Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Planning and Transportation from May 2009 to July, 2010. - Monday 5 October 2009 10.30 a.m.

Venue: Training Room, 3rd Floor, Bailey House, Rawmarsh Road, ROTHERHAM.

No. Item


Petition for 20 mph speed limit, Meadow View Drive, Ravenfield pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Ken Wheat, Transportation Unit Manager, to report.

-           to report receipt of petition and recommendations for an alternative option.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, informing the Cabinet Member of receipt of a petition containing 52 signatures for a reduction in the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on Meadow View Drive, Ravenfield.


It was reported that the petitioners concerns had been investigated and although the Service was unable to justify their request for traffic calming measures it was considered that, the northern end of Meadow View Drive (where the road splits into two without any prescribed form of junction control) would benefit from the introduction of a give-way marking (as illustrated on Drawing No. 128/19/TT263).  It was confirmed that the cost of these marking was small and could be funded from the Council’s signing and road maintenance budget for 2009/2010.


The report also detailed the reasons why the speed limit could not be reduced, including the need for the requested speed limit to be self-enforcing, the lack of history of accidents and the relatively short length of this road.


It was noted that the impact would be monitored and a further report prepared if necessary.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the petition be received.


(2)  That the request for a reduction in the speed limit be not acceded to for the reasons given in the submitted report.


(3)  That an alternative option to implement an improved form of junction control as shown on Drawing No: 128/19/TT263 be implemented


(4)  That the lead petitioner be informed accordingly.


Woodsetts Road, North Anston - Petition about vehicle speeds within 30mph section pdf icon PDF 44 KB

Ken Wheat, Transportation Unit Manager, to report.

-           to report receipt of a petition relating to the speed of vehicles.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, relating to the receipt of a petition containing 67 signatures requesting action to alleviate a growing problem with speeding traffic on Woodsetts Road, North Anston.


It was reported that the residents’ main concern related to the residential area located within the 30mph speed limit.


It was reported that there had been no reported Personal Injury Accidents within the last 5 years.  However, as a result of two speed surveys it was concluded that a large percentage of motorists were exceeding the speed limit. 


It was reported that the location would not meet the necessary criteria and national guidance for enforcement by the Safety Camera Partnership.  Therefore it was proposed to investigate measures to improve compliance with the speed limit.


Consideration was therefore given to a proposal to investigate the feasibility of introducing a Portable Vehicle Activated Sign, which could initially be alternately positioned between two locations on Woodsetts Road. 


It was reported that the cost would be meet from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Capital Programme 2010/11.


Members present discussed the volume of traffic and accident statistics at this location.


Resolved:-  (1)  That approval be given for the introduction of a Portable Vehicle Activated Sign at this location and which can be rotated amongst other sites with similar concerns as necessary.


(2)  That the lead petitioner be informed about the outcome of the petition, and the proposal to introduce a Portable Vehicle Activated Sign.


B6463 Todwick Road, Dinnington - proposed equestrian crossing pdf icon PDF 47 KB

Ken Wheat, Transportation Unit Manager, to report.

-           to seek approval for implementing an equestrian crossing.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, detailing the results of consultations carried out on the proposed installation of a Pegasus Crossing for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders on the B6463 Todwick Road, Dinnington, associated with the Thurcroft Trail.  It was reported that consultation had taken place with the emergency services, Ward Councillors, Anston and Dinnington Parish Councils and the Passenger Transport Executive.


It was explained that the proposal would provide a formal location to cross the road when using the Trail and in addition a separate bridle path along part of Bookers Way was also proposed.  Details of the proposals were illustrated on Drawing No. 126/B6463.004 appended to the report.


Details of the estimated cost were set out in the submitted report and in addition it was explained that funding was available from Yorkshire Forward as part of the funding associated with the bridge replacement works which took place on Todwick Road two years ago.  Funding would also be made available from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Capital Programme for 2009/2010 and 2010/11 (including an allowance for necessary land purchase).


Members present raised the following issues:-


-                      desirability of a map showing the trail overall

-                      risks associated with land purchase

-                      equestrian needs

-                      issues related to shared use

-                      safety audit


Resolved:-  (1)  That the results of the consultation be noted.


(2)  That approval be given to approach the land owners during this financial year, with a view to acquiring the necessary land associated with the bridle path alongside Bookers Way, and subject to costs being commensurate with the estimate, the purchase of the land be progressed.


(3)  That approval be given for detail design to be carried out and for the Equestrian Crossing to be implemented during the 2010/11 financial year.