – the second phase of the Rotherham Construction Partnership.


It was explained that following the above approval, unsuccessful applicants were informed of the results.  A number of the applicants had subsequently queried the reliance on the externally provided financial references (Dun and Bradstreet) used by the Council’s Financial Services. Particular concerns related to cases where a new guise of a company (management buy-out for example) had not been adequately reflected in the financial reference.  The Council’s Legal Services had advised that the reliance on the external financial reference should have been made clear in the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire.


Therefore, in light of the legal advice, the unsuccessful applicants concerned were given the opportunity to provide revised external financial references. It was proposed to add those which had now provided satisfactory references to the tender lists for the appropriate category.


Resolved:-  That the revised tender lists appended to this report be approved.


Notes of Stage 3 Complaint - 18th March, 2009

(Exempt under:- Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 & 6 - Information relating to any individual/Information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual/ financial or business affairs of any particular person/Information which reveals that the authority proposes - (a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or (b) to make an order or direction under any enactment.)


(The following item was considered exempt under Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended March, 2006) to the Local Government Act 1972)


Consideration was given to the notes of a Stage 3 Complaint Panel held on 18th March, 2009.


Resolved:-  That the deliberations and decisions of the Panel be noted.