Agenda and minutes

The Former Deputy Leader from July, 2007 to February, 2015 - Monday 14 April 2014 8.30 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH

Contact: Debbie Pons, Principal Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 59 KB


Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting held on 17th March, 2014.


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the meeting held on 17th March, 2014 be approved as a correct record.


Resources Performance Report pdf icon PDF 92 KB


Consideration was given to a report presented by Sue Wilson, Performance and Quality Manager, which provided information on the current position statement on the activity of Services that fit within the remit of the Resources Directorate. 


Activity reported was for the period ending 28th February, 2014 and provided both achievements and any risks and issues.


Many of the services featured in this report have been involved in providing support to the Council’s Operational Services around the efficiency agenda to generate the required Council savings.  It was also clear that the reduction in resources across the services continued to be a concern which could potentially impact upon delivering services at the same level as before.


Key highlights from the report which were discussed related to:-


·                Procurement savings to date.

·                The new telecommunications agreements.

·                Contract negotiations for the Domiciliary Care Framework.

·                Better Care Fund submission.

·                Continuing Healthcare Funding and the ongoing negotiations.

·                Domestic Abuse event for Roma/Slovakian women.

·                Establishment of the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub.

·                Revision of the Corporate Plan.

·                Number of enquiries regarding school meals at Brinsworth Manor Infant School.

·                Migration of the new website.

·                Extension of the LASER credit union contract.

·                Contract with FareShare Yorkshire.

·                Impact of Welfare Reform.

·                Collection rates for Council Tax and Non-Domestic Rates.

·                Taking forward Shared Services.

·                Nearing completion of the ICT Strategy.

·                Launch of the “Rotherham Taxi Driver Guide to Crime and Safety Issues”.

·                Roma Family Induction Day on 10th February, 2014.

·                Provisional hearing date for the South Yorkshire and Merseyside City Regions Judicial Review.

·                Retention of the Law Society’s Practice Management Standard.

·                Pressure within Electoral Services.


Resolved:-  That the report be received and the performance activity noted.


Salary Sacrifice pdf icon PDF 35 KB


Consideration was given to a report presented by Phil Howe, Director of Human Resources, which provided details of changes to the framework currently used to provide cars to employees and alternative options.


Three years ago the Council introduced the opportunity for employees to obtain low CO2 emission cars via salary sacrifice arrangements using an open procurement framework put in place by North Yorkshire County Council.


Over 200 employees now have cars under the scheme where they benefit from all inclusive car running costs at a cost effective rate paying less tax and National Insurance.  Additionally, the Council benefits in the form of reduced  National Insurance and Pension contributions at the appropriate rate from the collected deductions.


The Council could continue to use the terms of the existing framework until April 2015 after which time would have to move to another framework or undertake its own procurement exercise.


North Yorkshire County Council have recently renewed their framework for a further four years, although with effect from the renewal date would then apply an annual charge for organisations wishing to use their framework.  This charge would cost the Council £700 per year.


Through researching the marketplace Procurement colleagues and Human Resources have identified an alternative option involving a different Public Sector body where there was no charge.  The one identified was operated by the NHS who have also recently let a new contract for four years through the NHS NOECPC framework.  This allowed all Local Authorities, Police, Fire etc. to utilise. 


The NHS framework CO2 emissions cap was 150g/km which was higher than the 120g/km limit of the current framework procured via the North Yorkshire arrangement.  This would obviously give employees access to a much wider choice of vehicles. Therefore, this would potentially encourage more employees to participate via this employee benefit, which on average had reduced CO2 emissions for the NHS by 50g/km for each replacement car. 


The provider under the NHS framework was the same as the current provider, Tusker, so there would be no major transitional process issues associated with a change.


Colleagues in Procurement were, therefore, recommending that the Council moves onto the NHS framework from April, 2014.


Resolved:-  That the move to a new framework with an increased CO2 limit be approved.


Cabinet Reports and Members' Issues


Phil Howe, Director of Human Resources, reported on:-


·                The collective agreement signed by the Trades Unions over changes to terms and conditions of employees, as reported to the R.M.B.C./Trades Unions Joint Consultative Committee.

·                Announcement by the Leader of the Council with regards to implementation of a Local Living Wage (£7.65 per hour) from 1st October, 2014, which would benefit around 1,500 employees.

·                “Making Every Contact Count” and the promotion of healthy lifestyles across the borough.

·                Update on Shared Services discussions with various agencies.


Chrissy Wright, Commissioning Manager, reported on:-


·                Novation of HealthWatch Rotherham Contract from private provider to Social Enterprise.

·                Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Reforms 2014 and the moves towards joint commissioning.

·                Ongoing work with the Clinical Commissioning Group on CHC.

·                Working up of the retender for the Domiciliary Care Framework.

·                Ongoing work looking at high cost placements for looked after children and SEN placements.

·                Assessment of home care domiciliary providers and the payments to staff.


Jacqueline Collins, Director of Legal and Democratic Services, reported on:-


·                Potential relocation within Riverside House.

·                Rotherham’s televised media coverage.

·                Candidate briefing for Elections.

·                Exploratory work as D.R.L. moves towards closure.

·                Revisions to the Scheme of Delegate and the Constitution and the presentation at Annual Council.


Resolved:-  That the information be noted.


Date and Time of the Next Meeting


Resolved:-  That the next meeting take place on Monday, 9th June, 2014 at 8.30 a.m.