Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care from June 2009 to July, 2010. - Monday 25 January 2010 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Eric Manns Building, Moorgate Street, Rotherham

Contact: Jackie Warburton  Email:

No. Item


Minutes of the meetings held on 21st December 2009 & 11th January 2010 pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Additional documents:


Resolved:- That the minutes of the meetings held on 21st December 2009 and 11th January 2010 be approved as a correct record.


Exclusion of Press and Public

The following item is likely to be considered in the absence of the press and public as being exempt under Paragraph 3 & 4 of Part 1 (as amended March 2006) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.



Resolved:- That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 3 and 4 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


Update on the Learning Disability Funding Transfer


Shona McFarlane, Director of Health and Wellbeing presented the submitted report which updated the Cabinet Member on the progress and issues regarding the Learning Disability Transfer, since the presentation of the paper in February 2009, which advised on the requirements for the planned transfer of commissioning responsibility and associated funding for Learning Disability social care services previously funded through NHS R. 


An agreement had been reached between NHS R and RMBC on how the funding transfer would be implemented, and funding amounts were agreed.  However as this was a significant piece of work, a risk analysis and risk register had been established. 


The report gave an update and information on the next steps.


Resolved:- (1) That MPs be asked to petition government regarding the inability to access ILF funding


(2) That officers continue to work towards an acceptable agreement


(3) That further reports be brought to this meeting.


Learning Disabilities AGM


Learning Disabilities AGM


Councillor Pat Russell reported that she had attended the Learning Disabilities AGM the previous week.  The event was attended by over 150 people and was successful.  The views of people with a learning disability were heard, and during the meeting a Learning Disability Customer commented that they were not happy at being referred to as a “user”.  It was suggested and agreed that in future they should be referred to as “Customers” or Clients”.


Older People's Champion - Update


Councillor Walker reported that she had been working with winter payments for the elderly.  She had found that some old people were given it as a matter of course and others had to apply for it.


She also reported that wardens were fitting safety devices in old people’s properties free of charge.


Councillor Walker made reference to the varying degrees of effectiveness between the Area Assemblies, and confirmed that she would be taking the South Yorkshire Fund Officer to all the Area Assembly groups in order to inform them what was on offer to them.