Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Housing and Neighbourhoods - Monday 1 March 2010 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Eric Manns Building, 45 Moorgate Street, Rotherham

Contact: Dawn Mitchell 01709 822062  Email:

No. Item


Fees and Charges 2010/11 - Housing and Neighbourhood Services pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Additional documents:


The Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report detailing the proposed 2010/11 fees and charges for Housing and Neighbourhood Services’ activities including Animal Health, Food, Health and Safety, Houses in Multiple Occupation, Pest Control, Pollution Control, Stray Dogs and Weights and Measures.


The proposed level of fee and charges reflected both corporate guidance regarding any required increase (1%) and also nationally prescribed fee levels e.g. Pollution Control Regulation.  The Weights and Measures fees were set following national LACORS guidance which proposed a radical review of fees in 2010/11 to reflect the delivery of the verification service provided.  The Water fees were set in accordance with the charges set by the Health Protection Agency.


The report and associated appendices set out in detail the schedule of proposed 2010/11 fees and charges in particular:-


-        Animal Health – approximate 1% increase

-        Food, Health and Safety – proposed 1% increase for all chargeable services provided by the Team.  The fees for the water samples, however, were set to cover the fees charged by the Health Protection Agency.  The fee for next year had not been received to date and therefore the amount charged would need to cover their proposed fees

-        Houses in Multiple Occupation – minimum licence of £500

-        Pest Control -  proposed increase of 2%

-        Stray Dog Fees – proposed 1% increase


The Bereavement Services Partnership had commenced on 1st August, 2009.  The fees charged by Dignity Funerals Ltd. for the bereavement services it provided were reviewed in April each year.  The review was currently in progress including the benchmarking of the proposed fees against those charged by comparable authorities within the region and a comparison against the national average. 


Resolved:-  That the proposed fees and charges for 2010/11, as set out in the report, be agreed with effect from 1st April, 2010.


Under Occupation Policy pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. J88(3) of 30th November, 2009, the Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report proposing the introduction of Under Occupancy and Housing Assistance incentives to encourage tenants that were under occupying large Council houses to downsize.


Currently there were 142 households in Rotherham that were under occupying 4 bedroom houses and 5,025 under occupying 3 bedroom houses.  Of those, 2,538 households had applied via the Housing Register for a transfer to a smaller home.  Since December, 2008, only 18 under occupied households living in family houses had actually transferred to a flat or bungalow.  This was because overall the demand for accommodation was extremely high and most certainly outweighed supply.  In total there were 7,981 single applicants on the Housing Register wanting to move to smaller accommodation.


Currently, there were no financial incentives offered, however, the Allocation Policy did award Priority status to households who wished to downsize to a flat or bungalow.  Since December, 2008, 120 households had been awarded Priority status to enable them to transfer.


Implementation of an enhanced Under Occupancy Policy to encourage downsizing could include:-


-        Better provision of information to tenants about the availability of suitable housing and the process of securing it could help encourage people in under occupancy situations to secure smaller properties

-        Amend the Allocation Policy to allow under occupiers of 4 bedroom houses to downsize to 2 bedroom houses and permit more than 2 refusals

-        Suggestions from customers and Elected Members including:-

o       Work with internal and partner agencies

o       Undertake chain lettings

o       In cases of secure tenants, when a successor was a family member other than a spouse, award of Priority Plus status to offer suitable alternative smaller accommodation

o       2 tenancies for 1

o       Local Lettings Policy giving preference to Council tenants who were under occupiers, with a proven record of “Good Tenant”, move to RSL and Council New Building

o       Promote positive features of sheltered housing


The implementation of a cash incentive scheme to encourage downsizing, a Mutual Exchange incentive or direct payment of expenses and removal costs were not supported at the present time but may be reconsidered dependent upon the success of the other options.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the inclusion of an Under Occupation Policy, as identified in Section 7.5 of the report submitted,  be approved.


(2)  That the effectiveness of the Policy and the need to offer incentives be reviewed in 12 months.


(3)  That the Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services explore the possibility of identifying a dedicated resource to work on the issue of under occupancy.


Area Assemblies Devolved Budget Project Proposal pdf icon PDF 74 KB


The Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services submitted an update on the proposals from the Rotherham South Area Assembly Co-ordinating Group for projects identified to be funded through Housing Market Renewal funding.


The Co-ordinating Group proposed to provide 2 town centre bikes for the
Town Team plus training and safety equipment for 4 officers at a cost of £1,500 from their HMR underspend.


The proposals supported the corporate objective of devolved decision making in the Borough through Area Assemblies and the delivery of local projects and actions which met Corporate Objectives and community priorities as identified in the Area Plans of the Area Assemblies.


Resolved:-  That the project proposals to be funded from Housing Market Renewal be approved.


2010 Rotherham Ltd Improvement Plan Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Additional documents:


The Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services presented the first quarterly monitoring report for the 2010 Rotherham Ltd. Improvement Plan which covered Quarter 3 (October-December, 2009).


Of the 62 actions within the Improvement Plan:-


-        12 actions had been completed in or ahead of time

-        33 actions were progressing in line with timescales

-        10 actions were progressing but with some concern for timescale

-        7 actions were behind schedule.


In general, the main reason for failure against the targets appeared to have been unrealistic dates set by 2010 Rotherham Ltd.  All actions showing as red were expected to be reported as green (progressing in line with timescales)  or completed by the end of March, 2010. 


Resolved:-  (1)  That Appendix 2 be approved as the final version of the Improvement Plan.


(2)  That the content of the Quarter 3 progress report (Appendix 1) and the remedial actions being taken by 2010 Rotherham Ltd. to complete the 7 ‘off target’ indicators be noted.


(3)  That evidence checks be made by RMBC officers during February and March, 2010.


Update on the Homes and Communities Agency Single Conversation and Revised Housing Strategy pdf icon PDF 89 KB


The Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services submitted an update on the Homes and Communities Agency Single Conversation and Revised Housing Strategy.


The focus of the Single Conversation was around comprehensive place shaping, including the full range of housing, infrastructure, regeneration and community facilities.  It was important that the process was not seen primarily as a housing issue but rather an issue of how improvements, infrastructure and housing could contribute to and compliment aspirations to improve wider quality of life issues.  Councils were required to develop a Local Investment Plan which would form the basis of a funding agreement between the HCA and the local authorities.


The report set out the rationale and progress on re-writing the Rotherham Housing Strategy which would enhance its status as a key component to the Single Conversation.  Although the Strategy had been adopted in 2008, it was at a time of peak housing markets when the main concerns had been to close the widening affordability gap and make the most of allocations available from the funds now brought together under the HCA umbrella.  A Strategy needed to both reflect the new economic realities and to address the emerging challenge of climate change.


It had become clear that the HCA favoured a single lead officer and point of contact at each authority whom was able to articulate the Council’s vision and to create a ‘pen portrait’ of the authority at the first workshop.  To this end, the Sustainable Communities Manager in Neighbourhood Investment Services had been tasked with the role.


In collaboration with neighbouring authorities, a South Yorkshire Forward Strategy and Investment Plan 2010/14 was being developed by Transform South Yorkshire on behalf of the 4 authorities.  This would serve as a sub-regional platform for supporting the local authorities in their respective Conversations.  Rotherham’s revised Housing Strategy was to be structured to align with the sub-regional statement emphasising Rotherham’s unique attributes within the wider city region.


The report also set out the key milestones in the Single Conversation process including the revised Housing Strategy.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the key dates associated with the Single Conversation be noted.


(2)  That the importance of revising the existing Housing Strategy to enhance its status as a key component of the Single Conversation be recognised.


(3)  That the report be referred to the Cabinet and the Local Strategic Partnership Board to ensure that Members and Chief Officers comprehend the strategic and corporate significance of the Single Conversation.


(4)  That the proposed officer lead and governance structures for the Single Conversation be supported.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs indicated below of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs indicated below of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


Non-Traditional Properties Investment

(Exempt under Paragraph 3 of the Act - information relating to the financial/business affairs of any person (including the Council)).


The Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the investment programme which had been initiated to address the urgent structural investment needs of non-traditional properties and ensure that they met the Decent Homes standard by the completion deadline set by the Government.


Whilst the majority of the properties could receive Decent Homes Works without the need for preceding structural works, Airey and Unity properties required structural investment works before Decent Homes works could be undertaken.  Any Decent Homes works completed in advance of structural works would result in abortive costs and further disruption to residents as work would have to be undone later as part of the structural works programme.


There were 153 Airey and 34 Unity properties approved for investment.  To date, structural and Decent Homes works had been completed to 22 Airey properties within investment to a further 92 Airey properties currently underway.  The completion of works to the remaining 39 Airey and 34 Unity properties within the 2010/11 financial year would be critical to ensure that the properties met the Decent Homes Standard by the target deadline.


The capital cost of both structural and Decent Homes works to the remaining non-traditional properties had been established, comparative to the resources currently available to support investment within the proposed 2010/11 Housing Investment Programme.


The report identified a capital funding shortfall in the Housing Investment Programme for 2010/11 to fund the works and set out the case for utilising Housing Revenue Account capital receipts to support the proposed investment programme.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the request to use pooled Housing Revenue Account capital receipts for investment in non-traditional housing to the sum of £2,615,000 be supported.


(2)  That the matter be referred to the Cabinet for consideration.


(Exempt under Paragraph 3 of the Act – information relating to the financial/business affairs of any person (including the Council))


2010 Rotherham Ltd Severance Packages/Downsizing

(Exempt under Paragraph 3 of the Act - information relating to the financial/business affairs of any person (including the Council)).



This matter was withdrawn as it was to be considered at Cabinet.